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Prehistoric Indians Quiz on ________________________________

Scott Foresman Social Studies Ohio
Chapter 3, Lesson 1 p 62 to 67
Notebook Notes

Ohio as America Online text
Unit One, Chapter 2
( on Mrs. Schrotes website under social studies)
Log on is your last name and password is chapman.

Early people arrived in Ohio before history was written down. We call this prehistoric.
Know the order of the early peoples arrival into Ohio and important facts about each.
Arrived in Ohio about 15,000 years ago Moved from place to place to find food.
Lived during the last ice age while the land was
covered with ice and snow and it was COLD
- Gathered nuts and berries
- Hunted large mammals with spears by making
points of flint
- Fished

2.)Archaic Indians
Lived after the ice age so climate was warmer Hunted and gathered food, fished
Settled in villages in groups Started growing crops like squash
Moved as the seasons changed Left artifacts behind such as tools, necklaces and
bracelets made of stone, cooper and bone.

3.)Woodland Indians
Appeared about 3000 years ago Cultivated new plants- sunflowers, corn
Included the Adena and Hopewell Indians Build earthen mounds over gravesites to honor
their dead.
Hunted, gathered, fished Left artifacts-pottery, tools, jewelry in the graves

We learn about these early people by studying the artifacts that were left behind.
The Adena and Woodland traded with distant groups. We know this because artifacts were found made
of materials not originally from Ohio.

4.) Late Prehistoric Indians
Also known as Fort Ancient Indians Depended on farming
Hunted forest animals, Created circular and animal shaped mounds such
as the Serpent Mound
Lived in permanent villages

Migrate-to travel
Culture-way of life
Artifact-object made by humans
Archeologist-scientist who studies the past
Extinct-no longer exists

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