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Volleyball Unit Plan

Unit Activity

Unit Context Physical Environment: The location will be in the Carranballac gym.
Ideally, there will be no more than 25 students per class

Equipment Access: I have access to a large sports shed with all different
types of equipment to utilize. There are badminton nets (to make
modified courts) as well as a regular volleyball net. There are enough
regular volleyballs for a set to share between 2-4 students

Links to
- Develop and refine a range of movement and manipulative skills;
for example, spiking a volleyball
- Develop their understanding of the physical, mental, social and
emotional benefits of participation in physical activity, and
examine factors which influence such participation
- Students engage in activities which develop strategic thinking and
tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performance
in competitive sports or games
- Collaborate with team members planning strategies and
practising set plays for responding to games-based tactical
Unit Goal To introduce students to the game of volleyball and all the concepts that
are involved so they will be confident and able to play a match
Unit Objectives Students will demonstrate they are proficient in the skills of bumping,
setting, serving, blocking, offensive and defensive strategies. This will be
assessed through participating weekly.

Students will be able to name critical elements, strategies, and rules of

Students will enthusiastically and truthfully compete in volleyball lessons,
follow the rules, and respect each other during the class.

Name: Tom Siinmaa 6 week block
Content Outline Skill:



Critical Elements:

Athletic Stance-Knees
bent, legs shoulder
width apart
Arms down in front
straight forming a
Left hand makes a fist,
right hand covers the
Thumbs together, DO
Bumping movement
comes from squatting
motion NOT arm

Staggered stance with
dominant foot slightly
forward, legs a little
closer than shoulder
width with a slight
Arms overhead slightly
bent able to see finger
Pointer finger and
thumbs form a
triangle, fingers spread
widely not held rigid to
create a cradle for
the ball
Follow through with
fingertips out to sides

Dont swing
Stay low
Flat platform
Straight arms
Do Not cross

Get under the
Follow through
No spin
Drink the water
with hands
imagine drinking a
bottle of water

Serving (Overhand)

Serving (Underhand)

Place ball in non-
dominant hand, and
use a slight toss
Dominant hand is
pulled back with
fingertips by ears and
elbow straight back
Make contact with ball
at highest peak after
Dominant hand is tight
together looking like a
high five
Follow through with
dominant arm where
you want the ball to go

Place ball in non-
dominant hand with
non dominant foot
Dominant hand forms
a tight palm up fist
Bring dominant arm
back and make contact
with ball still on
dominant hand, NO
Follow through the
direction you want ball
to go

Legs together, arms
bent, hands by ears in
ready position
Follow the set ball to
whichever hitter it
goes to
Explode of f the
ground, raise arms to
straight, fingers spread
and rigid

Easy toss
Arm back like a
bow and arrow
Make a high five
Follow through

Arm swing like a
No Toss
Make contact on
Follow through

Explode off
Stop ball from
coming over
Rigid fingers

Offensive Strategy

Defensive Strategy
Bump, Set, Spike
Three touches per side
Hitter wants to take
approach, make
contact with set at the
highest point, swing
and follow through
quickly to propel ball
to the ground

Basic Defensive
strategy is to bump
return the ball to the
Blockers want to slow
down the path of the
hit ball from the
opponent or stop the
ball from coming over

Take approach
Quick Arm

Stay low
Quick Feet
Accurate Passes
Scope and
Sequence of
Informing Tasks:
Explain the critical elements of
Athletic stance-legs slightly
bent, shoulder width apart.
Left hand makes a fist, right
hand covers fist, arms straight
out in front making a platform,
shoulders down and back.
The bumping motion comes
from moving the legs in a
squatting motion NOT
swinging the arms.
Teacher will demonstrate and
have a student toss.

Explain the critical elements of
Legs little but closer than
shoulder width apart.
Dominant foot a little bit
Hands overhead able to see
fingers, arms slightly bent.
Pointer fingers and thumbs
form a triangle the rest of the
fingers spread far apart and
not held rigid.
Have a teacher demonstration
by a student passing.

Explain the critical elements of
the underhand serve:
Ball is held in non-dominant
palm, non-dominant leg is
slightly forward
Dominant hand forms a palm
up fist
Arm comes back and fist
makes contact with ball while
still on hand
Follow through to the
direction you want the ball to
go to
Critical Elements of the
Overhand Serve:
Non-dominant foot is slightly
forward and fall is held in
dominant hand slightly above
Dominant hand is coiled back
in a straight line with the
fingers by the ear, elbow
straight back
Give ball a slight toss in the air
and make contact with ball in

Ask students to bump back
and forth to a partner for
two minutes. After the
teacher will ask students to
try and reach the goal of 10
bumps in a row without
dropping. Will modify
number if it is to hard or to
easy for students.
-Give specific feedback and
pinpoint a student group
bumping correctly.

Students will try and keep
the ball up in their partner
groups using only the set for
two minutes. After they will
try and keep the ball up 10
times without letting it hit
the ground. Will modify the
number if it is to hard for
-Remember to pinpoint
student group and give
specific feedback

The students will first
practice the underhand
serve against the wall using
the proper technique for 3
minutes. If they have
mastered the underhand
they are allowed to try
overhand, if not they can
stick with underhand.
Teacher will give specific
feedback and pull students
aside to give special help as
serving is difficult.

Students will practice
whichever serve they want
to improve on trying to aim
at their partner on the 10ft
line for 4 minutes. If they
have been successful and
accurate they can take a
step back and progress
further until they have
made it the serving line.
The object of this game is
to keep the ball up
between your team
longer than the other
team. One student will
toss the ball to the
person across in the
other line than they will
run and get behind that
line. The person will
bump to the next and run
to the other line.
Show student
demonstration and
provide specific feedback
to improve skills.

The students goal is to
see which team can keep
their ball up the longest
by only setting to the
team mate across from
them. Once they set they
must run behind the
group of students and
get in the back of the
opposite line.

The object of the game is
to get all of your team
mates on to the other
side of the court. How
this is done is, one
person from each team
starts off serving. If they
get it over they run to the
spot where it landed on
the other side of the net
and lay down as big as
they can make
themselves. The next
person from each team
goes and tries to get
there ball to hit their
teammate than they go
over lay down and
connect to one of their
teammates body part.
The first team to get all
the players to the other
side wins!

Go over the critical elements of
Legs together, arms bent and
hands by ears before jumping
When ball goes up, explode
from the ground, straighten
the arms and keep fingers
spread apart and tight
Make contact with the ball to
block it from crossing the net
or slow it down
Show teacher demonstration.

Offensive/Defensive Strategies:
Talk to students about the
basic offensive strategies of
bump, set and spike (hit). Tell
students thats what they
should work up to during
game play. Have one student
toss the ball and demonstrate
the spike.
Critical elements of the spike:
Take approach, arm makes
contact with ball at highest
point, swing and follow
through quickly.

Quickly explain about
defensive strategy to students
and say how it is basically
using the bump to return a
spike to the setter.

Slap the ball and that is the
signal to jump as high as
possible to block. The
students will explode off the
ground take two steps and
the teacher will slap the ball
again and students will
jump again. Students will
repeat several round and
teacher will make sure to
pinpoint and give specific

Students will be practicing
hitting against the wall with
the proper spiking
techniques. They will
practice close to wall and
than move out further.
Make sure to give feedback
and pinpoint.

Demonstrate how to
block and back pedal to
transition to hit for the
three separate hitting
positions (outside,
middle and right side).
The purpose is to get
students moving quickly
and work on agility
which will lead to
offensive and defensive

One student will practice
spiking the ball at their
partner and the other
will practice bumping
the spike. They will do
this for 5 minutes and
then switch. Teacher
will show demonstration
with one student. Make
sure to give specific
feedback and pinpoint.

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