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Has The Digital Age Improved Live

Sound Technology?
To add
Table of paragraphs
Table of figures

Chapter 1 Report Introduction

Chapter 2 The Digital Age

2.1 What is digital audio

Digital data is a method of storing values in Binary Form . These values can be the plots of a
graph, the numbers of a sequence and, in more complex situations, the values of colour
embedded in a picture or values of the properties of sound. (see jisc digital media paragraph

Digital technology uses binary form in audio and sound so that the chain in the system
cannot be interrupted and the signal from the microphones to the loud speaker will be
smooth and at a faster rate. Analogue technology on the other hand keeps the audio in a
wave form and the converts this into a representational wave form when it goes through a

2.2 Where is digital technology found in the live sound industry

Over the past few years the technology becoming available to engineers is vastly increasing
especially in the sound industry. Digital desks, wireless microphones and most recently the
use of networking to control equipment is on the increase and the older analogue technology
is become out-dated and less popular. Find evidence to show technology increasing and
explain whats happening

2.3 How was digital technology introduced into the live event industry
technology into the live sound industry was the Yamaha DMP 7

Binary form is find def for binary form

Chapter 3 Is It All Worth The Hype?

3.1 Advantages to digital technology
Digital technology was introduced so that engineers were able to

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