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9:40am - Oculus
Rift Demo
With Skip Rizzo
(University of Southern
& Gary Marcus
(The New Yorker).

9 am

1:50pm Marketing for

10:40am Nothing
Measured, Nothing
Andrew Markowitz, the Director
of Global Digital Strategy at GE,
sits down for a discussion on the
importance of measurement in
campaigns, and how this ties
back to business objectives.

10 am

9:55am - Brendan Iribe

(Oculus Rift) in
with Peter Ruben (Wired)
Oculus Rift was interesting to
Facebook because it was "a longterm bet on the future of
computing." While its focused on
gaming for now, it could
potentially impact the way we
consume media in the future.

11 am

Erik Johnson, the Head of

Facebook Atlas (representing
both Facebook & Instagram),
puts together an exciting panel
on how to market to and engage
with young & evolving
consumers. Knowing that many
of Pernod-Ricards brands target
these younger consumers, this is
an extremely relevant session!

12 pm

2:35pm The Future

of Online Media
Mike McCure (Founder,
Flipboard), Jimmy
Maymann (CEO, HuPo),
Lewis Dvorkin (CPO,
Forbes), share their POV
on how the tech and
social media revolution
has impacted traditional
forms and where its
moving in the future.

1 pm

2 pm


3:25pm Mobile
Graham Moysey (Head of AOL),
Simon Birkenhead (CEO, Axonix
- mobile advertising), Akin
Babayigit (Facebook), & Brian
Morrisey (Editor-in-chief,
Digiday) discuss the benefits,
advantages, and best practices
of marketing in mobile.

3 pm

2:05pm The Creators

Shall Inherit the Earth

3:05pm Video Killed

the TV Star

Yaron Galai (CEO, Outbrain Content Marketing), Rob Newlan

(Head of EMEA Creative Shop,
Facebook), Darren Murph (SVP,
Weber Shandwick), and Nat Ives
(Senior Editor, Ad Age) discuss
how those that have engaging
and compelling content will be
the ones who are able to break
through the clutter and drive the
best results..

Dan'l Hewitt (Managing

Director, Maker Studios), Daniel
Middleton (YouTube Influencer,
Diamond Minecart), & Matt
Garahan (Media Editor,
Financial Times) talk about the
rise of online video and how its
beginning to shift content
dissemination and consumption
away from traditional TV.

4 pm

4:05pm Brands
You Can Trust
Chris Satchell,
Consumer Technology
Ocer at Nike, oers
insight into what makes
brands trustworthy to
consumers and what
brands can to do to
work towards a higher
level of consumer trust

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