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Leadership & Legacy

Louis Armstrong

Clarence Rodriguez

Senior Division
Website Project

Louis Armstrong is one of the greatest leaders in music still
today and he left an amazing legacy through his music.
Armstrong came to my mind because I like music and we are
both from New Orleans. I am participating in History Day
because it is part of my history grade.
I found most of my research from on the internet. My most
valuable source Throughout the project my
ideas did not change about my topic. My information that I put
in my entry was mainly ideas that were about him today. I put
my entry was put together but what would look good. Some
problem that I had ran into was trying to find more sources
and this is my first time doing a NHD project.
My project relates to history day because Louis Armstrong
was one of the first to show white people in the 1900s that
African Americans actually had talent. It is important to learn
about Louis Armstrong if you like music. Through his music he
helped African Americans through the civil rights. I concluded
my research on Louis Armstrong helpful for me to find out
about how Jazz was started.

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