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ClearFlow Trial Results

Excerpt from: Abbott Medical Optics Unveils Two New Products article
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Monday, October 27, 2014
ClearFlow Trial Results
Anaheim-based ClearFlow Inc. said a clinical study showed positive results
for its PleuraFlow Active Clearance Technology device in reducing hospital
complications after heart surgery.
The study looked at a method for actively clearing chest tubes of clotted
blood in order to prevent retained blood complications. It showed that there
was a 42% reduction of complication in the group that was treated with
Results show a clear clinical benefit for patients that can also be translated
to a significant economic value for hospitals and payers, Paul Molloy,
ClearFlows chief executive, said in a statement.
Most hospitals are shouldering the burden of extensive cost increases due to
lack of consistent protocols regarding blood evaluation post-cardiac surgery
and the unacceptable failure with current available drains, he said.
PleuraFlow was also found to reduce rates of atrial fibrillation, a form of
irregular heartbeat.
Dr. Theodor Fischlein of the Klinikum Nurnberg Heart Center in Germany
conducted the study. Results were presented at the Cardiovascular-Thoracic
Critical Care 2014 annual meeting in Washington, D.C. The meeting is
organized by the Foundation for the Advancement of CardioThoracic
Surgical Care.

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