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Throughout brainstorming ideas and coming up with different plans

of location, we finally came up with our set few. The first of many
was Westfield, Stratford, the main reason we chose this was because
of the large bridge that the public walk other to get to and from the
shopping centre. We agreed this would look very affect to have Grace
in a work uniform walking over the bridge with the crowd towards
the camera, this showed her busy life with the public and also
showed off her chosen outfit which was a black leather skirt and a V
neck shirt, from this is adds to the voyeurism effect of the
character. Adding to this we also used the toilets in Westfield where
Grace applied lipstick and then walked out, again to add to the same
affect. While in London, Grace and I then got the tube down to
Liverpool Street, we took advantage of the office buildings and used
this as a background to her personality a 'workaholic' as such. This
worked very well as the scenery lifted with our theme of character;
she was still wearing the same outfit which made it more realistic
when editing our product. From London Liverpool Street, we walked
over to Shoreditch, where we were already familiar with a particular
graffiti wall which we look full advantage of as Grace changed into a
more summery, fun outfit which clashed well with the colours of the
walls. We chose this location to promote a different type of
character compared to the 'workaholic' or the beach type of girl in
On a different day, Grace, Max and I travelled to London again;
however we headed over the London Bridge station to film on the
South Bank by Tower Bridge. We started off at small side streets that
fitted Max's persona where he filmed the chorus of the song. We
then walked down to the South Bank and began filming different
angles where Max had Tower Bridge behind him, the city of a London
or the War ship planted in the Thames for tours.
Miami is our final Location, we discovered the effect of this when
Ellie was originally taking a trip here as a holiday, therefore we took
full advantage of this and decided to film parts of the music video in
the state. She used the strip, beaches and the apartment she stayed
in to add to yet another type of character we planned to promote for
our music video.


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