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Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Thank you Mr.Robert Frost

For 'The road not taken'
That showed me the route..
But a road many travelled taken
Sounding vehicles of noisy, dusty smokiness
A space of all trees felled
And there the lurching, ditching pits
Venturous like your route of 'yellow wood'
True many times trodden on black
This body mine painful to carry
Through the agony of a road black
Still follow you sir, challenging as you say
Along a road of hurdles my life
Everyday waddles towards a temple resort
And I mind not my strife
Thank you Mr.Robert Frost

Wake up o'Lord, it's winter's vernal shine

Dawning to be consecrated with mercy Thine
Whilst yet a darkling sky's in full moon shine
In tardy treads it's pinking too fine
As Thou asterism Arudhra is on to sign
Conjuring melodies of cooing birds pine
Invoked Margazhi-matins intensify to combine
Intending for anointed ablutions aromatic divine
Wake up o'Lord, wake up
Then it means to be sanguine more
Sacred bathing mounds in variety to pour
Shiva is fresh and feasted to score
Follow now His jaunt of cosmic chore
Prime at Dharukavan blissful, He dances to roar
Surrender the rishis, their nescience to implore
Repeats His cosmic dance, Pathanjali to adore
On Thai-Poosam for Vyagrapada once more
Illimitable expeditions has He all more
Vital, vigorous, fervent He's the cosmic force
Blest or blazed all from His source
Fiery that He seeks more a bathing course
Cool on Maasi- morn of a chathurdasi-repose
Ere full moon amid sacred ablutions He glows
Freshened Lord doesn't let us doze
Awakens the light in wide awake those
On a Maasi-night whole His blessing flows
Thence the trumpet of His marriage-grandeur blows
Watch the merry Lord ecstatic, samsaric
Performing to the core of our blood rhythmic
Reddened to be Ratnasabapathy dynamic
Refreshed of yet more ablution fantastic
On Thiruvonam in Chithirai bombastic
Noon -bathing rhapsodic naps to be melodic
That the Lord emerges to be characteristic
On Uthiram in Aani all majestic
Blessing us whole in evening symbolic
Now time for the slumber-surrender-darkness
Nescient night whilst seeking refuge vivacious

The Lord forbids its ignorance gracious

Bathed anew, aglow with effulgence
On Chaturdasi in Aavani propitious
Sequel- Poornima all with her godliness
While leering fledging cupid-arrows
Rapturous Lord resorts to further ambrosial ablutions
On a Chaturdasi in Purattasi nighttime magnificence
Shiva is all content with the whole cosmic force
Unto Him retires our woes and wishes
Unto Him Poornima wanes, waxes, wanes

She's treading on still..
As has been so far
Deafly unconcerned
Along a road, in the cab, in the shop
Unbeaten by deafening noise
Unbothered of scolding, mocking, joking, shirking
Others blaring in
searching a piece of sound
Fathoming her ears
Unknowingly that
She the queen
Her dictatorship bejeweled, bedecked
Slamming everybody at her feet
Her best familial way
Despite a deaf, illiterate
Unknowingly about
Her sovereign cognition
Of kitchen and as well of her nation
Despite a deaf, illiterate
Unknowingly that
She the most unconcerned of herself
Devoid of aid any her hearing-loss
Yet can talk on M.S.Subbalakshmi
Despite a deaf, illiterate
Unknowingly that
She the shepherdess of the infernals
Where she's treading on still..
The bold and deaf ninetyfive
To the inkling sound of silence
Treading on still..

I believe ability makes us intelligent, it distinguishes us from animals

I believe all have the ability to learn, to create art, to love
I believe we can let our ability go to waste, or we can let it flourish
I believe our ability that makes us human is our intelligence and good judgement
I believe many choose to ignore this ability and rely on animalistic instinct
I believe some humans treat animals better than humans
I believe to make this world peaceful we need to let our abilities flourish
It is curious that many people advocate humane treatment for animals, but treat actual
humans inhumanely

Functioning is difficult when in shock

Untimely end has come for all
Lack of food
Lack of hope
I see no bravery only fear, only pain
Men kill, men die
People struggle to survive
Aid is needed everywhere
Courage is needed in the hopeless
Time passes slowly, too slow
Outside is unsafe
Families are blown apart
Honour is all we have left
Obvious pain shows on all faces
Rich and poor people suffer the same
Running away has become normal
Our lives are destroyed
Ruin has commenced

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