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Year: 2007/2008
Class: 5 A et B


Duration: 2 hours

First semester composition

TEXT : The Shoe cleaner

Pathe is a shoe cleaner who lives in Medina. Hes thirteen years old and he
is tall. He works during the school holidays and on Sundays. He starts
working at 7. 30 in the morning and finishes at 6 o clock in the evening.
He is rich because he gets 20 customers a day. He sits on a stool and his
customers sit on a small bench.Pathe enjoys his job and likes earning money.
1- Comprehension (8 pts)
a- Answer these questions (4pts)
1) What does Pathe do?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) When does he work?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3) Why is he rich?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4) where does he sit?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B-Yes/No Questions
1) Is Pathe a customer?
--------------------------------------------2) Is he a young boy?
----------------------------------------------3) Does he work all the year?
--------------------------------------------------4) Does he smart working at night?

2- Linguistic Competence(12pts)
a- Tag questions(4pts)
1) His name is Ali.
2) I am your best
3) Fatou does not go to school.
4) The students arent doing a test.
b- Put the verbs in the simple present(4pts)
1) She ------------------------ get 20 customers a day (can)

2) Ali and fatou ------------------- good students (not-to be)

3) the teacher ------------------ the lesson (to explain)
4) -------------------- you -------------- basket ball? (to play)
C-Put the verbs in the Present progressive (4pts)
1) The pupil ------- the book. (to read)
2) The child ------------- with toys. (not- to play)
3) What ------ you---------------, now? (to do)
4) The headmaster ---------------- new classrooms (to build)


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