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Jesse Mock

Mr. Maslonka
English 101
13 October 2014
Escape from Alcatraz
This historic event of three people, two brothers (Anglins) and another inmate
(Morris) that escaped from an, at the time, an inescapable prison, made it out of their
cells and left the island. The rest of the story is unknown but many spectators
believe that they lived and were never caught. The complete naive-mentality of the
guards at the time had made it possible for them to escape because they had the
reasoning, similar to that of the titanic and how it was not able to sink, that the prison
was inescapable. This story is interesting due to the fact that in the 1960s a group
of criminals were able to escape with bare minimal utilities and were not
caught. This idea that how people can be so naive that they disregarded common
sense with a sort of blunt disregard for what is logical is mystifying. I understand that
it was back in the 1960s, but this prison was a top security facility that many
believed was inescapable, yet people, a very few (3) have escaped. The story of
this prison break is legendary and it is an interesting story of how human nature can
disregard common sense, causing prisoners to break out. The fact that the
government waited nearly 30 years to tell inside facts that uncovered an
embarrassing clause to how they escaped shows how the government did and still
does censor its citizens.

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