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//AlanJackson Azzotos

L AutoParty Gryffith Azzotos Chacal AlanJackson EverBoy SeinjirO KATCHUCIA

//Invitar Com Pm
?PM @CreatureSay aname == "Gryffith" \
and text == "ptp" : \
Invite random Gryffith
?PM @CreatureSay aname == "Azzotos" \
and text == "ptp" : \
Invite random Azzotos
?PM @CreatureSay aname == "Chacal" \
and text == "ptp" : \
Invite random Chacal
?PM @CreatureSay aname == "AlanJackson" \
and text == "ptp" : \
Invite random AlanJackson
?PM @CreatureSay aname == "EverBoy" \
and text == "ptp" : \
Invite random EverBoy
?PM @CreatureSay aname == "SeinjirO" \
and text == "ptp" : \
Invite random SeinjirO
?PM @CreatureSay aname == "KATCHUCIA" \
and text == "ptp" : \
Invite random KATCHUCIA
//Blobl Stab
?Skills T(1500) php(target(me))<100 \
and alive(target(me)) \
and not isFriend (target(me)) \
and (zone ~= 12) \
and not dead(target(me)) \
and skillCoolTime(10508) == 0 : \
Cast 10508
//Heart Breaker
?Skills T(1500) php(target(me))<100 \
and alive(target(me)) \
and not isFriend (target(me)) \
and (zone ~= 12) \
and not dead(target(me)) \
and skillCoolTime(10509) == 0 : \
Cast 10509
//Chain Blow
?Skills T(1500) php(target(me))<100 \
and alive(target(me)) \
and not isFriend (target(me)) \
and (zone ~= 12) \
and not dead(target(me)) \
and skillCoolTime(10510) == 0 : \
Cast 10510
?Skills T(1500) php(target(me))<100 \
and alive(target(me)) \
and not isFriend (target(me)) \
and (zone ~= 12) \
and not dead(target(me)) \
and skillCoolTime($Reverse) == 0 : \
Cast $Reverse
?Plund T(1500) php(target(me))<100 \
and alive(target(me)) \
and not isFriend (target(me)) \
and (zone ~= 12) \
and not dead(target(me)) \
and skillCoolTime($Plunder) == 0 : \
Cast $Plunder
?Aoe T(1500) php(target(me))<100 \
and alive(target(me)) \
and not isFriend (target(me)) \
and (zone ~= 12) \
and not dead(target(me)) \
and skillCoolTime($RazorRain) == 0 : \
Cast $RazorRain
//Aletra por Enemy e PM
?Alert P(1000, 10000) isEnemy(actor) \
and zone~=12 : \
Playsound enemy ; Display 1 ("ENEMY na Area")
?Alert @CreatureSay type==2 : \
Playsound enemy
//Alarme por Party
S EnableGroup PTAlert off
?PTAlert PT(10000) partySize < 6 \
and (zone ~= 12) : \
PlaySound enemy
//Scorpion Poison
?Self T(4800) effectTime(10535) == 0 \
and (zone ~= 12) \
and skillCoolTime(10535) == 0 : \
Cast 10535
//Maximum Critical
?Self T(4600) effectTime($MaximumCritical) == 0 \
and (zone ~= 12) \
and skillCoolTime($MaximumCritical) == 0: \
Cast $MaximumCritical
//Aura e shots
?Self T(500) effectTime($OthellAura) == 0 : Cast $OthellAura
?Self T(1000) AutoShot 33780 on
?Self T(1000) AutoShot 17754 on
//Accept Ress
//@Resurrection isMember(actor) or actor == me : (random(1000,30
00)) Revive 1
//Follow e Assist
+F AutoFollow (target(me)) 50 80 ; Display 0 ("Siguiendo a "
?Ass @TargetSelected name(actor) == env("ma") : Assist (env("ma"
+M Assign ma = name(target(me)) ; Display 0 ("MainAssist by "..n
+A EnableGroup Ass
//Desconectar x Morto
?Dc T(30000,60000) dead(me) : \
Display 1 ("Vai tomar DC se nao ressar")
?Dc T(300000) dead(me) : Logout forced
//Desconectar Com Pm
S EnableGroup Pm on
?PM @CreatureSay type ==2 \
and text == "lgo" : \
Logout forced
//Equipar Arma
S EnableGroup Wp on
?Wp T(1000) HoldWeapon on
//Ligar AOE
S EnableGroup Pm on
?PM @CreatureSay type ==3 \
and text == "ligaaoe" : \
EnableGroup Aoe on ; \
//Desligar AOE
S EnableGroup Pm on
?PM @CreatureSay type ==3 \
and text == "offaoe" : \
EnableGroup Aoe off ; \
//Desativa Todos os Grupos ao Iniciar
S EnableGroup Plund off ; \
EnableGroup Skills off ; \
EnableGroup Aoe off ; \
EnableGroup Self off ; \
EnableGroup Dc off ; \
EnableGroup PTAlert off ; \
EnableGroup Ass off ; \
EnableGroup Wp off ; \
EnableGroup Alert off ; \
Display 1 ("Todos os Grupos Desativados")
//Desativa Todos os Grupos Com "O"
+O EnableGroup Plund off ; \
EnableGroup Skills off ; \
EnableGroup Aoe off ; \
EnableGroup Self off ; \
EnableGroup Dc off ; \
EnableGroup PTAlert off ; \
EnableGroup Ass off ; \
EnableGroup Wp off ; \
EnableGroup Alert off ; \
Display 1 ("Todos os Grupos Desativados")
//Desativa Todos os Grupos Por Teleport
@Teleport actor == me and distance> 1000: \
EnableGroup Plund off ; \
EnableGroup Skills off ; \
EnableGroup Aoe off ; \
EnableGroup Self off ; \
EnableGroup Dc off ; \
EnableGroup PTAlert off ; \
EnableGroup Ass off ; \
EnableGroup Wp off ; \
EnableGroup Alert off ; \
Display 1 ("Todos os Grupos Desativados Por Teleport")
//Ativa Grupos de Lvleo com "L"
+L EnableGroup Plund on ; \
EnableGroup Skills on ; \
EnableGroup Aoe off ; \
EnableGroup Self on ; \
EnableGroup Dc off ; \
EnableGroup PTAlert off ; \
EnableGroup Ass on ; \
EnableGroup Wp on ; \
EnableGroup Alert off ; \
Display 1 ("Todos os Grupos Ativados")
//Desativar com PM
?PM @CreatureSay type ==2 \
and text == "tno" : \
EnableGroup Plund off ; \
EnableGroup Skills off ; \
EnableGroup Aoe off ; \
EnableGroup Self off ; \
EnableGroup Dc off ; \
EnableGroup PTAlert off ; \
EnableGroup Ass off ; \
EnableGroup Wp off ; \
EnableGroup Alert off ; \
Display 1 ("Todos os Grupos Desativados Por PM")
//Ativar Com Pm
?PM @CreatureSay type ==2 \
and text == "wkp" : \
EnableGroup Plund on ; \
EnableGroup Skills on ; \
EnableGroup Aoe off ; \
EnableGroup Self on ; \
EnableGroup Dc off ; \
EnableGroup PTAlert off ; \
EnableGroup Ass on ; \
EnableGroup Wp on ; \
EnableGroup Alert off ; \
Display 1 ("Todos os Grupos AtivadosPor Pm")
Endereo IPv4:
Servidores DNS IPv4:
Fabricante: Realtek
Descrio: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
Verso do driver: 8.20.815.2013
Endereo fsico: ?00-90-F5-F9-C3-9A

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