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Color is a form of non verbal communication.

It is not
a static energy and its meaning can change from one
day to the next with any individual - it all depends on
what energy they are expressing at that point in time.
Nearly every color has both positive and negative
emotions associated with it. One of the main reasons for this
is that changing the intensity or tone of the hue can create an
entirely different mood.
The color white projects purity, cleanliness, and
neutrality. Doctors don white coats, brides traditionally
wear white gowns in the west, and a white picket fence
surrounds a safe and happy home.

I conducted a survey among 40 people across all age
groups, genders and backgrounds. Some of the words
that came up were as follows:

White is a color, which has two extreme meanings. At
one end stands new beginings and at the other stands
death and mourning. As we grow older the meaning of
white in our life changes as well. For example in our
survey findings also we saw that the young attached a
more positive meaning towards white thinking of
icecreams, rabbits, buildings, peace etc but as the
people grew older white became a mean of achieving
spiritual perfection, nirvana, death, solace etc.
In color psychology white is the color of new
beginnings, wiping the slate clean, so to speak. It is
the blank canvas waiting to be written upon.
White contains an equal balance of all the colors of the
spectrum, representing both the positive and negative
aspects of all colors.
Many people use white as a recall of their youth and
innocence. It reminds them of a time when their lives
were easier and less complicated.
While Westerns see white as the colour of purity and innocence, in
some Asian cultures ( China, Vietnam, and Korea), white is the
colour of death and mourning.
In India, people wear white after the death of a family member.
White is the traditional colour of bridal dresses in Western
A white pigeon is an international sign of peace; a white flag is an
international sign of surrender.
Eastern: Funerals, helpful people, children, marriage, mourning,
peace, travel
Western: Brides, angels, good people, hospitals, doctors, peace
(white dove)

If your favorite color is white, it will reflect in your

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