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Shooting Schedule

of Shooting
1/1 -Close-up of the killer wiping
blood off of her face, we see her
face in a mirror.
-Miss Envy. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
2/1 -Panning shot of all the makeup
on the dressing room table.
-N/A 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
2/2 -Close-up shot of a back of a
-Miss Pride. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
2/3 -Long shot of the backstage
area, and the dressing room,
contestants getting ready.
08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
2/4 -Extreme close up of en eye,
applying eye shadow.
-Miss Envy. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
3/1 -Long shot of the stages lights
turning on.
-N/A 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
4/1 -Medium/long-shot of girls
smiling at each other and then
glaring at one another.
-Miss Pride and
Miss Envy, two
08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
5/1 -A panning medium shot of the
judges sitting at the panel
preparing themselves.
-The three judges. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
6/1 -Extreme close-up of a nail
polish bottle tipped over and
spilling red polish.
-N/A 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
7/1 -Extreme long shot of all seven
pageant contestants lined up on
the stage.
-All contestants. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
7/2 -Another shot of the contestants
at angle, to one side of the
-All contestants. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
7/3 -Another shot of the contestants
moving on the stage.
-All contestants. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
7/4 -All contestants are lined up
again ont he stage.
-All contestants. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
7/5 -Contestants move back
towards the back of the stage.
-All contestants. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
7/6 -Medium shot of Miss Envy
glaring at Miss Pride.
-Miss Pride and
Miss Envy.
08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
8/1 -Close-up shot of hair
straighteners, dryers and
-N/A 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
8/2 -Close up shot of a crown
-N/A 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
9/1 -One of the contestants running
her sash through her ngers.
-Miss Wrath. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
9/2 -Extreme close up of a
contestant putting on lipstick.
-Miss Gluttony. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
9/3 -A medium shot, in slow motion,
of a contestant throwing her air
and head backwards.
-Miss Wrath. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
9/4 -Close up shot of a contestants
putting her high heeled shoes
-Miss Greed. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
10/1 -Long shot of a single
contestant on the stage
-Miss Envy. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
10/2 -A medium shot of the bottom of
one of the dresses.
-Miss Pride. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
10/3 -An extreme long shot of Miss
Pride and Miss Envy on the
stage, over the shoulders of the
-Three Judges,
Miss Envy and
Miss Pride.
08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
11/1 -A medium shot of all of the
makeup on the dressing room
-N/A 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
12/1 -Miss Pride and Miss Envy are
infront of the spotlights and the
other contestants emerge from
the darkness.
-All contestants. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
12/2 -Long shot, looking side on to
the contestants on stage who
are looking towards the judges.
-All contestants. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
12/3 -A close up of the judges score
-Judges. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
12/4 -A close up of the trophy. -N/A 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
12/5 -A close up of one of the
contestants looking directly at
the camera.
-Miss Gluttony. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
12/6 -A close up of one of the judges
looking directly at the camera.
-One of the judges. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
13/1 -A close up shot of a mannequin
wearing the crown.
-N/A 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
13/2 -A close up shot of one of the
contestants blowing make up off
of a make up brush.
-Miss Envy 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
14/1 -A close up shot of one of the
judges writing notes down.
-One of the judges. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
of Shooting
14/2 -Medium shot of a contestant
looking down and then slowly
raising her head.
-Miss Pride 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
14/3 -A contestant is looking around
nervously at the other
-Miss Sloth 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
14/4 -One of the contestants hands
is shaking by their side.
-Miss Greed 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
14/5 -Medium shot of one of the
contestants looking up and
down at another contestant,
witha sinister grin.
-Miss Lust 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
14/6 -Close up shot of one of the
contestants biting her nger and
looking down nervously.
-Miss Wrath 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
14/7 -The shot pans across the
whole stage, with the MC about
to announce the two nalists.
-MC and all
08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
15/1 -Close up shot of a white rose
dripping with blood.
-N/A 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
16/1 -A quick ash of one of the
stage lights.
-N/A 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
16/2 -Long shot of Miss Pride
walking to the front of the stage.
-Miss Pride 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
16/3 -Long shot of Miss Envy walking
to the front of the stage.
-Miss Envy 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
16/4 -Medium shot of the MC as he
turns to announce the winner.
-MC. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
16/5 -In this shot, we see the MC
hand over the trophy and a
bouquet of white owers to the
winner, Miss Pride.
-MC and Miss
08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
16/6 -Close up of the trophy
exchanging hands, but Miss
Envy snatches the trophy out of
the MCs hand.
-MC, Miss Envy
and Miss Pride.
08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
16/7 -Close up shot of Miss Envy
holding the trophy carelessly in
her hand.
-Miss Envy. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
16/8 -A medium shot of Miss Envy
walking over towards Miss
Pride, the camera looks over
Miss Prides shoulder.
-Miss Envy and
Miss Pride.
08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
of Shooting
16/9 -Long shot of Miss Pride falling
to the ground after she has
been hit with the trophy.
-Miss Pride. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
16/10 -A shot of the trophy falling to
the ground.
-N/A 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
16/11 -A close up shot of Miss Pride
lying dead on the oor, in a pool
of blood.
-Miss Pride. 08/11/14 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
17/1 -A medium shot of Miss Envy
looking into a mirror and wiping
blood off of her face witha
makeup wipe.
-Miss Envy 08/11/15 -Tithe Barn Theatre,
Shiplake College.
of Shooting

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