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Steps for Daily Living

Pleiadian Tools
Dedicated to those who are seeking Truth for themselves
Christine Day
As we move deeper into the transition that is taking place on planet Earth,
the Pleiadians say that the time has now come for us to start mastering the
energetic tools that will enable us to consciously complete our awakening
and self-healing process in preparation for 12-12-12 and beyond.
The new frequencies of light and sound that are now bathing the planet are
awakening us to the remembrance of and reconnection with our true Selves.
One of the key messages from the Pleiadians is that we must accept our
humanness, and open to honoring ourselves for being here on this earth
plane at this time. To come to an understanding that as human beings we
are perfectly imperfect and we have come here to make mistakes in order
to learn.
In this new dawning time we are meant to build a new relationship with our
human aspect, holding ourselves with love and compassion for all our
experiences and for having the courage to be here on this earth plane at
this time.
By accepting our human aspects we can then take another step towards our
connection with our Higher Nature. Embracing our humanness creates a
more conscious connection to the support of the universal energies. This will
allow us to more easily navigate our way through this important transition
taking place, from a 3rd dimensional to a 4th 5th dimensional existence.
The Pleiadians offer these tools to guide you through this transition with ease
and grace, to bring you to a new level of love and understanding of Self, and
to accelerate your self-birthing into these new energies. The more you have an
understanding and clarity of this time, the more you can step forward
consciously into your enlightenment process.
You made a conscious sacred choice to be here at this time on Earth.
Yes, you did. It is important for you to claim this Truth about yourself and your
life. As you choose consciously to accept the choice you have made to be
here it allows the wheels to turn forward, and aligning you more to your task,
your mission.
Yes, you do have a mission here, and part of that mission involves taking
responsibility for a series of pre-agreements you made to be here now.

By consciously claiming this sacred choice you are choosing to remember.
You choose to consciously witness the 3rd dimensional illusion on planet
Earth, which is fully connected to the ego mind, and to consciously move
towards a 4th/5th/6th dimensional experience, which aligns you fully
to your Sacred Heart.
You take responsibility for your role on this Earth plane by choosing to be
connected to each moment and to witness the truth of each experience
through your Sacred Heart. As you align to your Sacred Heart, an energetic
expansion occurs, which brings about a transformation within the cells of
your body. This enables a new dawning energy to awaken within you, this
new dawning energy is your own Sacred divine signature. This essence of
yourself begins to birth through the cells of your body re-aligning you back to
a re-union and remembrance to Universal Truth.

With each chosen moment, you take another step towards your Self-
awakening. This is a step-by-step process through conscious choice.
As you choose to know the Truth, understanding and knowledge will be
revealed to you.
Each one of us chooses our own moment to open to this Truth through our
Sacred Heart.
Conscious choice to be in the moment.

Learning to use your conscious breath will support in your daily life and help
you open up to receive from the Universe.
How to use conscious breath:

This conscious breath is done by breathing in and out through the
mouth. Try taking a deep breath in through your mouth and then just
let go of the out breath. Repeat the breath several times without
controlling it. Just allow it to fow in and out of you.
Its okay to allow a sound to come with the out breath, even a small sigh
as you are letting go of the breath.
The conscious breath says Yes, I am willing to let go. Yes, I am willing
to receive my light.
This allows you to begin to consciously birth your self to extended levels
of consciousness, breath by breath.
Use this breath once an hour during the course of your day.
It is important to take responsibility for what you have created in your life
and to understand the role you have played in creating your experiences,
both consciously and unconsciously.
You are not a victim. You call forth all of your experiences for a reason.
Understanding, acknowledging, and owning your own creation is necessary
in order to move forward.
You can start by cultivating an attitude, a willingness to meet each experience
with the understanding that it was your own decisions that brought you to this
moment. The key to liberation is to own your own creation.
In other words, be willing to explore what is within the experience that you
created in order for you to feel and to learn. Allow the feelings that come,
they dont have to make sense. You only have to know that they are leaving
the body, as let them fow like a river through you.
Once you have received the teaching of the experience, then you are able to
move forward and start manifesting a new experience for your self. Remember
you have free will, meaning you can choose to do things differently with the
understanding that you can consciously participate in co-creating your life.
Accept responsibility for your life, for your creationsyour choices and your
experiencesas you consciously manifest life through your Sacred Heart.
You can only create your hearts desire through your connection to your
Sacred Heart. Only by connecting to your heart can you birth your hearts
desire. The time is now to start to live heaven here on earth.

Take responsibility for the assistance provided by the Spiritual realms:
Recognize that you are a being with free will and you must give your
permission for this support. The Spiritual realms cannot enter your energetic
feld without this permission from you.
Acknowledge that you have a right to choose whether or not to be assisted by
the Spiritual realms, at any given moment.
Know that you always have the right to change your mind
Consciously open to receive the support, help and assistance that come to
you in each moment in whatever form it takes.
Know that a pre-agreements that you have made with the Spiritual realms and
the Archangels need to be activated by you. Activation is done by you giving
them permission to work with you on specifc projects and for support in your
life. It is very important that we now start honoring these pre-agreements.

All truth emerges through your Sacred Heart, and it is through the Sacred
Heart that you can birth this truth of alignment within your Spiritual Being.
How do you do this?
You hold your heart with your hand, feel the warmth or pressure of your hand
while you bring your full conscious awareness to your heart, and then take a
conscious breath. As you do this you claim your heart: this is my heart.
This begins to create an activation of your Sacred Heart. When you do this for
just one moment, an opening occurs. One moment a day creates an
accumulative effect, and you begin to transform as you birth your own heart.
As your heart transforms, old blockages start to clear, and an awakening light
begins to birth through your Sacred Heart. All light emerges through your
Sacred Heart. It is a natural receiving station that allows you to receive your
light, and to receive abundance from the Universe.
For this process of claiming your heart you need to be in a state of
receivership. Once you start activating your Sacred Heart you are going to
begin to experience the feelings that have been held there. As you release
them, you open to the messages, to the clarity that has been stored behind
these blocks. There are unlimited gifts that come through with this connection
to your Sacred heart and you are being asked to actively receive them.
As you re-align with your Sacred Heart you move into a place of self-healing.
A new essence is birthed through the cells in your heart which is then
transmitted to all the cells in your body.
It is through your the Sacred Heart that you can experience the divine
connection to all life force within the universe. Claiming your Sacred Heart
brings you back into a place of empowerment on many levels
The birth of a crystalline structure takes place between the cells in the heart,
creating a new electrical wiring, that enables you to access a level of
frequencies that make communication possible with the higher levels of
consciousness. As you re-align to this Universal truth, an understanding and
knowledge of the Universal laws begin to flter through to you, bringing to
you a greater clarity.
Your Sacred Heart space encompasses your whole chest area.
Let go and allow the birthing of your Sacred Heart.
Place both hands fat on your chest. Feel the warmth and pressure
of your hands, and bring your conscious awareness there. Take a
conscious breath in and out through your mouth
Maintain your awareness of the Sacred Heart space beneath your
hands. Let go and continue to use your conscious breath. As you feel
your Sacred Heart space opening up, continue to let go, using your
conscious breath to carry you deeper and deeper into this space -
your Sacred Heart
Each time you do this you are consciously aligning to your Sacred
Heart connection, which is 4th/5th/6th dimensional, and moving away
from your ego mind, which is 3rd dimensional in nature.

Work with this process daily, gradually expanding this space and
further opening your Sacred Heart.
Be aware that this process can assist you in your daily life.
When you are faced with a decision and do not have clarity about the next
step, simply align with your Sacred Heart place the choice in your
awareness or consciousness - if the idea gets stronger you know it is a yes.
If the idea gets weaker or fades you know this is a no.

Our mission in this lifetime is the self-resurrection of our humanness and the
conscious reconnection to our natural spiritual natures. In order for each
one of us to move into our enlightenment process we need to resurrect our
relationship to our selves. Moving from a 3rd dimensional relationship of
self-condemnation, to a 4th/5th dimension state of love, compassion and
You can take your relationship to your human self to another level of self-love
by moving into a place of self-forgiveness through understanding and
honoring your human vulnerability.
The process of self-devotion is a deeply introspective one that requires you
to be willing to explore your human vulnerabilities. You need to be willing to
feel. As you open to a deeper understanding of your self, the relationship you
have to your human self can change, enabling you to hold your self with more
and more love and compassion. Each moment you take to open up to yourself
and hold yourself in love there is a breaking down of the barriers of separation
within you.
In that one moment every cell in your body transforms and you are never the
same again, you actually move yourself away from an old pattern within you.
As you end the internal war of separation within your self, a natural re-union
begins to take place between you and your spiritual aspect of Self.
Understand that you have come here to have a series of experiences in order
to learn. Honor yourself for the journey that you have created in this lifetime,
and for having the courage to live out your experiences, doing the best that
you can in each moment.
Let go and hold each and every one of your experiences as Sacred.
Remember - you are a perfectly imperfect being. You are human, and this
is a step-by-step resurrection process that will enable you to accelerate your
enlightenment process.


Fear is one of the greatest illusions on this 3rd dimensional planet.
Take action and move forward on your path by allowing fear to be beside you
as you step forward:
Recognize when fear is present within you as you face a decision or
Feel the fear and do it anyway, acknowledge that fear is just a feeling
that cannot hurt you.
Know that regardless of what actions you take, the fear will still be there,
so its important to not let the fear stop you.
Use your fear as an indicator of the importance of the action you are
taking; the bigger the fear the greater the signifcance of the step you are
Reprogram your response to fear by changing your internal reaction to
it. Choose to move from seeing fear as a red light that tells you to stop
your movement, and start seeing fear as a green light that tells you to
go, to consciously take that step forward, trusting that it will bring you
closer to your own reconnection with your Self.

You are a part of a divine consciousness. You and the life force that exists
everywhere in the Universe are interconnected.
Treat each human being with conscious action, including your self.
Each person chooses the experience they have in each moment. You have a
right to your experience. Everyone around you has a right to their experience.
Your role is to act as a witness for others. However, you are not responsible
for any one elses experience.
You can only hold a space of love for each person, understanding that they
too choose their own moments to unfold.

Consciously participate in working with the Spiritual realms on a daily basis:
Commit to spending time each day communicating with the Spiritual
realms about your detailed needs for that day. Mornings are the best
time for this as it sets the energy for you and Spirit to move through your
day together with the same goals.
Be specifc with your needs, as well as the areas in which you are asking
for support.
Be willing to receive the support that is given, especially when that
support presents itself differently than your ego mind had expected.
Consciously open to receive, through your Sacred Heart, the messages
and signs that are sent to you from the Spiritual realms.
You can trust your intuition.

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