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1. Compute the mean horizontal angles from the raw feld

measurements. Ans: CAB = 56 25 20 & ABC = 62 34 30
2. Compute the corrected zenith angles from the raw feld
measurements. Ans: Corrected zenith angle at A = 3 30 3 & at B =
2 1! 11
3. Compute the mean horizontal distance AB and the horizontal
distances AC and BC. Ans: AB = 123.55" AC = 125.41" BC = 11#.#20
4. Compute the mean RL of the Church spire. Ans: 101.2!5
1. What is the circumference of the Earth at the Equator !herefore
what is the radius of the Earth Ans: 40 0#5.01 '( & 6 3#.14 '(
2. !he three lines from the north pole " point #$#% the north pole " point
#$&#E and from point #$# ' point #$&#E along the equator mar( out a
triangle. What is the sum of the internal angles of this )spherical
triangle* Ans: )ear eno*gh to 2#0 i+ ,e ass*(e the -$&4 elli.soid
*sed /0 $oogle 1arth is a +or this e2ercise.
3. +l, to the -reenwich .eridian. .o/e the cursor so that the latitude
is 012 345 6#* 7. 8s the longitude #2 Wh, Ans: )o. 3he original
astrono(ical deter(ination o+ zero longit*de has /een s*.erceded /0 ne,
satellite techni4*es gi5ing -$&4.
1. -hich state(ent is +alse7 Ans8 $6& is a t,o9,a0 s0ste( +or *sers
2. 3he -$&4 cartesian coordinates *sed /0 $6& are an 1C1: s0ste(. Ans8 3r*e
3. -hich state(ent is tr*e7 Ans8 ;and held $6& recei5ers are the chea.est
/eca*se the0 onl0 (eas*re <1 .se*dorange.
4. -hich state(ent is +alse7 Ans8 A/sol*te .ositioning gi5es higher .recision
res*lts than relati5e .ositioning.
5. -hich state(ent is +alse7 Ans8 A 6=>6 o+ 6 is /etter than a 6=>6 o+ 2.
1. %+ the res*lt o+ a t,o .eg test gi5es a 5al*e o+ ?0.01@60 (etres" ,hat are the
corrected inter(ediate sites readings to the +ollo,ing .oints7 Ans8 1.22!"
1.564 & 1.341
2. 9ow could ,ou chec( this pro:lem in the feld Ans: &et *. at a ne,
station and re9(eas*re the inter(ediate sites and chec'.
3. -hat are the A<s and (isclose o+ the +ollo,ing le5el r*n7 Ans8
4. Does carpark entrance give a clearance of 3.30m? Ans: Yes
5. Council reuires t!at t!e gra"e of t!e "rive#a$ from t!e e"ge of t!e "rive#a$ centre on
t!e roa" to t!e carpark entrance %ottom centre must %e less t!an 1:& so t!at cars can enter
an" e'it #it! ease. (as t!is reuirement %een satisfie"? Ans: Yes
1. Choose the correct diagra(. Ans8
2. -hat is the ang*lar (isclose and adB*sted /earings C*se the .re5io*s
diagra( to assist 0o*r calc*lationsD. Choose an o.tion. &tart .rod*cing a
ta/le Cas /elo,D on a se.arate .iece o+ and Ell in the correct adB*sted
/earings. Ans8 Ang*lar (iclose8 F 40" AB8 5 21 00" BC8 166 43 40" C=8
24 1! 00" =A8 30 30 50"
3. Co(.*te G1 & G) +or all lines. C)ote8 a slight di++erence o+ a +e, ((s d*e to
calc*lator ro*nd9oH is acce.ta/le.D Add distances to 0o*r ta/le and Ell o*t the
correct G1 & G)s. Ans8
4. 3he error 5ector Cie linear (iscloseDI Ans8 0.0!! & 204 2! 31
5. 3he .recision o+ the s*r5e0. C)ote8 slight diHerences d*e to calc*lator error
are acce.ta/leD. Ans8 1821"500
6. Co(.*te the ad;usted coordinates o+ the tra5erse stations *sing Bo,ditch.
#. 3he area o+ the .arcel in hectares. Choose one o.tion. Ans8 25.6# ha

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