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Textual Analysis Contents Page


Main Image

Text in


Branding- This is
placed at the top
of the right hand corner, this is conventional of a stereotypical magazine as its small on
the page just in reminder to the audience of the make of the magazine. The Q is in
white with a red background to reinforce the branding to audience as this is the logo
they keep to for the magazine. Next to the title it says contents page in white to stick
to the colour scheme of the magazine. Also its conventional so that the reader
understands exactly what the page is there for and what included within the magazine
they have purchased.
Sub-heading- The subheadings are in capital letters in white with a red background to
stick within the colour scheme but to also show to audience the different topics inside
the magazine. It has been broken down into different genre columns so that the
audience can understand and locate what their interested in quickly. The sub headings
include; Features, Every Month, a band special feature and music reviews.
Colour Scheme- The colours consist of red, white and black sticking the traditional
colour scheme of the magazine Q. The colour red connotes danger which could relate to
the type of contents of music within the magazine. This helps relate to the type of
audience they are aiming it for also.

Main image- The main image is on the right hand column but is larger in comparison to
the other content. This is to reinforce and link into the article of OASIS SPECIAL
and shows to the audience that they are important in relation to the music industry and
something that must be read. This is a long shot image to show the whole band and the
setting in the background which could suggest about their music or their origin.
The layout- The images are bigger in comparison to the text which could imply that
the images are more important that the other feature articles. The page numbers allow
the magazine to be organised but the numbers are larger on the images again
reinforcing the impotency of that article. The numbers also allow the audience to find
their particular taste of music quicker.

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