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This specific magazine,

Kerrang, is aimed at an
audience that is into rock
/alternative music.
Stereotypically we can see
this through the colour scheme
that has been chosen: ed,
black and white which can be
represented as dark and dull.
!ut at the same time stands
The way that Kerrang gets peoples
attention to the magazine is the
way they lay it out. "n all of their
#agazines they have the masthead
Kerrang at the type of the page in
the same typeface each time as it
becomes a recognizable word that
anyone can spot out.
$s Kerrang is a music magazine each
%dition has a large central main image
&hich takes up most of the cover, however,
This shows that what band is on the front
's going to be the headlining main article.
(or e)ample *ammstein* is displayed in
+arge font and with a type face that stands
"ut from the other words on the page.
To make the magazine more
appealing to the readers
Kerrang has included some
,uff/buzz words to promote
what can be included within
the magazine, such as
,osters. This can draw the
intended reader into reading
the magazine as they may be
interested in what is being
offered. This can also be
a positive thing to some
people who may not be
necessarily interest in the
articles themselves but maybe
of a poster of a band they like.
$nother included feature that Kerrang has used is a pull
-uote which is basically when a magazine has interviewed
someone or a group of people they take a -uote of what has
been said to use on the front cover to use as a incentive to
draw the readers in. (or e)ample the way that they have used
*There*s something dangerous about us./ from ammstein it
makes you want to read on to find out what this may mean.

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