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Abridge, to shorten, to reduce

Absolve, to free from guilt

Acrimonious, angry and bitter
Alacrity, brisk and cheerful readiness
Amicable, friendly, peaceful
Ardor, strong feeling of passion, energy or zeal (ardent)
Assiduous , working with care, perseverance
Astute, observant, intelligent shrewd
Bereft, lacking or deprived of
Bombastic, inflated or pompous
Buttress, something that supports and strengthens
Camaraderie, a spirit of friendship
Candor, openness, honesty, friendliness (Candid)
Carping, unfair or excessively critical, querulous
Caustic, of criticism or mockery, corrosive
Censure, blame, condemnation
Circumlocution, wordliness due to speaking in a roundabout way
Circumscribe, define by limit or boundary
Cloying, overly sweet and sentimental
Consternation, shock, amazement, dismay
Contrite, sorry for past misdeeds
Corroborating, supporting with evidence
Culpable, deserving blame, guilty
Debased, lower in quality or value
Decorous, having good taste, proper, appropriate
Deleterious, harmful
Delineate, describe
Didactic, intended to teach, instructive
Diffident, reserved and shy
Discomfit, to frustrate, thwart or embarrass
Divination, predicting the future
Dogmatic, hold firmly to a particular set of beliefs
Efficacious, able to create desirable effect (efficacy)
Egregrious, outstandingly bad, shocking
Emend, to correct
Emissary, representative
Emollient, softens or soothes, mollifying
Enervate, reduce energy or strength of someone
Engender, to produce and cause
Evanescent, vanishing like vapour, fragile and transient
Exasperate, to irritate or annoy
Exculpate, to free from blame and guilt
Expedite, to carry out promptly
Expiate, to atone for
Expropriate, to seize ownership of
Extant, in existence
Extenuate, to make less serious
Extol, greatly praise
Extricate, to free from difficult/complicated situation
Extrinsic, opposite to intrinsic
Facile, superficial (of an argument)
Flagrant, obviously wrong and offensive
Florid, flowery, fancy
Foppish, of a man, foolishly vain
Fortuitous, lucky, fortunate
Fractious, troublesome, unruly
Frenetic, fast and energetic in a wild and uncontrolled way
Genial, friendly, cheerful
Gratuitous, given freely without cause
Impetuous, acting impulsively or hastily
Impinge, to encroach upon
Impute, to give credit and responsibility to
Incorrigible, impossible to reform
Indomitable, unable to be conquered or controlled
Ineffable, difficult to describe or express
Inept clumsy, showing no skill
Inexorable, unable to be deterred
Insipid, flavourless, uninteresting
Interlocutor, someone taking part in a dialogue or conversation
Interminable, endless or seemingly endless
Intransigent, unwilling to compromise
Insidious proceeding subtly but in a harmful way
Inundate, to flood and overwhelm
Inveterate, persistent, habitual
Languid, without energy, slow, sluggish, listless
Lassitude fatigue, weariness
Laudatory, giving praise
Lethargic, lacking energy, sluggish
Lurid, shocking, gruesome
Malinger, pretend illness to avoid work
Modicum, a small amount
Munificent, very generous, lavish
Nondescript, without distinctive qualities
Nuance, a subtle difference or quality
Obtrusive, overly prominent
Onerous, heavy burdensome
Opulent, rich, lavish
Ostentatious, overly showy, pretentious
Pallid, dull, pale
Parched, Very dry, thirsty
Pellucid, very clear, transparent, comprehendable
Penurious, extremely stingy, frugal
Perfunctory, unenthusiastic, routine, mechanical
Perfidious, disloyal, treacherous
Perspicacity, keenness of observation and understanding
Peruse, to examine or study
Phlegmatic, sluggish and unemotional
Placate, to soothe or please
Portend, to indicate a future event, to forebode
Precocious, mature at unusually early age
Prosaic, everyday, dull
Pugnacious, combative, bellicose
Punctilious, very concerned about proper forms of behavior and manners
Querulous, complaining, whining
Rancorous, expressing bitter hostility (Rancor)
Redoubtable, inspiring respect, awe, or fear
Resplendent, glowing, shining
Rhapsodize, to praise in wildly emotional way
Sagacious, discerning, wise
Sanctimonious, expressing false or excessive piety
Sedentary, requiring much sitting
Serendipity, ability to make lucky accidental discoveries
Spurious, fake
Staid, Sedate, serious, grave
Surfeit, an excess
Talisman, object supposed to have magical effects or qualities
Tedium, boredom
Temerity, boldness, rashness
Timorous, fearful, timid
Toady, someone who flatters a superior in hope of gaining favour,
Unstinting, giving freely and generously
Untenable, impossible to defend
Variegated, spotted with different colours
Vestige, a trace or a reminder
Vex, to irritate, annoy or trouble
Vicarious , confirm, justift or defend

- Unknown words cause panic
- Leading to the rejection of known words which dont fit too well in favour of an unknown word
- Varying degree of correctness may occur, choose one which best correlates with the clue
- If word doesnt look familiar, try to play with the suffix a little to see if it reminds you of any word

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