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DNA & Words

According to the findings of Russian scientists, the genetic code follows the same rules found in human
languages. By modulating certain frequency sound patterns onto a laser ray, they were able to influence
DNA frequency and genetic information.
Perhaps the most interesting corollary of their discovery is that simple words and phrases may work just as
well as laser beams.
Man can literally reprogram his genetic blueprint through wordswhich explains why affirmations and
hypnosis can have powerful effects on both the mind and body.

The Grammar of Spirituality

Is it possible that the linguistic structures of the human genome point to a form of universal speech, a
grammar of spirituality?
REVOLUTION certainly thinks so.
Humankind, he explains, is composed of a personality body self and a rich infrastructure in subtle
bodies that lead to greater human performance and expanded capabilities.


Description of DNA
DNA is also known as deoxyribonucleic acid, pronounced dee-ox-ee-rye-bo-noo-clay-ic acid. It is a large
molecule, shaped like a double helix and found primarily in the chromosomes of the cell nucleus.
The DNA contains the genetic information of the cell.
The DNA forms a double helix, two elongated molecular chains (like staircases) that wrap around each
Our genetic code consists of approximately 3 billion letters that make up the instructions for all
human genes. While this code varies among individual humans by only about 1%, these variations are a
key factor in understanding what makes us susceptible to disease and what determines our lifespan and how
we age.
The sections of DNA called genes instruct our cells to make proteins, which perform all of the bodys
essential tasks, like breathing, and determine physical features, such as hair color. There are approximately
100,000 genes residing within each double helix of DNA.
DNA tells our cells what they have been, what they will continue to be, and what they will become.
The DNA is the blueprint for our life processes. Each cell of our bodies contains the complete genetic
code for the whole body.

Human DNA is generally divided into 46 chromosomes (we pairs), each one containing characteristic
genes that distinguish one chromosome from another. Derived from the Greek words "Chromo" for color
and "Soma" for body, they are intensely colored bodies in our cells. One member of each pair comes from
the mother through the egg and one member of each pair comes from the father through the sperm.
Human DNA is about 3 billion "base" pairs long. If you stretched the human chromosome out end-toend, it would be about 6 feet. All 46 chromosomes are folded into a space of a few thousandths of a
millimeter (super coil).

Activation of the Hypothalamus. This is the Universal Translator and translates all
messages into your chosen language. Messages are received as frequency thoughtforms. Many are complete with emotions, pictures and language. Some have only
one or two of these. The Hypothalamus also provides you with the identity of the
sender. You will learn to identify the senders after receiving for a while. Once the
hypothalamus is activated the RRA process is complete and your DNA chart is also
completed. Proof is visual (aura photos), emotional (not holding negative emotions
in the body), and physical (feeling more in control of your power and hearing
messages daily).
With the DNA acting like a tuning fork and resonating with the vowel chant and 528
Hz Solfeggio frequency, the errors in the sonic torsion field blueprints (in timespace) for our biology are corrected. At the biological level, the jumping DNA shift to
rewrite the gene code for the better, as previously dormant codons are switched
onwhile others may be switched offin order to improve healing mechanisms
and so on. Consciousness researcher Stephen Linsteadt has reported that, at this
528 Hz frequency, the clustered water molecules that surround and support the
DNA structure form a perfect six-sided hexagon meaning that you are apparently
generating your own internal cymatic effect as you perform your own Potentiation!

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