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Heres Five Simple But

Powerful Mental Techniques

That Can Help You Finally
Create The Life Of Your Dreams!
If you can master your mind, you have anything you want.
My ten part eCourse, MindMaximizer, describes in detail 5 mental techniques that
can quickly train your subconscious mind and help you create your ideal life.
By mastering these mental techniques, you can have success with:

weight loss/being fit

being a better student
developing a millionaire mindset
have more confidence
any other goal you want to accomplish!

I recently discovered that my life's purpose is to teach others. I look forward to

helping you awaken the hidden power of your mind -- and showing you how
YOU can use this valuable information to achieve your goals and fulfill your

Yours in success,

Noel Jones
Mind Power Secrets That Really Work

*mind power* secrets: Lesson 1

Thank you again for requesting these powerful Mind Power Secrets. Knowing
how quickly this information can transform your life makes me extremely excited
to be sharing it with you!
The mind is a truly amazing tool. Anything that you want to have, do, or be -your mind can make happen.
But the reality is... as powerful as the mind is, humans for the most part greatly
under use it. We've all heard the theory that we only use about 10% of our
brain's capacity.
Just 10%!
What's even crazier is that new studies suggest we don't even use that much. It
may be closer to 1 percent ...even as low as 1/10th of 1 percent.
So why aren't we using more of our brains and minds?
I believe it's because we honestly don't realize how much were capable of.
Most people just don't know it.
Here's a Visual Representation of what I mean:
Right now, right this very second, you live in this oversized, ten million dollar
mansion. It has 26 bedrooms, 32 bathrooms, an indoor heated pool, a bowling
alley, two kitchens, three exercise rooms, a movie theater, six hot tubs, and even
a carousel for when kids come over.
Trust me, you have all this right now inside you.
The problem is you don't know it. And because you don't know it you are
living in a small, cramped closet in one of the many bedrooms that you have.
Now - if you *knew* about the rest of the house, you'd be out of that
closet in a second, wouldn't you?

Unfortunately most people don't know the rest of the house exists, so they live
frustrated in that cramped little closet.
Feeling trapped, poor and unhappy - when there is a MASSIVE FEAST on the
other side of the door.
Ok, so now you know about the mansion inside of you. What's next?
Once you realize you have this incredible potential already in you, the next step
is to use simple but powerful techniques to help your 'subconscious mind'
transform your potential into REALITY.
There are some very *powerful* mind techniques thatve been around for many
years, but few people know of them and even fewer still actually perform
If you look at the biographies and writings of most great individuals, you will see
they put these "mind techniques" into daily practice (although many did so
without being aware of it).
This Is Exciting News!
Just Think: Whether you want a million dollars, a slimmer figure, more
confidence, a better golf game, or anything else you can have it.
Performing these 'mind techniques' puts you back in charge.
In the coming days, I'll be providing you with clear, easy-to-follow "action steps"
and guidance to help you activate your 'hidden mind powers', and get you on
track to reach your goals and your dreams faster and easier than you thought
would ever be possible.
This will become your Guaranteed "Action Plan" for SUCCESS -- in every and any
area of your life you choose to apply it.
Look forward to it!
With Respect,
Noel Jones
Mind Power Secrets That Really Work

*mind power* secrets: Lesson 2

Are you ready to learn ADVANCED Mind power tactics that 99% of the world
doesn't know exist?
One of my passions is the human mind, and how it can be used to create any life
that you want.
Its simply amazing, really. It's so amazing that at times it seems almost magical.
Youre about to learn FIVE Simple But Powerful Mind Techniques that will quickly
unlock your brain - and help you create your ideal life.
In the final Lesson, I show you how to use all five mental techniques together to
multiply their effects.
A Word of Caution!!
When used together; these 5 Mind Techniques are very powerful and highly
I strongly suggest you take a few minutes to check out each of the valuable
lessons Ill be sending you
It can benefit anyone who is struggling to accomplish almost anything: weight
loss, quit smoking, better memory, higher confidence, greater wealth, and on
and on.
Okay... let's get started!
------------------------------------------------1st Mind Technique: Affirmation Imprinting
------------------------------------------------You are probably familiar with affirmations. They are your desires made into
Statements that you read or say to yourself.
The goal with Affirmation Imprinting is to repeat a statement over and over
again, day after day, until it makes an "imprint" on your subconscious.

Once this occurs, your subconscious mind will sense a difference between what it
sees as being "real" and your outer physical world.
It will seem almost magical the way doors and opportunities open up for you
everywhere in order to make that affirmation a reality.
But wait!
In order for the affirmation imprinting to occur most effectively, the affirmation
statements need to be written a specific way


1. They Must Be Personal
You are going to use the words "I" and "My" in each case. For example, a
proper affirmation would be "I am confident when speaking in front of a large
audience", not "You are confident...."
2. They Must Be Positive
You would state your affirmation like this: "I eat healthy meals each day." A
negative, and thus ineffective affirmation, would be "I don't eat junk food."
You see - although the subconscious is a powerful tool, it is still rather simple.
It sees what you are saying as images rather than words so it can't
comprehend words like "don't" and "can't."
When you say, "I don't eat junk food," your subconscious mind brings up an
IMAGE of you and junk food, and you actually begin to reinforce the behavior
that you are trying to change!
3. They Must Be In Present Tense
Logically you would think to make your affirmation in the future tense, as in "I
will be successful in my business." But this isn't the case.
When you put your statement out into the future, no tension is created within
the subconscious mind, and therefore NO imprinting or changes will occur.
Just by changing that same affirmation to present tense, "I AM successful in my
business," you create the tension needed and your subconscious goes to work.

These three guidelines are CRUCIAL to Affirmation Imprinting.

Ok, now you know how to write persuasive affirmations.
In lesson 3, Ill show you how to crank up the power of your affirmations with
my easy 6-STEP System.
Youll also learn the MOST Effective time of day when you should be saying your
affirmations. (yes, it matters!)
Until then,
Noel Jones
Mind Power Secrets That Really Work
If you know anyone else that needs help reaching their goals and desires, please
feel free to refer them to Mind Power Secrets That Really Work

*mind power* secrets: Lesson 3

In Lesson 2, I gave you the formula for writing *powerful* affirmations
Now lets crank up the power of these affirmations with my easy 6-STEP
Choose a maximum of three behaviors you would like to change.
If youre just starting out, trying to change too many things at once will greatly
reduce the probability of any affirmations being imprinted onto your
Ideally, you want to choose just ONE behavior to focus on. Once you start to
see the effects of your affirmation becoming your reality, only then would you
start with a new affirmation.
Get ten index cards (the 3 1/2 by 5 inch kind) and using the guidelines I gave to
you in the previous lesson, properly write out your affirmation in
BIG, BOLD Lettering.
You are going to place these ten cards around your environment so that you see
Place one by your bed, one on your refrigerator, one on your bathroom mirror,
one on the steering wheel of your car (please don't try to read the affirmation
while you're driving).
One by your computer monitor, and so on in places where you will see them
often. I find it also helps if I keep one in my pocket.
As soon as you wake up in the morning and right before you fall asleep at night,
say the affirmation OUT LOUD Twenty Times.

When you repeat these statements, speak with Enthusiasm, and Smile knowing
that with each affirmation read .you are deepening the imprint on your
subconscious mind.
Each time you see any of the other index cards that you wrote the affirmation
on, say the statement out loud ten times, again with enthusiasm and faith.
When the imprinting occurs and you start to see the changes in your life
"magically" happen, you can move on to a new affirmation to work on.
--//-I know that it sounds over simplistic, but this mind technique has worked for
countless others and can work for you if you maintain the discipline to carry it
In our next lesson, well talk about a powerful mind technique that will help you
finally get the results you always wanted in life
Until then,
Noel Jones

*mind power* secrets: Lesson 4

Now that you have a handle on Affirmation Imprinting, let's move on to a similar
mind technique that will help you finally get the results you always wanted in
Mind Technique #2 is logically, Subliminal Messaging
Subliminal messages are like affirmations in that theyre also statements of the
behaviors you would like to have
They will be formatted the same way: personal, positive and in the present
BUT Here is the critical difference with subliminal messages:
You are going to bypass your conscious mind and send those
statements directly to your subconscious.
Your conscious mind won't even notice them.
Why would we want to bypass the conscious mind?
Unlike the subconscious mind that accepts everything, good or bad, that you say
to it as fact, the conscious mind uses reasoning, intellect, experience and
emotion to determine whether or not something is true or false.
If the conscious mind (I refer to it as the "critical mind") sees a statement as
being false, it will reject it and not allow it to reach the subconscious where it
could have made an impact.
FOR EXAMPLE Let's say youve always been dirt poor, but you truly want to accumulate wealth
and enjoy a better lifestyle. So you start using the Affirmation Imprinting
technique that you learned in Lesson 2.
Your affirmation is "I easily make ten thousand dollars each month."
You say this affirmation for weeks, maybe even months with little results.
What happened?

My guess is the affirmation so far away from what the current reality is, that
your conscious mind is rejecting that statement as being totally inaccurate.
It's saying to itself, "Make ten thousand dollars each month?? I barely made ten
thousand last year. This statement is absurd."
The statement is then dismissed and thrown out.
This is why we need to bypass the conscious mind and send those statements
directly to your subconscious.
You're probably wondering why we would even bother with Affirmation
Imprinting when we could just use Subliminal Messaging.
The reason for using both is because together they can multiply the effects.
So, lets say:
You saw a 20 percent improvement using just Affirmation Imprinting and saw a
40 percent improvement using just Subliminal Messaging, you would get greater
than 60% improvement using them in combination.
Also, the amount of natural resistance created by the conscious mind is not only
unique for each individual, but it is also varies within the different areas of your
So you may have a strong resistance to the affirmation "I weigh 135lbs"
But have virtually NO resistance at all to the statement "I easily earn ten
thousand dollars each month." So basically, combining both techniques instantly
enhances your results.
------------------------------------------------SO HOW DO WE BYPASS THE CONSCIOUS MIND?
------------------------------------------------To do this we are going to need a little assistance from technology. There are
two main types of subliminal messages: auditory and visual.
* Auditory (or audio) messages try to sneak by the critical mind by being
played at frequencies that we can't consciously hear.
* Visual subliminal messages are just what they sound like. These messages
are going to be flashed in front of your eyes for a split second. It's long enough

for your subconscious to register the message, but too quick for you to
consciously read it.
Powerful positive subliminal affirmations now flood your
subconscious mind -- Without your critical mind being able to filter
them out!
There are many audio CDs and visual software programs available to help you
accomplish this, however
The most effective way to use subliminal messaging combines both Visual and
Auditory commands.
The intelligent warrior video series is the only subliminal program I have
seen that uses BOTH visual and auditory messages to bypass your conscious
It has been professionally produced to the highest standards and has received
fabulous customer feedback. Its the only subliminal messaging program that Im
prepared to put my name to.
All you do is press play and without you even thinking about it or putting in any
effort on your part, your subconscious mind is getting bombarded with powerful
messages that will create the changes you want in life.
It doesn't get easier than that.
------------------------------------------------Your Action Plan for Subliminal Messaging:
------------------------------------------------Make sure you watch your Intelligent Warrior Video/s each day for (at least) 30
The best time is first thing in the morning -- and at night before you go to bed.
Because these messages are bypassing your conscious mind, powerful, positive
changes will happen for you automatically.
In the next lesson, well talk about Ideal Day Generation, and why it may be the
most important thing you can do to achieving your dreams.
Until then,

Noel Jones

*mind power* secrets: Lesson 5

In Lesson 4 you learned about Subliminal Messaging, which is unique in that
it involves very little effort on your part and creates the mindset you desire
Mind Technique #3:
Your Ideal Day Generation
This mind technique can be the most important thing you can do to achieving
your dreams.
It doesn't need to be performed as often as the others, but its impact is
powerful, and long lasting.
A certain magic occurs when you place pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and
document what you are feeling or thinking inside.
In a sense, your written thoughts and feeling become more alive.
If I asked you to describe to me your ideal day right now, could you easily give
me the details??
Chances are that you couldn't.
And this is a HUGE problem because if we can't see our goals and desires
*clearly* our subconscious mind can't help us achieve them.
Saying that I want to have lots of money someday doesn't give the subconscious
a definitive target to aim for.
How much is lots of money? $500? $50,000? $5,000,000? And when will
"someday" be?
In a month? A year? Ten years? Next Tuesday?

To raise the odds of having the life you always wanted, you must first write
down exactly how you would like that life to be.
Makes sense, right?
It's going to serve as your guiding light. Whenever faced with a decision, you
will now be able to think:
"Will choosing this bring me closer or further away from my Ideal Day?"
This should quicken the time it takes to make decisions and will GREATLY
improve the choices that you make.
Not only that - but it will be your snapshot into the future. When you are
struggling and feeling defeated, you can always go back to your Ideal Day and
get motivation from it.
The Ideal Day Generation mind technique will really get your imagination going.
It should be exciting and FUN. Kind of like writing to Santa. :-)
You get to write down ANYTHING at all that you would like in your ideal day.
Never limit your ideas - especially when it comes to wealth. Is it possible for you
to have 200 million dollars in the bank? Yes, it is possible and that's all your
subconscious needs to know.
And don't worry about how you will make the events in your Ideal Day come
true. That's exactly what your subconscious mind will be working on.
You worry about the WHAT and your subconscious (along with the powerful
universal laws of attraction!) will worry about the HOW.
** The above sentence is absolutely critical. Please read it again,
because I cannot underscore the importance of this enough. **
Now, because your Action Plan for designing your perfect Ideal Day involves 5
important steps Ill stop myself from simply glossing over them in this
lesson (todays letter is already getting too long!)

To make sure you get the *most* benefit from this great technique, I will outline
all 5 steps for you in the next letter.
Until then, Id like you to have a good think about what you would ask for on
your unlimited wish list to Santa ;-)
Keep an eye out for your next lesson, because in all due seriousness, this
particular mind technique can take you one BIG LEAP forward in accomplishing
your goals
Look forward to it! :-)
Yours in success,
Noel Jones
PS: Are you using your Intelligent Warrior Subliminal Videos?? The responses
coming in for the videos are astounding!
If you havent already -- please do yourself a favor and start using them each
day, youll be surprised with the measurable (and fast) effects.

*mind power* secrets: Lesson 6

As promised, below is Your Ideal Day Action Plan!
As I mentioned earlier, this particular mind technique may be the most important
thing you can do to achieving your dreams
Just as any successful business NEEDS a business plan - so do you NEED a LIFE
Heres how to create yours
-------------------------------------------YOUR ACTION PLAN FOR IDEAL DAY GENERATION:
-------------------------------------------STEP 1: Zero distractions
Your are going to need about an hour of undisturbed quiet time. No radio. No
T.V. Nothing else that would distract you.
STEP 2: Choose your format
You can either use a pen and paper or you can type it out. I prefer to type it out
and save it because it makes future editing easier.
And trust me, as you grow, your Ideal Day will change. This is perfectly normal
and it should change as you do.
STEP 3: Give it Life!
Starting from the exact time that you wake up, write out your entire ideal day.
Describe everything. Your home. Your family. Your health. Your cars. Your
vacations. The way you generate income. Write out your perfect routine. Fill it
with details and MAKE IT VIVID.
This should really excite you because you are taking the first step toward
creating your ideal future. You create the person you want to be, where you
want to live, who you want to be surrounded by, and even how you want to
make your money.

By writing your Ideal Day down, you give it LIFE. You give it tremendous
momentum to move in your direction.
And remember to NEVER limit your ideas.
STEP 4: Read it Out Loud with Enthusiasm!
Once each week (like every Sunday night), read your Ideal Day out loud. And
don't just mumble and skim through it. Describe your Ideal Day with enthusiasm
and pride. The more emotion you put behind reading it, the stronger it affects
the subconscious mind.
And remember what happens when the subconscious senses a difference
between the inner and outer worlds?
It feels tension and gives you ideas, opportunities and motivation so that you can
make your inner and outer worlds match.
STEP 5: Re-visit your Ideal Day
Every six months, go back and see if you need any major changes. A lot can
happen in half a year, and things that were important before aren't so important
I find that I usually modify my ideal day once every 3 months. You will know
when and what you will need to change when something you are reading just
doesn't ring true anymore.
This mind technique is among the most effective, yet the least
I believe that its because this exercise really makes you think about what's
important to you and what exactly would make you happy.
So please, for your sake, don't dismiss this mind technique. Of all of the
techniques I will be discussing in this short eCourse, this is the one that I believe
gives you the best results.
So get a pen and paper (or open up Microsoft Word) and start generating your
Ideal Day!!
In the next lesson, we will go over the next mind technique that only takes you
10 minutes, yet the benefits are enormous!
Until then,

Noel Jones
PS: Remember to do your Ideal Day generation!

*mind power* secrets: Lesson 7

I hope you took the time to do the Ideal Day Generation technique mentioned
in Lesson 6. In all due seriousness, it can take you a BIG leap forward in
accomplishing your goals.
Now, onto Mind technique #4
Today Ill show you the big benefits of using Repetitive Writing.
Aaaargh! Now stay with me here
The Repetitive Writing mind technique is not as exciting as some of the
other techniques, but its benefits far outweigh the ten minutes that it will take
you to complete this task.
Writing out your desires over and over again will further influence your
subconscious mind -- which if you havent guessed by now is the KEY to
achieving all your desires and dreams. Yes, all of them!
This mind technique takes aspects from Affirmation Imprinting (creating
powerful, effective statements of your desired outcomes), Subliminal Messaging
(flooding your subconscious mind every day with your desired outcomes) and
Ideal Day Generation (unleashing the magic of writing down your thoughts and
To experience the positive effects of hundreds and thousands affirmations
flooding your subconscious mind every day
Please use your Intelligent Warrior Videos regularly!
Like I said earlier, the actual process of writing down your statements will
become boring very quickly. I urge you to do it anyway.
Is brushing your teeth fun? Hardly, but you do it anyway because you want your
teeth to be and feel healthy (and to avoid the drill next time you visit the
It seems that mean old 3rd grade teacher ALMOST got it right....
She, like most people using affirmations, structured the statements incorrectly.

She focused on the negative.

Like when she told you to write the sentence "I will not talk in class" fifty times
on the blackboard. As you already know, the subconscious sees in images and
can't visualize the word "not."
In the example I just gave you, all it recognizes and "sees" are images of "I",
"talk", and "in class."
The well-meaning teacher thereby reinforces the exact opposite behavior than
she had intended. And guess what happened the next day?
You got in trouble for talking in class again! And how did the teacher discipline
you? You guessed it. She had you writing those sentences again, unknowingly
reinforcing your negative behavior!
As you know, to re-program your mind effectively with positive behaviors, can
be done with your Intelligent Warrior videos.
Having thousands of positive life altering affirmations flooding your subconscious
mind every day is very powerful.
So let's now put this information into practical application.
-------------------------------------------YOUR ACTION PLAN FOR REPETITIVE WRITING:
-------------------------------------------STEP 1: Just Three
Pick a maximum of three behaviors you would like to change. Ideally, you would
want to work on just one first, until you started to see your intended desires
materialize, before moving onto other goals.
And if you really want to accelerate the process, pick the same goal as the one
you are working on with your Affirmation Imprinting.
STEP 2: Meet the 3 Ps
Make sure that your sentence is formatted properly. This is the exact same step
you used when you created your affirmations. To recap, your sentence should
be personal, positive, and present tense.
STEP 3: A private book

Buy a spiral notebook. You will be using this to write your sentences in. Having
a central place is much more effective than writing on whatever scrap of paper
you happen to find.
Sometimes you won't remember if you wrote your sentences out that morning or
not. Having one place to look to find out will solve this.
STEP 4: Make your statement real
Write the date at the top of the page and write your sentence over and over
again on each line until it fills up the entire page.
An average spiral notebook is between 25-30 lines per page side. From personal
experience I find this to be the perfect amount of times to write your sentence.
You will do this exercise first thing each morning, and then again just before
going to sleep at night.
Once your subconscious mind fully absorbs the statement you are trying to send
it and provides you with the tools to make it a reality -- only then would you
start with your next desired change!
** Remember -- powerful repetition influences your subconscious
mind and influencing your subconscious belief system (with your
desired outcome) is the golden *key* to reaching your goals and
dreams. **
This is why subliminal messaging can have such a powerful - and unexpected
impact on peoples lives.
In the next lesson, we will learn about one of my all-time favorite Mind
techniques: Power Visualization.
Until then,
Noel Jones

*mind power* secrets: Lesson 8

Ahhh, Mind technique #5one of my all-time favorites
Today you will learn about the Power Visualization mental technique, and how
this relaxing exercise will empower you to attract greater Wealth, Love, and More
into your life.
Actually, the term "visualization" is a misnomer. With this technique, you will be
using MORE than just your visual faculties.
When you do Power Visualization - besides seeing what you desire, you will
also hear it, smell it, taste it, and feel it.
The honest truth is
-------------------------------------------WHATEVER YOU THINK ABOUT MOST OFTENEXPANDS IN YOUR LIFE
-------------------------------------------So if you are constantly worried about not having enough money, you will get
more life experiences of not having enough money.
** Focusing on opportunities to make money will get you a thousand
times further than worrying about the lack of it.**
But Power Visualization is more than just positive thinking. It's about putting
your mind and body in the ideal place first, and then flooding your subconscious
with a colorful experience of life as you want it.
The more relaxed you are, the more open your subconscious is to receive the
messages you want to send it. And the more senses that you involve in your
Power Visualization, the more of an impact it will have.
-------------------------------------------SUPER-CHARGE YOUR EMOTIONS:
-------------------------------------------Let's say that you wanted to buy a new car. The meaning of a "new car" is too
vague a term. What kind of new car do you want? You need to be absolutely

So you don't want a new car.

You want a brand new, black 2008 BMW 535i sedan with dark gray interior and a
360 horsepower engine.
And once you have that decided, you're going to Power Visualize it.
You are going to SEE yourself walking up to it.
Your are going to FEEL how smooth and perfect the outer body feels.
You are going to get inside of the car, and SMELL the leather. You get the
Here's another important characteristic of the subconscious mind: it can't tell the
difference between your outer world and your imagination.
Meaning that if you visualize an event in great detail and with a lot of
EMOTION, your subconscious mind will BELIEVE that it's really
And the more times you practice Power Visualization properly, the more "real" it
will seem to your subconscious.
This is key because once it believes your visualization to be a fact, it will feel
tension when your current outer reality doesn't match up.
It will then go your assistance by sending you ideas, opportunities and
motivation to transform your outer world
Now that you understand how and why Power Visualization works so well..
Tomorrow, I will give you a Highly Effective 5-Step Action Plan for doing your
own Power Visualizations!
Look forward to it :-)
Until then,
Noel Jones

*mind power* secrets: Lesson 9

As promised, heres Your Action Plan for Power Visualization
Decide on what desire or goal you want to visualize.
Lay or sit down in a comfortable position. You can have classical music playing,
nature sounds or simply have it quiet.
STEP Three:
Take a deep breath, hold it for a count of three, and as you exhale, say the
number 10 to yourself. Take another breath, hold it for a count of three, and as
you exhale, say the number 9 to yourself.
Repeat this until you get to the number zero.
STEP Four:
Now visualize your goal. Don't view it from the third person. Put yourself there.
Use all of your senses.
Experience in vivid detail how this goal looks, feels, tastes, sounds and smells
like. The more specifics you can add, the stronger the effect.
You will know that you are doing it correctly when you start to feel excited. This
is caused because your subconscious mind honestly thinks that this event is
happening! It causes you to feel joy.
STEP Five:
Once you have visualized as many details about the goal as you have the time
for, usually about fifteen minutes, you can start to come back to full awareness.
You weren't asleep or unconscious. But unless you properly bring yourself back,
you are going to feel tired and groggy. Done correctly, you will feel energized
and refreshed.

Take a deep breath, hold it for a count of three, and as you exhale, say the
number zero to yourself. Continue this process until you get back to ten.
Hold your breath once more, and this time as you exhale, say the following
phrase out loud:
"I am now fully awake, energized and refreshed.
Perform the Power Visualization mind technique once daily, usually sometime in
the middle of the day. We all lead very busy lives and sometimes scheduling in
this exercise takes some skill.
BE CREATIVE! Because you can do this almost anywhere!
-------------------------------------------WHY IS IT SO POWERFUL??
-------------------------------------------This works for two reasons:
1. Because you are influencing your subconscious mind into a new belief
system -- which ultimately reflects the life that you will see and experience in
your outer world.
2. Because you are sending your desires out into the universe and allowing the
powerful Laws of Attraction do what they do best giving you what you think
most about!
In the final lesson, I will show you how to put all 5 mind techniques to work
together so that their effectiveness is multiplied many times over.
Until then,
Noel Jones

*mind power* secrets: Lesson 10

Putting It All Together

Hi Ah, the final lesson. But I really don't want our relationship to end here.
See, I recently discovered that my life's purpose is to teach others, to help you
awaken the true power of your mind, to take your life - your goals, desires, and
dreams - to new heights.
Life doesn't happen to you, but instead *through* you.
And armed with this knowledge, and some constructive guidance - you truly can
live a life without limits!
"If You Can Master Your Mind, You Can Do Anything You Want."
So now that we have learned about the five introductory mind techniques and
have practiced performing them, let's put them all together!
Any of the mind techniques alone will have a strong positive influence in your
life, but combining them together will give you exponential results..
-------------------------------------------YOUR ACTION PLAN FOR COMBINING ALL FIVE MIND TECHNIQUES:
-------------------------------------------STEP One:
The very first thing that I recommend doing is the Ideal Day Generation mind
technique. This exercise will force you to define what success is for you. It will
be the foundation from which everything else is built.
Find a quiet place, take your time and enjoy the process. You are creating the
blueprint of the life of your dreams. Have fun with it!
Taking your Ideal Day, pick the aspect about it that you most want to see in your
life. It may be being healthier, making a certain amount of money, or spending
more time with loved ones.

Whatever it is that you most want to see come true, focus on that. You will then
use this one aspect for your Power Visualization sessions to be performed
once a day.
STEP Three:
Next, take that same one aspect that you picked out of your Ideal Day, and use
it to create your sentences to use with the Affirmation Imprinting and
Repetitive Writing mind techniques.
STEP Four:
The Subliminal Messaging mind technique is the only one that you will need to
get help with. Use your Intelligent Warrior Video series to fast track your
If you have the discipline to put all of these techniques in place, you will start to
see massive results in a very short period of time.
-------------------------------------------SNAP SHOT OF YOUR TYPICAL DAY:
-------------------------------------------Here is what a typical day would look like using these Mind techniques:
1. You wake up and immediately start doing the Repetitive Writing technique by
writing out your desired sentence on one whole side of a page in your spiral
2. Next you will do the Affirmation Imprinting technique by taking out the index
card with your sentence on it, and reading it out loud twenty times with
3. Once you turned on your computer, you will immediately open your favorite
Intelligent Warrior video you purchased so that you can do the Subliminal
Messaging mind technique.
I suggest watching your preferred video/s for 5 to 10 minutes in the morning,
and again in the evening.
You can see many solid changes start to happen just by watching your video for
5 minutes (dont watch for more than 20mins per day)

4. Sometime during the day when you have a few minutes to yourself, close
your eyes and start your Power Visualization session using the aspect you picked
out of your Ideal Day.
5. If this happens to be the day to work on your Ideal Day Generation, take it
out and read it out loud with enthusiasm.
6. Throughout the day, whenever you see an index card, perform your
Affirmation Imprinting exercise.
7. Before going to bed, practice your Affirmation Imprinting and Repetitive
Writing mind techniques once more.
-------------------------------------------Youll Get *Powerful* Results As You Sleep
-------------------------------------------As you sleep, your subconscious will be in a flurry of activity!!
Why? Because all day long you flooded it with powerful images and phrases of
the way you want your life to be. It feels tension and is working on ways to
relieve that tension by sending you thoughts, opportunities and motivation.
And there you have the Introductory MindPower system.
I hope that you not only read this Course, but also put the information to use.
You'll thank me when you do!
Yours in success!
Noel Jones

If you know anyone else that needs help reaching their goals and desires, please
feel free to forward them to Mind Power Secrets That Really Work.
They can sign up for their Free MindPower eCourse HERE.

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