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Reviewedby JohnSgkerka

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In jazz circlesthe termswhiz kid

andyounglion are bandiedabout
all too frivolously. Often they
strugglingat their craft for several
yeirs, and are finally gettinga
chanceto stepout from paying
their "dues".Someof theselions
arc a bit long in the tooth when
they finally receivetheir coming
out party. So whena teenagerstepsinto thejazz spotlightthere
are sureto be a few raisedeyebrowsand manya ruffled feather.
At sixteen,Loren Stillmanis destinedto drop countlessjaws.
His excellentalto work on Cosmossuredoesn'tsoundlike the
work of a kid, but Stillmanis onebig anomaly.He hasthe deft
touchto tackleMiles Davis("Solar"),a fluid spirit evoking
ChartieParker("lnner Urge") anda mystifuingimprovisational
flare someold timersstill searchfor ("Cosmos").This sure
doesn'tsoundmuchlike a fluke, but a legitimateentry into the
jazz world,anda muchneededshotof very new blood.This kid
is almostscary.

(C) 1998- JohnSekerka

We stronglyrecommendthat you checkout the

debutreleaseof the I 5 year'old' Loren
Stilhnan. Readwhat JoeLovanohasto say
aboutthis young musician:

"He's wltat we call a natural.At the incredible

ffiiffi ageof 15we hearhirn on his debutrecordingfor
ScitilNoteRecordswith someof New York'smostcreative|azz
musicianstoday:Bob Meyer on Drutnts,ScottLee on Bassand
RussLossingon Piano,who aretwo and threetimesLoren'sage
and very experienced internationalJazzfigures.Yet T,orenleads
this seslionon Alto, while recordingsomeof his original
compositionsas well. As you canhearyourself,he_didp't just pick
up the horn yestet'day.Even at this ripe youngagelte'sbeetr
dbvelopinghis techniqueand sottnclfor sometitue."
-Joe Lovano-

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