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Katie Wafeiling EB0C S26 uiowth Assessment Page 1

Azusa Campus Fall I Septembei 2u14

Bigital Teaching anu Leaining Reflection
Katie Wafeiling
EB0C S26 Capstone Expeiience in Bigital Teaching anu Leaining
Piofessoi: }oanne uilbieath
Azusa Campus
LiveBinuei 0RL: http:www.livebinueis.complayplay78S1S1
Septembei 27

Katie Wafeiling EB0C S26 uiowth Assessment Page 2
Azusa Campus Fall I Septembei 2u14
I began my jouiney in the Bigital Teaching anu Leaining piogiam in }anuaiy of
2u1S, uuiing the thiiu quaitei of my cieuentialing piogiam. I maue the uecision to puisue
a masteis uegiee in euucational technology veisus the tiauitional masteis in euucation foi
two ieasons; technology has always inteiesteu me anu I felt that technology woulu be the
key to ieaching stuuents. Though I keep up with technological tienus anu am an Apple
junkie, I wanteu to leain how to use technology in my classioom to effectively, allowing
liteiaiy concepts to come alive foi my stuuents.
When I began the Bigital Teaching anu Leaining piogiam, I was in the piocess of
completing my single subject teaching cieuential anu stuuent teaching in a 12
English class. In auuition to being in school anu stuuent teaching, I was also woiking pait
time as a Summei Camp Biiectoi at the YNCA. Neeuless to say, I was a little oveiwhelmeu,
but that seems to be the theme of my life.
As stateu pieviously, my main objectives foi obtaining a uegiee in Bigital Teaching
anu Leaining weie to leain how to use technology effectively in my classioom anu to ieach
my stuuents, who have giown up in a society satuiateu by technology.
Peisonal uiowth
Thiough the piocess of completing my masteis uegiee, I have leaineu quite a bit
about myself. Eaily on, I iealizeu that I am an intiapeisonal anu visual leainei; I benefit
fiom activities anu assignments that allow me to expiess myself thiough woius, anu I neeu
to see things to fully giasp expectations. I love examples! I have also founu that I cannot,
unuei any ciicumstances, stuuy, complete assignments, oi giaue at home; I will fall asleep.
In oiuei to be a piouuctive stuuent oi teachei, I have to stuuy anu complete woik at a
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coffee shop. Peisonally, I piefei to stuuy oi woik at eithei Staibucks oi Paneia Bieau,
though I may spenu a little too much at these places. Anu when I say "I may spenu a little
too much time at these place," what I mean is that, ovei the couise of the past two yeais,
the baiistas at Staibucks have leaineu my name anu coffee oiuei, anu one of the cashieis at
Paneia Bieau has inviteu me to hei baby showei. Beaulines aie my best fiienu anu woist
enemy. I value knowing when things neeu to be uone because I live out of my plannei
(papei not uigital), but I also assume I will have moie time than I uo; I tenu to
unueiestimate the amount of sleep I neeu to be a functional human being. Regaiuless of
this chaiactei flaw, I always get things uone on time. Theie seems to be something about
the auienaline iush of being on a time ciunch that I ciave.
0vei the couise of time that I have been eniolleu in this piogiam, I have maue quite
a few peisonal connections. I have met people on a similai jouiney in teaching who have
become fiienus that I know I can ieach out to if I evei questions oi neeu someone to
unueistanu my fiustiation with my thiiu peiiou class oi celebiate with me when my
stuuents mastei a uifficult concept. Foi these fiienuships I am so some giateful.
I have uefinitely giown spiiitually ovei the past yeai anu a half as well. I uon't know
that I woulu attiibute this spiiitual giowth to my puisuit of a uegiee in Bigital Teaching
anu Leaining, but I am suie theie aie small coiielations. The choice to complete my
masteis uegiee at Azusa Pacific 0niveisity was intentional. I completeu my BA in English
Liteiatuie at AP0 anu chose to continue my euucational jouiney theie because of my
expeiience as an unueigiauuate stuuent was extiemely positive. Buiing the six yeais that I
have been a stuuent at AP0, I have been both encouiageu anu challengeu spiiitually. Ny
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unueistanuing of who }esus is has been completely tiansfoimeu anu I have gaineu a new
peispective iegaiuing my iole in communicating the tiuth of the uospel.
Foi me, the completion of this uegiee means a few uiffeient things. It means that I
have met an expectation set foi me by my paients when I was young. I uiun't necessaiily
want to complete a masteis uegiee uiiectly aftei unueigiauuate uegiee, but I knew it
meant a gieat ueal to my paients, especially my uau. 0vei the couise of the past yeai, my
uau's health has been failing so as I think about timing of completing this uegiee, I am
thankful that my uau will be able to watch me walk acioss the stage. It means the woilu to
me that he will have the oppoitunity to celebiate this achievement with me.
The completion of this uegiee also means that I now have the oppoitunity to change
the way that I teach. I am constantly alteiing the way that I communicate infoimation, but
now that I have completeu this piogiam, I feel that I have a gieat ueal of new tools that I
can begin to integiate into my instiuction.
Piofessional uiowth
I have giown a gieat ueal as an euucatoi since beginning my masteis piogiam. At
the time I began my masteis piogiam, I was stuuent teaching anu now I am in my seconu
yeai teaching in my own classioom. When I think back to my uays of stuuent teaching, I
iealize that my instiuctional methous have impioveu tiemenuously. This impiovement is
both ciicumstantial anu because of the infoimation that I have gaineu fiom the Bigital
Teaching anu Leaining piogiam. Thiough the couise of this piogiam, I have hau the
oppoitunity to uesign piojects that allow my stuuents to use technology to ieseaich
content anu cieate authentic illustiations of theii leaining.
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When I wiote my "So What, Who Caies" Statement a yeai anu a half ago, I stateu, "I
believe the most impoitant elements of an effective euucatoi aie authentic ielationships,
intentional classioom management, passionate instiuction, anu faii assessment." Now,
having my classioom, I feel that these aie still the most impoitant chaiacteiistics of an
effective teachei, but I woulu oiuei them uiffeiently. I caie ueeply about my stuuents,
sometimes I think I caie a little too much about them on a peisonal level. Though this
quality allows me to connect easily with stuuents, it uoesn't always make teaching easy,
which is why I am actively woiking to builu bounuaiies in classioom. I now feel that
classioom management is at the top of the list in teims of effective teaching. If a classioom
is mismanageu, it almost makes it impossible to teach effectively. I woulu say passionate
instiuction is seconu in teims of impoitance of an effective teachei. I think stuuents neeu to
see the love theii teachei has foi a subject to uevelop a love oi toleiance of theii own. Faii
assessment anu authentic ielationships woulu tie foi thiiu place in teims of impoitance at
this point in my caieei. I guess the majoi shift I have hau to make ovei the past yeai anu a
half is seeing the kius in my classioom as stuuents uuiing the time class is in session anu
waiting until the bell iings to heai about theii weekenu oi ask them how theii game went.
It is a uifficult tiansition, but I am finuing that it is a goou one anu completely necessaiy.
When I began the Bigital Teaching anu Leaining piogiam, I was just beginning my
stuuent teaching assignment, which was the fiist time I hau evei taught foi an extenueu
peiiou of time. I completeu my stuuent teaching assignment at La Canaua Bigh School in a
giaue English class. This stuuent teaching assignment enableu me to leain fiom, anu
woik along siue, some tiuly amazing anu innovative English teacheis. Evei wonuei what
it's like to have a Baivaiu scholai of meuieval liteiatuie obseive anu ciitique youi teaching
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on a uaily basis. I can say it is about as fun anu teiiifying as it sounus. Neeuless to say, my
stuuent teaching expeiience was a time of substantial giowth foi me as an euucatoi. Since
that time I have begun teaching 1u
anu 12
giaue English in my own classioom, at the
piivate Chiistian high school that I attenueu. I am also the ASB Auvisoi anu Senioi Class
Some of the instiuctional stiategies that I have incoipoiateu into my teaching since
beginning this piogiam have been the use of Piezi, scieencasting, anu uoogle Biive. I was
iequiieu to use Piezi to cieate a piesentation in EB0C S12 anu I hau so much fun cieating
it that I began using it as piesentation methou in my classioom. NY stuuents aie so
intiigueu by the uiffeient movements of objects as I piesent infoimation. I can say that they
aie uefinitely moie engageu when I use Piezi as opposeu to Poweipoint. In EB0C S1S I was
iequiieu to cieate a Scieencast. I was intimiuateu about this iuea at fiist, but I founu that it
is much easiei than I hau oiiginally thought. I am now able to use this stiategy in classioom
as a way foi stuuents who aie absent to have an oveiview of a concept oi to cieate a ieview
foi my entiie class. All Scieencasts I cieate aie available foi my stuuents on my website.
uoogle Biive is a tool I encounteieu in my EB0C S12 anu S1S couises. This tool has maue
collaboiation in my class so easy anu enjoyable foi my stuuents. All of my English 12
stuuents aie iequiieu to have a uoogle Biive anu they aie able to shaie uocuments with
one anothei. I iegulaily have them use this tool to euit one anothei's essays anu to cieate
piesentations. Each of these stiategies has playeu a iole in incieasing engagement of
stuuents in my classioom.
Foi my Action Reseaich Repoit, I will be focusing on the topic of "exit tickets" linkeu
to uaily lessons. I feel the neeu to begin anu enu my class each uay with an intentional
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activity each uay. I cuiiently have my stuuents begin class with a "Bo Now" oi anticipatoiy
set, which piepaies the stuuents foi what we will be uoing in class on the given uay. As a
new teachei, I have founu that I am still woiking on time management in my class on a
uaily basis, anu because of this I tenu to teach up until the bell most uays. This uoes not
allow my stuuents the necessaiy time to piocess oi ieflect on what they leain each uay. I
envision "exit tickets" being a foim of infoimal assessment in my classioom, taking foim in
shoit assignments, lasting no moie than five minutes, that iequiie stuuents to apply oi
synthesize infoimation piesenteu in class on a given uay. As I implement the "exit ticket"
into my class ioutine, I will be evaluating the ietention of infoimation among my stuuents,
as well as aieas of low compiehension. Ny action ieseaich question will be as follows: Will
implementing the "exit ticket" stiategy, at the enu of each uaily lesson, inciease stuuent
ietention of content infoimation.
Technical uiowth
At the beginning of the Bigital Teaching anu Leaining piogiam, I know quite a bit
about the using an iPau anu time saving apps, but I hau not uieameu of all the ways that
technological tools coulu be implementeu in the classioom. Befoie beginning my full time
teaching position, I woikeu as a Teen Piogiams Cooiuinatoi at the YNCA. Thiough this
position I leaineu a gieat ueal about using the iPau in a business setting. I woulu use it on a
uaily bases to keep notes oiganizeu with Notability, piesent in meetings using Keynote, anu
complete iepoits anu submit them uigitally using uoogle Foims. The Bigital Teaching anu
Leaining piogiam as alloweu me to expanu upon my knowleuge of technology anu use it in
an euucational setting. Some of the most piactical skills I have acquiieu as a iesult of this
piogiam aie using my iPau in an euucational setting anu cieating euucational viueos foi my
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stuuents. In both EB0C S12 anu EB0C S1S I was iequiieu to evaluate a ceitain numbei of
Apps foi the iPau anu I founu some gieat one like, Quizlet anu Class Bojo, that I use on a
iegulai basis. In EB0C S14 I was iequiieu to evaluate euucational viueos, as well as cieate
some euucational viueos of my own. Thiough this expeiience I was able to uiscovei the
value incoipoiating TEB Talks anu Ciash Couises into my instiuction anu uevelop some
shoit viueos to ieview concepts with my stuuents.
Some technologies that I use on a iegulai basis as a iesult of this piogiam aie Piezi,
Weebly, anu my iPau. As stateu eailiei, I use Piezi (EB0C S12) to intiouuce concepts to my
stuuents. I have founu that they aie moie engageu because of the movement of the
piesentation anu as a visual leainei I finu it moie appealing than othei piesentation
platfoims. I was intiouuceu to Weebly foi the fiist time in EB0C S12 anu then ieintiouuceu
to it in EB0C S2S. I have founu it to be the most intuitive website builuing platfoims
available foi fiee. I cieateu my own classioom website using Weebly anu am able to post
infoimation anu iesouices foi stuuents on a uaily basis. Ny iPau is a tool that I have useu in
EB0C S12, S14, S1S, anu S22. The App that I use most iegulaily is Reflectoi, which allows
me to miiioi my ipau to my computei, allowing me to walk aiounu the ioom anu use my
iPau. I am then able to iun Piezis oi biowse websites with stuuents without being chaineu
to the fiont of the ioom.
Life Long Leaining Plan
When I think about peisonal anu piofessional piepaieuness, I feel that I am
piepaieu in a tempoiaiy sense, but not long teim. What I mean by this is that I am
piepaieu on a uaily basis, but I know I have a lot of woik to uo to be piepaieu long teim. I
uon't think I will evei be completely satisfieu with the way I teach eveiything, but I want to
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come to a place wheie I feel goou about at least fifty peicent of what seems. In oiuei to
achieve this, my plan is to keep putting in the woik to cieate assignments anu assessments
that aie intentional. I also plan to take pait in uiffeient foims of piofessional uevelopment.
I plan to attenu the C0E confeience this yeai, as well as obseive othei euucatois eveiy
chance I get. Ny hope is that by watching otheis uo gieat things, I will be able to uesign my
own gieat things.
Buiing my time in this piogiam I become awaie of my neeu to take caie of myself
anu to collaboiate with othei euucatois. I tenu to spenu so much piepping anu giauing
outsiue of the classioom that I foiget that I neeu to eat, sleep, anu exeicise. I know this
sounus like an exaggeiation, but I ieally uo skip a lot of meals anu loose valuable houis of
sleep because of woik. Buiing the school yeai, I iaiely feel like a functional human being. I
know I neeu to finu a balance between teaching anu taking caie of myself in oiuei to give
moie to my stuuents on a uaily basis. I also know that benefit fiom collaboiation with othei
teacheis. Because I woik at a piivate school, I am the only teachei teaching the ceitain
couises. I take upon myself to ieach out to teacheis at othei schools who teach the couises
that I teach because I know I neeu input on what I am uoing. I love to shaie iueas anu heait
what othei people aie uoing so I can teach concepts bettei.
In oiuei to stay awaie of new uevelopments in the fielu of euucation anu
technology, I plan to continue taking classes anu attenuing confeiences that peitain to
euucation. I have leaineu that I love leaining anu will always be a stuuent in some iegaiu. I
want to continue taking classes, even when I am uone with this uegiee. I also want to
attenu as many euucational confeiences as I can. I am most inteiesteu in attenuing C0E anu
Naking Leaining visible.
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The aiea that I want to uevelop the most in teims of instiuction is the use of the iPau
in my classioom. Ny school is cuiiently in the piocess of going 1:1. Next yeai all of my
stuuents will have iPaus, which is both exciting anu teiiifying at the same time. I know I
still have so much to leain in iegaius to teaching with a tablet. I plan to use much of next
summei ueveloping stiategies that will make tablets a meaningful aspect of my English
To be honest, I uon't see myself in the classioom in ten yeais. Teaching is something
that I enjoy anu I am ueuicateu to giving it my all while I am involveu in it, but I know it is
not something that I want to be uoing when I have a family. I have founu that teaching high
school well takes a gieat ueal of time anu I uon't evei want to have to compiomise my
teaching oi my paienting. I know that theie aie some fantastic teacheis who aie also
amazing paients, but knowing myself, I know that one woulu always natuially come befoie
the othei. So in ten yeais I am not suie what I will be uoing, but I know that whatevei it is, I
will be loving it anu woiking haiu at it.

Bistoiy of Couisewoik anu Couise Evaluation

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Founuations in
Bigital Teaching
anu Leaining

Boyle Pottei

Spiing I
- - LiveBinuei LiveBinuei
Piofi ci ency Piofi ci ency
- - Woiul e Woiul e
- - Aiti cul ati on of Aiti cul ati on of
euucati onal euucati onal
phi l osophy phi l osophy
-I thought this couise offeieu a stiong
intiouuction to the piogiam. I was able to
easily complete the couisewoik while
woiking on my cieuential.
Katie Wafeiling EB0C S26 uiowth Assessment Page 11
Azusa Campus Fall I Septembei 2u14


Naik Rounus

Fall II
-0se of vaiious
-uoogle Biive
-Cieation of
-This is one of the couises that I felt I was
exposeu to the most piactical infoimation in. I
ieally enjoyeu having Naik as a piofessoi. Be
was helpful anu iespectful of oui time as
woiking piofessionals.

Bigital viueo in
the Classioom

Naik Rounus

Spiing II
-Auobe voice
-viueo Euiting
-0sing viueo to
engage stuuents
-In this couise, I was able to cieate some
viueos foi my classes that I am still using. I
ieally enjoyeu using iNovie anu teaching my
stuuents to use it.


}effiey Lee

Fall II
-Cieation of
Poucasts anu
-Scieencast using
Scieencast 0 Natic
-Collaboiation using
uoogle Bocuments
-uoogle Biive collaboiation anu Scieencasting
weie the most beneficial skills taken away
fiom this couise. I use both of these
technologies on a iegulai basis in my

Leaining in the
21st Centuiy

}ennifei Couiuuff

Spiing I
technology anu
multiple intelligence
theoiy to uevelop
piojects that meet
the neeus of vaiious
leaining styles.

- I founu multiple intelligence theoiy to be
extiemely inteiesting. I am now able to assess
stuuents baseu on theii leaining styles anu I
uo my best to uesign activities foi multiple
leaining styles.

Bigital Teaching
anu Leaining

}oanne uilbieath

Fall I
-Reflection of Bigital
Teaching anu
Leaining Piogiam
-Besigning a
cuiiiculai unit foi
-I founu the uiowth Assessment to be
beneficial as it offeieu me the oppoitunity to
ieflect on my expeiience in the piogiam anu I
enjoyeu the ieseaich anu aspect of the
Reseaich Action Assignment.

Evaluation of the Impact of the Bigital Teaching anu Leaining Piogiam
A stiategy that I have not yet useu, but plan to implement as a iesult of the Bigital
Teaching anu Leaining piogiam is "flipping my classioom" oi least flipping some of my
lectuies. In EB0C S2S I was iequiieu to use Novenote to cieate a flippeu classioom lesson.
Katie Wafeiling EB0C S26 uiowth Assessment Page 12
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Again, I founu that something that seemeu intimiuating to me was faiily easy. I was able to
cieate a piesentation anu talk thiough each sliue, with a viueo of me talking on the siue. I
want to implement this stiategy foi two ieasons; I teach a few kius who aie involveu in the
inuustiy anu I teach seniois. Kius who aie actively acting on television seiies oi web seiies
will be out of class foi months at a time, anu seniois just miss class because they feel like
they can. Baving my lectuies oi a least my moie lengthy lectuies, available online foi
stuuents woulu allow my stuuents a place to obtain infoimation that they woulu otheiwise
not be able to get. 0nce I have the time to uo it, I plan to use Novenote so that I can iecoiu
myself going thiough a lectuie anu have it on my website foi stuuents to iefeience. In the
futuie I may even become biave enough to have all of my stuuents go thiough the lectuie
online so we can get stiaight to woik in class the next uay.
Piogiam Evaluation
I have been a stuuent at AP0 foi six yeais now, anu I can honestly say that it has
been one of the most positive times of my life. Ny unueigiauuate expeiience is
incompaiable to anything else that I have evei expeiience because of the ielationships that
I was able to foim anu the community that was facilitateu by AP0 staff. This is something
that I founu tiue of the cieuentialing anu masteis piogiam as well. Buiing the past yeai
anu a half, I have encounteieu so many wonueiful people in my class who I now consiuei
fiienus. The piofessois who have been a pait of this expeiience have been caiing anu
encouiaging, in auuition to being expeits in theii fielu. I am beyonu giateful to be known by
piofessois on a peisonal level as opposeu to simply being a numbei. I am especially
giateful foi the piofessois anu mentois who weie placeu in my life uuiing my cieuential
piogiam, specifically my stuuent teaching expeiience. Both my AP0 mentoi anu mastei
Katie Wafeiling EB0C S26 uiowth Assessment Page 13
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teachei weie a gieat souice of encouiagement to me anu I know I am a bettei teachei
because of theii guiuance. As a iesult of the Bigital Teaching anu Leaining piogiam, I feel
that I have a aiiay tools that I am able to integiate into my instiuction to make it bettei anu
to engage my stuuents.
I woulu say that theie aie uefinitely moie stiengths to the cieuentialing anu masteis
piogiam than weaknesses. I believe that a few stiengths of the piogiams aie the piofessois
teaching the couises, the content coveieu in the couises, anu stuuent teaching placement.
As stateu pieviously, I am so thankful foi each of the piofessois who I have encounteieu
thioughout this jouiney. I founu each of them to be knowleugeable in theii fielu anu
encouiaging towaiu theii stuuents. The content coveieu in both cieuentialing classes anu
the masteis piogiam has been thoiough anu intentional. Thiough the content coveieu in
each class, I have been able to uesign meaningful lessons foi my stuuents, using technology
that engages them. Noie than anything else, I am giateful foi my stuuent teaching
expeiience, which was both challenging anu eye opening. I feel that stuuent teaching
placement is uefinitely a stiength, as I know the Euucation uepaitment woikeu haiu to get
me my numbei choice of placement. I honestly cannot think of veiy many weaknesses of
the piogiam. The one thing that comes to minu is that a few couises uuiing my
cieuentialing piogiam seemeu to be a little moie geaieu towaiu multiple subject stuuents
than single subject stuuents. I feel that when classes aie mixeu with multiple anu single
subject stuuents, instiuction seems to fall moie towaiu multiple subject stuuents, which
can be fiustiating when you aie not a multiple subject stuuent. 0ne weakness in teims of
the Bigital Teaching Piogiam is that I was not iequiieu to use my iPau in the capacity that I
hau been tolu I woulu. I can only think of one assignment out of the entiie piogiam that
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absolutely iequiieu the iPau. I peisonally uiun't minu this because I hau an iPau befoie
beginning the piogiam anyway anu I use it in my classioom on a iegulai basis, but I can
imagine that stuuents who puichaseu an iPau specifically foi the piogiam woulu be
fiustiateu by this.
I have two iecommenuations foi the piogiam as a whole. 0ne woulu to incluue the
iPau into moie of the couisewoik. This is something that I stateu pieviously, but I ieally
feel it is impoitant foi stuuents to be using a piece of technology that is iequiieu foi the
piogiam. The seconu iecommenuation woulu be to incoipoiate moie content uiiven
assignments. I am uone with the piogiam anu I have gaineu so much useful infoimation
anu skills, but I wish I hau moie infoimation oi expeiience integiating the technology
specifically into an English class. Those aie my only two iecommenuations foi the

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