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Youth Advisory Group

Oct. 29, 2014

__ Bella
__ Keegan




__ Ethan

__ Maddie __Mark
__Mikayla __Jorge

1.Welcome and Introductions again

a.Icebreaker game Never Have I ever
i. sit in a circle and put ten fingers out in front of you to keep score. One stars by saying "Never
have I ever...." and then stating something that you have never done before. If you have done
that particular thing, then put one finger down. Play continues until someone has lost 10 lives
and is out.

2.Possible Volunteering Recap

which two do you want me to get more

information about?

a.Volunteer at an animal shelter

b.Address the homeless population somehow
c.Clean/pick up parks
i. Bathrooms
ii. Adopt a highway

d.Backpack food program

e.Improvements to downtown (cleaning/renovation
f.Anything else you can think of?
g.Donating items to service center?

of abandoned buildings)

i. Toys/clothing to neighborhood service center?

ii. Santa Anonymous/ Toys for tots donation drop box at central?
iii. Food donations drop boxes at central?

h.Anything else you can think of?

3.CE Halloween Bash sign up (at least 6)

a.What happened to all my volunteers?
4.National CE Day Open House (4:00-6:00)
a.Thursday, November 13th
i. Help with crafts, cleanup and activities
Sign up list

5.Next Meetings
a.Will be early out days
i. Sept 17, Oct. 29, December 10, Jan 14, Feb. 25, April
15, May 13
6.Handbook/Guidelines for YAG
a.Get into groups of 3 to review your groups handbook of
another program, highlight things you like and want in
our handbook
b.Share with groups
c.Anything else you want to add that you did not find?

7.Grant information
a.Want to focus on items for Community Education
i. EF Johnsons grant for March

8.Wrap Up
a.Do you like this so far?
b.Next meeting agenda items

To advise the Community Education Advisory Council on issues that involve
students. To serve as experts on kids interests and issues in Waseca.

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