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Part 8

Distribution & Exhibition

Jordan Crichlow
In what contexts have the following
anthologies/collections of short films been created
and how have they been put together?
The ratio of shorts that make money through more
conventional channels of distribution and exhibition to
those that dont is diminutive. Why do you think this is?
The ratio of shorts that make money through more
conventional channels of distribution and exhibition
to those who don't is diminutive because of how the
media people, and technology is changing the
conventional way of distributing a short film.
The conventional way of distributing a short film
would to have it screened at a festival, either
nationally or internationally. This has now become
diminutive due to changes in recent years. All
formats of Media, from newspapers and books to
footage, are now being shown and read online due
to the growth in the internet. This is the beginning of
the idea of web 2.0.
A web 2.0 site allows users to interact and
collaborate with each other in a social media
dialogue as creators (prosumers) of user-
generated content in a virtual community.
Examples of web 2.0 include social networking
sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted
services, web applications and mashups. The
idea of web 2.0 has attracted more people into
using the web.
Short films are now being posted and submitted
onto websites such as Youtube and Vimeo to be
Channels have recently been creating online
web pages for shorts to be presented, such as
Film4 and the BBC. Websites have been created
which are 100% dedicated to the exhibition and
distribution of short films.
Short films are being onto DVDs and sold. DVDs
such as, Cinema 19 and Life is short have now
been made containing a number of shorts
These new methods are making money through
different sources. Websites are making money
by offering awards and offers online.

DVDs are making money when people
buy the product from various shops
and websites.
Money is still made through the more
conventional channels of distribution
and exhibition but this is decreasing,
this may be due to the changes being
continually made on the media.

The DVD collections of short films made by
'Cinema 16' have been made in the context of
parts of the world. The company have created
different DVDs for each major part of the world
with short film. For example there is a DVD with
only British shorts and another DVD with only
American shorts.

The DVD 'Moving Shorts' was created by
the BFI in the context of education. The
shorts on the DVD have been carefully selected to
be appropriate for children between the ages of 12
and over. The ten films on the disc are designed
for ideal teaching of a range of skills and concepts
relevant to Media Studies in the English
Curriculum. The DVD also contains a starter
booklet and teaching guide.

The company 'Future Shorts' offers a DVD
catalogue of short films in the context of talent.
The organization believe that their website is the
one-stop store for people seeking the latest
ground-breaking talent. The DVD contains award
winning shorts from the most famous of film
festivals around the world such as the BAFTAs
and the Berlin Film Festival.

'Raindance' create DVDs in the context of self
advertisement and support. The DVDs the company offer
for sale include all the short films screened at their festivals
that year, as well as the collections of shorts. These DVDs
are advertising the company by showing the good things
Raindance show at its yearly festival. These DVDs are also
supporting the shorts they screen by offering a second type
of distribution after it has been screened and describing
them positively .

The company 'Shooting People' has
created these two DVDs in the context of
talent. The DVDs contain Oscar-award
nominees and BAFTA award winners films
and are described as containing the most
influential short films.

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