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Life Exchange

Chapter 1:

Luke and Jake

Chapter 2:

The Accident

Chapter 3:

Life Exchange

Chapter 4:

New Life - Old Habits

Chapter 5:

Strange Caller

Chapter 6:


Chapter 7:

The Psychic

Chapter 8:

The Past Strikes Back

Jenny Dooley

Chapter 9:

Great Grandfather's clock

Chapter 10: The Chase

Express Publishing

Chapter 1

Luke Harrison sat at his desk and looked through the door
into the next room. His secretary was preparing the room for
the directors' meeting. Luke smiled. On the table, the crystal
glasses and golden cigarette box were shining in the light from
the lamps. There were red roses to go with the red velvet chairs.
Yes, the directors would certainly have a comfortable meeting.
The smile left his face. He wasn't so sure of the discussions at
the meeting. His partner, Jake Fulbright, was talking to him
from the other side of the room. There was anger in his voice.
"Luke! Wake up! The office looks good, doesn't it? Our
company is going well, isn't it? Together we've done a good
job. And how? By always doing what's best for the company!"
"It's no good, Jake. You are not going to change my mind.
Our business is property - land, houses and buildings. We
became a great company because we gave the people what
they wanted. And they paid us well. Now our city wants us and
for a good cause. We have to give them what they want - a
children's home. There is more to success than money, Jake.
There is pride, and respect ..."
"Stop that! Our city needs an office block! And big
companies will pay us good money. Think of your family, Luke.
Don't you want to do the best for your wife?"
Jake took out a cigarette and lit it.
"If you're so keen on doing the best for yourself, why don't
you stop that harmful habit?"

Luke hated smoking and Jake hated being told what to do

by anyone, even if it was his old friend and partner. The two
men had grown up together, and built their futures together.
And together they had found riches and success. But in the
past year, something had gone wrong between them. What
was it? Luke wished he knew.
"For goodness sake, Luke! Listen to me! I'm going to fight
you on this one. I'm going into that meeting and I'm going to
persuade those directors to agree to the new office building."
"I'm sorry, Jake. You can't do that. We are the partners,
they are our directors. They can't agree to anything if we don't
agree. Those are the rules, Jake."
"Rules are for losers! I'm a winner, and I take chances!"
Jake banged his fist on the table. Then he looked directly
into Luke's eyes.
"He who dares, wins, Luke. Remember? And I dare!"
It was an old saying that the two men had used in the
early days of their business. They had used the saying to give
each other courage. Now Jake was using it to give him the
strength to fight his own partner. Just then, the phone on
Luke's desk rang. He heard his wife's gentle, loving voice.
"Is that you, Luke?"
"Yes, darling. How's it going at home?"
"Fine! But what's the matter? You don't sound too happy."
Dear Megan! She always knew if something was wrong. But
she must not know that anything was wrong between Luke
and Jake. Luke tried to sound happier.
"I ... I'm fine, love. Just a bit busy. You know - usual Friday
rush to get things done before the weekend. How are things
at home?"

"Pretty busy here, too! Nathan has brought a friend home

from school - can't you hear them? They are playing upstairs.
And I've got your favourite dinner - beef curry. It's nearly
ready. So what time are you coming home?"
"Listen, Megan, love. I'm sorry, but I'm going to be late.
There's a meeting this evening."
"Oh, Luke! Not again! Oh, darling, you've been working
too hard lately. Try to get home and relax - we miss you!"
"I know, love. And I'll be home as soon as I can."
Luke put the phone down. He wished Jake hadn't been in
the room listening to the conversation.
"You leave that gorgeous wife of yours alone far too much.
If she was my wife, I would never leave her side."
There was something about Jake when he spoke of Megan a look in his eye, and a strange tone in his voice. Luke couldn't
explain why, but it made him very uncomfortable. But Jake was
keeping a secret from his partner. Jake, the man with money
and power but without a woman in his life, was in love with Luke's
wife. Megan knew nothing of this. She loved her husband, her
son and her home. Jake knew this, but Jake still wanted Megan.
"And he who dares, wins!" he told himself.
The awkward moment in the office passed. Just then, the
intercom buzzed. Jake pressed a button and listened. It was
one of the secretaries.
"All four directors have arrived. Shall I take them into the
conference room?"
"Yes, please. We'll be with them in two minutes. Well Luke,
this is it. They are all in there. And I'm going to persuade each
one of them what is best for this company. Big luxury offices
- that will bring us heaps of money."

Chapter 2

Jake looked at Luke. He was daring him to answer. Then

he picked up his cigarettes and walked out of the room.

Jake was the first to leave the meeting. His face was red with
anger. The directors had not agreed to the idea of constructing
a new office building but, worse, they had refused to listen to
any plan which both Jake and Luke did not agree to. He walked
past the secretaries and out to his car. He didn't say anything
to Luke because he didn't want to fight him. Not yet. He was
going to try once more to change his mind.

Back at Luke's house, Nathan heard his father's car coming.

He ran to the front door.
"Daddy! You're late! Come and see my model aeroplane!
I've nearly finished it! Daddy, it's beef curry for dinner, your
favourite! I'm starving, are you? Can we go out on our bikes
together tomorrow?
"Hey, slow down a bit!"
"Hello darling! At last!"
"Hello, my love. Ah, it's good to be home."
They all went into the living room to enjoy the evening
The next morning, as they were having breakfast, the
telephone rang. It was Jake.


"Good morning Luke! Listen, I've got an idea. Why don't

we go out hunting? It's been a long time since we went hunting
together. Maybe we can bring a rabbit home for Megan to
Luke was pleased that Jake was in a good mood. And although
it was Saturday, Luke decided to go out with Jake. It was a
chance for them to do something together as friends, just as
they used to do in the past.
"Good idea! Let's do it! We'll go in my car - I'll come and
pick you up in an hour. I need to clean my gun first. I haven't
used it for ages."

It was a glorious day. A perfect day for hunting. The sun

was shining through the trees. The birds were singing. As they
walked through the woods, Jake started talking about work and the office building.
"Oh, come on Jake! Let's forget about the office building
for today, and just enjoy ourselves."
"Life isn't that simple, Luke. We have to pay for everything
- even days out in the woods. That's why we can't afford to
build children's homes, Luke."
"Jake, I told you. The city needs the home, and we have
almost promised we are going to do it. It's the right thing to
"The right thing to do is what's good for us - not the
"Come on, Jake! Let's just hunt rabbits. Now, what's that I
see over there? Looks like a nice tasty dinner to me!"

Luke picked up his gun. So did Jake. But Jake wasn't looking
at the trees, or the rabbits.
The bullet from Jake's gun flew past Luke's face.
"For goodness sake! What are you thinking of? You almost
killed me!"
"I'm sorry. It was an accident. I touched the trigger by
mistake. I'm very sorry."
"Look, I think it's time we went home. We are obviously
not going to do any serious hunting today."
"Well, I didn't mean to do it, and I've said I'm sorry. But
if you want to go, then let's go."
The two men sat in the car and stared at the road in front.
Neither of them spoke. Luke changed gear as they came into
a narrow road. Jake looked down at the view across the hills
and of the city below. Luke turned the steering wheel as they
came to a bend. There, approaching them, was an enormous
lorry on their side of the road. Luke shouted,
"Get onto your own side of the road!"
But the lorry driver didn't notice them. He wasn't looking
at Luke's car - he was looking at the pleasant view below.
"Move over, you idiot! Watch the road!"
The tyres screeched as Luke tried to move out of the way. But
the lorry just came towards them. Luke turned the steering wheel
again, fast. The car left the road, and disappeared over the side
of the hill. For a moment there was silence as the car flew through
the air. Then came the crash.
Neither of the men heard the noise, or felt the flames as
the car exploded. Their burnt bodies were thrown out of the
car and onto the grass.



The lorry driver was still shaking when the ambulance

arrived. The ambulance men ran towards the burning car. On
the black, burnt ground nearby lay the two men. They were
lifted into the ambulance and taken to the City Hospital. The
ambulance men pushed them on trolleys into the Casualty
Department. A nurse stood with them as they waited for the
doctors to come. As they lay on their trolleys inside the hospital,
one of the men made a noise. The nurse spoke to him.
"Hello. Can you hear me? Can you tell me your name?"
The burned man turned towards his burned friend on the
other trolley. He put his hand onto his friend's hand.
"J ... a ...k ... e!"
But that was his last word. He died, with his hand in the
hand of his friend.
"Can you hear me? Jake, did you say?"
The nurse lifted the dead man's hand away from his friend's
and laid it across his chest.

Megan looked at the clock and told herself not to worry.

Luke was probably having a drink with Jake. He would be
home soon. The telephone rang.



"Hello. I'd like to speak to Mrs Megan Harrison - er, Luke

Harrison's wife, please."
"Yes, that's me. Who's speaking, please?"
"I'm Police Constable Smithers, from the City Police Station.
Mrs Harrison, there's been an accident - a car accident - rather
Megan caught her breath.
"Oh, no ... he isn't ... he ..."
"Now, keep calm. Your husband is alive, but he is very badly
hurt. Now, can you come straight to the Casualty Department
at the City Hospital, please? Would you like me to send one
of my men to come and get you?"
"No, thank you. I'm coming now; right away."

Megan drove, praying all the way.

"Oh, please God, let him live! He's such a good man, a good
husband, a good father ..."
She fought her tears as she drove to the hospital. She quickly
found the policeman at the Casualty Department.
"Hello, er, Mrs Harrison? Now, try to relax - I know it's
difficult. Your husband's car crashed and went off the road. It
was quite bad - the car caught fire and the two men were badly
burned. We found the number plate of the car so we were able
to find its owner. One of the men died. We were able to identify
your husband because he was holding his wedding ring in his
hand. A nurse will take you in to see him."
Shortly afterwards, a doctor came into the room. He sat
down on a seat next to Megan.


"Mrs Harrison? I'm Doctor Ramsay. I've been looking after

your husband."
The doctor looked kindly at Megan, and held her hand.
"We are doing everything we can to save him, but he's in
a coma, so he won't know you're here."
"Is he ... is he ... going to die, Doctor?"
"We hope not, but we must prepare ourselves."
Megan could no longer see the doctor's kind face - her eyes
were filled with tears.
"Oh, Doctor! What about his friend, Jake?"
"There was nothing we could do for him - he died when
he arrived here at the hospital. Now, come with me. Your
husband is covered in bandages so you won't see much of him.
But we all believe it helps the patient to have a loved one nearby
- even when they are in a coma."
Megan followed the doctor to a small side room at the end
of a ward. The man under the bandages knew nothing and
"Oh, Luke! Well, I suppose it's better right now that he
doesn't know anything. I mean, he would be in terrible pain
if he were awake, wouldn't he, Doctor?"
"Yes. You know, Mrs Harrison, even if he recovers, he
might not remember much. He might have amnesia."
"But it would pass, wouldn't it?"
"Hopefully, yes - in time. Now, let's leave the nurses to take
care of him. Go home and get some rest - we will call you if
we need you. And come back tomorrow morning."


Chapter 4

The next three days were terrible for Megan. She sat at the
side of the bed - waiting for signs of recovery. Then, on the
third evening, the head under the bandages moved. Megan
saw the eyes and the lips move slowly.
"Oh Luke! My love! Luke, darling - can you hear me? Can
you see me?"
The voice was slow and weak.
"Oh Luke, does it hurt? Don't worry. Everything will be all
right. You are going to live, and come home. We're all going
to be together soon. Oh Luke! I love you so much!"
The face under the bandages moved, the eyes filled with
tears. Then they closed, and Luke slept.


The nurse touched the bandages around Luke's head and

smiled at him.
"Well, this is it! Now, will you take it off Luke, or should
It was the last bandage - after the last operation. For six
months, doctors had cut skin and repaired the terrible damage
from the accident. Luke had been very patient and had been
waiting for this moment.
"You do it, Nurse. It's the last time for you - I'll just watch
the good work!"
He looked into the mirror, and he couldn't believe his eyes.
It was like magic! There were a few tiny lines, but apart from
that, it was the same good-looking face of the photographs of
Luke Harrison before the accident. The same photographs
that the doctors had used to recreate the face. And they had
got it right! Luke's eyes filled with tears.
"Oh, I don't know what to say ... well ... I look exactly like
I did before! It's just perfect!"
"I'm very happy for you Luke! But you had better go home
to your wife before we all fall in love with you! And here she is!"
Megan walked into the room, carrying a suitcase to take
his things home. She put down the case and threw her arms
around him.
"Oh Luke! I've got my old Luke back again! Come on, let's
get you home, where you belong!"


They drove away from the hospital. It was so nice for Megan
to sit in the car with her husband at the wheel again. But she
noticed that Luke suddenly seemed sad.
"What is it love? Aren't you happy?"
"Yes, but I'm so sorry that Jake didn't have the same luck.
Do you mind if we stop at the cemetery? I'd just like to see his
Megan wondered why he didn't want to go home first. But
it was true. Luke had not yet actually seen the grave of his old
friend and partner. He had been very sick at the time of the
"Of course, love. We'll stop off first and buy some flowers."

Nathan pulled Luke by the hand and took him into the
living room.
"I want to see you here, by the fire, just like the old days.
Oh Daddy, I've missed you so much! I'm going to make sure

As they walked to the door, Nathan ran out. He threw his

arms around Luke.
"Daddy! Oh, Daddy! I'm so happy you're back!"

that nothing bad ever happens to you again!"

The family had dinner together. Megan poured them all
some wine.
"Here's to our family - together again!"
"And forever!"
Nathan couldn't stop looking at Luke, and Megan's eyes
were shining with happiness. After the meal, Luke put his hand
into his pocket. He took out a packet of cigarettes and lit one.
Megan and Nathan both spoke at once.
"Luke! You are smoking! But you've never smoked before!
You've always hated it!"
"Yes, I know."
"Don't do it Daddy! It's bad for you!"
"Hey, you two!"
"I'm sorry darling. We didn't mean to complain."
Megan got up to get an ashtray. Nathan picked up the
"Jake used to smoke those."
Megan took the packet from Nathan, and handed the ashtray
to Luke.
"Thank you. I expect it's a reaction - the shock from the
accident is making me want to smoke."
"Well, let's hope it will pass. Anyway, it's wonderful to have
you back. Now, shall we go and sit by the fire and watch a film



At the graveyard, Megan put the flowers onto the grave.

Then she stepped back to let Luke have a moment alone. Luke
went down on his knees and cried.
"Oh Jake! My true friend! Why was it you and not me? How
can I live without you? I'll never forget you, never!"
Megan waited for a little while, then she went and took him
away from the grave. They walked back to the car in silence.
Luke drove them home.

Chapter 5

"Hello darling! You're early! What a nice surprise! Oh,

what lovely flowers!"

Megan put the flowers into a vase. She carried the vase into
the hall, and put it on the table under her favourite photograph.
It was a photograph of Luke - handsome, happy, with kind
smiling eyes.
Later that evening, they drank the champagne together.
"To a wonderful new start! Cheers, darling!"
"And to my next business deal!"
"What's that, darling? The new building for the children's
"No. To the new office building I am going to build. Right
in the middle of the city centre."
"Office building! But I thought you didn't want the office
"Well, I do want the office building, now. I am going to
name it after Jake - The Fulbright Centre - luxury offices."
"But you wanted the children's home so much! And the
city is expecting you to build it."
Luke looked at Megan. His eyes were wet with tears.
"I must do this, Megan. It was Jake's last wish before he
"Well, I can understand those feelings in your private life.
But, Luke, do you think you should listen to your feelings and
emotions in your business life?"
"He was my partner, Megan. He died and I lived. I owe
him this."
Just then the telephone rang. Luke went out into the hall
to answer it. He picked up the phone and heard a strange
noise. It was a voice - well, like a voice -but strange. It seemed
very far away, but at the same time as if the speaker was



"Welcome back!"
The secretaries, the directors, the cleaners - all the office
staff- stood in the office, waiting for Luke. As he walked through
the door, they cheered and clapped. Luke's personal secretary,
Mary, came up and kissed him.
"It's wonderful to see you. We've all been waiting for this
Luke went into his office with Mary. She explained some
of the things that were happening in the company, and showed
him the files with all the information he needed. Then the
directors came in for a short meeting. The company had
managed very well without the two partners, but everyone was
glad to have one of the heads of the company back in control.
After he had spoken to all of them, Luke sat in his office. It
was strange - he was alone now. There was no partner sitting
across from him. Nobody to help him make a decision. And
nobody to stop him doing whatever he wanted to do. Yes, the
company was all his. He looked at the photograph of Megan
on his desk. Suddenly he wanted to be with her. He went out
and bought some flowers and champagne. Then he went home.

standing right next to him. He looked at the flowers on the

hall table, and he tried hard to recognise the voice.
"Why? Tell me why?"
Luke didn't say anything. He waited to hear more.
"Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this?"
The voice got stronger as it repeated the question.
"Why are you doing this?"
Luke was frightened - very frightened. He put the telephone
down. At the same moment he looked at the photograph above
the table. Megan's favourite photograph of her happy, smiling
Luke. The photograph moved. It clearly moved from side to
side. Then it moved forward, away from the wall.
Luke stared in horror as it crashed down to the floor. Tiny
pieces of glass and torn pieces of photograph flew across the
Megan rushed out into the hall.
"What's that? What happened? Oh, my photograph."
Luke was white, and frightened. But he answered Megan.
"I ... I'm sorry, love. I lifted my arm up - I knocked it off

by mistake. I ... I'll clear it up."

Megan looked at him. She was a bit worried.
"Don't worry. I'll do it. You look tired dear - go and sit
down. Remember, it was your first day back at work for a very
long time. I'll make us a drink and we'll go to bed early."



Chapter 6

"Cheers darling! And a happy birthday!"

Megan lifted her wine glass and looked into Luke's eyes.
"And many more of them, together."
She kissed him, and they drank their wine. Nathan looked
at the barbecue.
"Not too many more glasses of wine, Daddy! Look! You're
burning the steak!"
Luke turned to the barbecue, and moved the steaks to one
"Hey! You used to be really good at cooking barbecues.
What's happened?"
"Too much wine!"
"Quiet, Nathan! Luke, you don't look too well. Are you sure
you're all right? Here, I have some beef curry for you over
there - that should make you feel better."
But Luke didn't eat the beef curry, or any of the barbecue
food. Megan was worried.
"Darling, really! What's the matter?"
"It's O.K. Megan. I'm just not very hungry."
The telephone rang. Luke went to answer it. A familiar
voice spoke to him.
"Happy birthday, partner!"
An echo from the past! Luke's face became white with fear.
He put the phone down and walked back into the garden.
Megan saw the colour of his face.

"Luke, love. What is it? You look terrible! Who was on the
"Nobody. It was a wrong number."
"Well, come over here and cut your cake. OK everyone!
Here he is!"
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday
dear Luke. Happy birthday to you!"
All the guests cheered and clapped. Luke cut his cake and
handed everyone a piece. Soon, he was laughing and joking
with them all.

Later in the evening, Megan told Nathan to go and have

his bath.
"Oh, Mum! All right. I'll go if Daddy will come up afterwards
and say goodnight."
"Of course I will!"
"And tell me a story?"
"Yes. Now you go and have your bath."
Nathan came out of the bathroom - clean, tired and happy.
Luke was sitting on his bed, waiting for him.
"Hey, Daddy! Aren't you glad you had that birthday? I
certainly am! Daddy, will you tell me that story - you know,
the one about the fisherman and his wife? The way you used
to tell it, with the funny voices?"
"What story is that, Nathan?"
"Oh, you know, Daddy - our story! I'll be the fish, and you'll
be the fisherman."
"I don't think I know that one, Nathan."


Chapter 7

"Oh, don't tease me, Daddy! Of course you do! We've done
it a thousand times!"
"Well, I suppose I just don't remember it, then."
Nathan looked worried. Was Daddy joking or not?
"Daddy, you can't have forgotten it! It's like forgetting your
own name, or who you are, or Mummy, or me!"
"Well, it looks as if I have forgotten it. Shall we have a
different story? Shall I read you something from a book?"
"Well... yes. If you say so, Daddy."
Nathan listened to the story and then Luke said goodnight.
Nathan heard him going downstairs. Then he lay in bed,
worrying about his father.
Something was wrong. Why didn't he know how to do the
barbecue? Mummy was worried too. She hadn't said anything,
but Nathan knew. He was watching, and listening. And who
was phoning him? Why was he upset after the calls? And what
about the story? He must know it. He listened to his parents
talking. His mother wanted to go somewhere.
"To Lucy's house. You know Lucy, my friend from aerobics.
She's having a tea party on Thursday afternoon. A chance for
us all to have a good chat. Do you think you could stay here
and look after Nathan? I'll be back by nine o'clock."
"Yes, my dear, of course. I know how you. women love to
"Oh, really, Luke! Anyway, Lucy's very nice, you know! You
won't forget, will you?"
"No, my love. I'll be here."


Megan sat in the garden, enjoying the late afternoon sun

with Nathan. They looked up as Luke walked across the
"Hello, dear. Did you have a good day?"
"Mmm, fine. You see, I told you I would remember.
Nathan and I are going to have fun while you ladies chat isn't that right?"
Megan laughed, and went to get ready to leave. She drove
in her own car to her friend's house. The front door was
open, and she walked into the hall. Lucy saw her.
"Megan! Come in and join us! I'm so glad you came!"
"Mmm ... so am I. Oh, look at that table! Lucy you
shouldn't have done all that!"
The table was laid with all kinds of sandwiches, pies, cakes
and biscuits. There were pots of different kinds of tea from
all over the world.
"Come over and say hello first! You know most of the
people here, but I want you to meet someone."
Megan followed Lucy across the room.
"Rose is a very special person. She can see into the future
- she can see beyond our world. She's amazing!"
"You mean she's a psychic!"
"Yes! Isn't it exciting?"
Megan looked at Rose. She was a pretty woman with
bright eyes. She looked up as Megan walked towards her.
"Rose, this is Megan."

"Hello, Megan."
Rose held Megan's hands and looked into her face.
Suddenly Rose became very still - she seemed to be frozen,
or hypnotised. She stared deeply into Megan's eyes, and
when she spoke, she sounded shocked.
"Oh, my God! Your husband is dead!"
"No ... he can't be! He's at home looking after our son ..."
Megan took away her hands and Rose's face turned white,
her eyes closed, and she fell to the floor. Lucy ran to her.
"She's fainted! She has seen a death!"
"It can't be true! I left him half an hour ago ..."
Megan ran from the room, into the hall. She picked up
the telephone and dialled her own number. Luke answered.
"Luke? Is that you?"
"Well, yes. Who did you think it would be?"
"Oh, nobody, nothing. I just wanted to check that
everything was all right."
"Megan! I am able to look after a seven-year-old boy, you
Megan walked back into Lucy's living room. Rose was
sitting on the settee, drinking tea. Nobody said any more
about it. Megan tried to forget about it. She had something
to eat, and chatted with different people.

When she was back at home that evening, she told Luke
what had happened. Luke became strangely angry.
"Why do you listen to these stupid old women? I knew
you shouldn't have gone there!"


Chapter 8

"Come on, Luke! There's no need to get angry. She isn't

a stupid old woman and she didn't mean to hurt anyone."
"Hurt? The woman is dangerous! Filling your head with
lies! And you - silly enough to believe her!"
"Luke, please don't shout. Nathan will hear you."
But Nathan had already heard them both, and he was
"Mummy! Come up and say goodnight!"
"I'm coming, love!"
Upstairs in his room, Nathan was almost in tears. He put
out his arms and held Megan tightly.
"Why is Daddy so angry, Mummy? What's the matter
with him? He's not the same. He couldn't do the barbecue he doesn't even remember our fisherman story!"
"Don't worry. It's because of the accident. He's lost a bit
of his memory - the doctors told me that might happen."
"But why is he angry about the lady at the tea party?"
"I don't know, darling. I expect it's all because of the
accident. He was very ill for a long time, but he'll get completely
better soon, don't worry."
"What about the people on the telephone?"
"What people? There is nobody on the telephone,
darling. You are imagining things. Now, it's very late. Time
for boys to be asleep! And you've got the football match
tomorrow, haven't you? You'll need lots of energy for that if
you want to win!"
"We will win, Mummy! You'll see!"
"I'm sure you will. So, go to sleep, now."
Megan kissed Nathan, and turned off the light.


Luke left for work early the next morning. He was still
annoyed about the psychic at the tea party. He was also
embarrassed about the quarrel he had had with Megan, and
ashamed that Nathan had heard them. When he got into his
office he sat at his desk and looked out of the window. He
telephoned Megan, and asked her to come to the office later.
He would clear up things between them, then he would feel
better. Then he sat quietly and watched the world go by. He
wanted to be alone for a while, but a few minutes later
someone arrived to see him.
A young man walked into his office. He looked about
twenty-five years old, and he spoke to Luke as if he knew
"Hello, Mr Harrison. It's nice to meet you again. And
good to see you looking so well after that terrible accident.
Are you all right now?"
Luke was a bit puzzled. He put out his hand to shake
hands with the young man.
"Well, I'm very well, thank you. But I don't think we've
met, have we?"
"Of course we have! You remember, about the new
children's home? I think everything is settled now - we
should be able to start on it any time now."
"Look, I'm very sorry. I think there has been a mistake.
First of all, this company is not going to build a children's
home. Secondly, you and I have never spoken about

building a children's home - or anything, in fact. I have

never seen you before."
The young man was starting to get annoyed.
"Now look here! Don't try those tricks on me!"
"These are no tricks, young man."
The young man went straight up to Luke. He put his face
right in front of Luke's.
"Do you know what? I think there is a big trick here,
because if you were really Luke Harrison, you'd certainly
know me!"
For a moment, Luke was shocked. If he was really Luke
Harrison! Then he spoke.
"Now just what exactly are you trying to say? I advise you
to think carefully before you say any more!"
"Don't think you can threaten me - it's you who is in the
dangerous position, not me."
"That's enough! Just get out of my office - now!"
Luke walked towards the young man, and the young man
walked towards the door. But as he opened the door, the
young man had the last word.
"Remember - he who dares, wins!"
Then he walked out and slammed the door behind him.
Luke was shaking. How did the young man know about the
expression? It was something that Luke and Jake had used
between them. Who was this man? Luke sat down and lit a
The telephone in front of him rang. He picked it up.
"Hello? Is that Luke Harrison?"
"Yes, it is. Who is speaking?"
"Well, it doesn't really matter who is speaking. It's what I
have to say that is important."
"Oh, yes it does matter! Who are you?"


"Be quiet and listen! I've got news for you, bad news. It's
about that new office block you're building."
The voice was slow, teasing him. Luke spoke sharply into
the telephone.
"Who are you? And what about my office block?"
"Well, you see, there's been an accident. Fire. A nasty fire.
And it's burned your office block. There's not much left of it
now. Sad really. Just when it was nearly finished."
Luke was really frightened. He shouted into the phone.
"What are you talking about? Who are you? And what has
happened to my office block?"
"Oh, dear! Don't you understand English? I said - a fire."
There was a click at the other end. The line was dead.
Luke threw the phone down, and covered his face with his
"Oh, no, no! It can't be! No!"
He stood up, pulled his jacket off his chair, and ran out of
the room. Mary looked up from her typewriter in surprise.
"Are you going out, Mr Harrison? Don't forget the
meeting this afternoon, will you..."
But Luke wasn't listening. The door slammed, and he was


Chapter 9

Megan sat at the other side of the desk and talked to

Luke's secretary. Megan liked Mary - she was glad that Luke
had someone like her to look after him.
"I was at home, cooking, and Luke telephoned me. He
told me to come here because he had something to tell me."
"That's funny, because he isn't here. He went out in a
hurry. But why don't you go and wait for him in his office?
It's more comfortable in there."
"Yes, I think I will."
She went and sat down in Luke's office. Then she noticed
"Oh, that's strange! His clock has stopped. It has never
stopped in all the time he's had it."
She walked over and looked at it. Luke had always loved
the clock. It had belonged to his great grandfather. It was a
beautiful wall clock with a pretty brass face and old numbers.
It had a long pendulum, which gave a gentle "tick tock", and
now, for the first time, it had stopped.
"Well, this will not do! You have to tick, my old friend!"
She opened the clock. There was a little key inside the
"Fancy Luke forgetting to wind you! He must have a lot
on his mind if he forgets that!"
She reached down to the bottom of the clock to get the
key, and she found a pile of papers. She laughed.
"Well, really Luke! You are getting worse. You have an

excellent secretary to look after your papers - and you leave

them in an old clock! Whatever will you do next!"
Megan took the papers out. They were contracts, for
agreements and business arrangements for the last two years.
Now Megan was puzzled.
"Why on earth would he do this? These are important
contracts - they shouldn't be in a clock!"
She looked down at the papers. They had the signatures
of the people Luke had made the agreements with. Signatures,
stamps, dates. Then Megan noticed something else.
"But what on earth, this isn't Luke's signature! This is
And so it was. J.S. Fulbright. No sign of Luke's name.
Megan had seen the signature many times before, on papers
both Luke and Jake had signed.
"But these papers must have been signed in the last two
years - after Jake died. Why is he using Jake's signature?
Why isn't he signing in his own name?"
Then Megan realised something else. Only Jake could
write that signature - it was a very personal one. Luke had
often joked with Jake about it. 'Eccentric', Luke had called it.
Well, it certainly was a strange signature. And certainly only
one person could write it. And that was Jake Fulbright.
"But why? And how? Jake is dead. Jake has been dead for
two years now - hasn't he?"
Then Megan felt a sick feeling in her stomach. She looked
at the ashtray and cigarettes on the desk. Jake's brand of
cigarettes. She heard a voice in her head - the voice of the
policeman in the hospital. "We identified your husband because
he was holding his wedding ring." Not 'wearing' - 'holding.'


Chapter 10

Megan remembered the many strange things that her

husband had done since he came home: building the office
block - not the children's home, forgetting Nathan's story,
not liking beef curry, smoking.
"Your husband is dead," is what Rose at the tea party had
said. Why had Luke been so angry about it? And what had
Rose seen?
Something was wrong - horribly wrong. Megan took the
contracts with Jake's signature and put them in her handbag.
She was going to show them to Luke tonight. She was going
to demand an explanation.
The man she had brought home from the hospital was
not her husband. Of that, Megan was sure. But she wasn't
sure what to do about it. And what did it all mean? Where
was the real Luke?
Megan remembered the strange telephone calls. Luke
had been very frightened. Who had telephoned him?
Suddenly Megan was very frightened, too. She picked up her
keys and went out of the office. She walked past Mary.
"Are you leaving, Mrs Harrison?"
"Yes, I can't wait any longer. Tell Luke, when he comes
in, that I'll see him at home."
"All right, Mrs Harrison. See you soon."
"Yes, Mary. Goodbye."


Megan came home, tired with worry and sick with fear.
She went to the drinks cupboard and poured herself a large
brandy. She needed to calm her nerves, and to be able to
think. Nathan came home from school, tired from a long
day. Megan put him to bed early. She didn't want him to
hear anything of the conversation she was going to have.
When Luke came home he was dirty - black from the
scene of the fire. He was tired and shocked. It had been a
terrible fire. And Megan knew nothing of it yet. She asked
him why he was so dirty.
"It's from a fire, Megan. My new office building has gone
- it has been completely burnt."
But Megan did not run to his side to comfort him. The
brandy gave her extra confidence. She asked a question.
"Who did it, I wonder. Have you found out?"
Luke looked at her in surprise.

"No, not yet."

Megan went and poured herself another brandy. She did
not pour one for Luke. Instead, she moved around the
room. She felt the brandy inside her, making her warm and
making her head very light. As she walked, she knocked
something from a small table. It crashed to the floor and
"Oh, no! My lovely statue of the Flower Girl. Oh, now
what am I going to do?"
Luke spoke to her sharply.
"Oh, come on Megan! It's only a little statue. I'll buy you
another one."

"Another one! There could never be another one! You

don't remember buying it for me, do you? Go on, tell me!
Where did you buy this present for me?"
"Oh, Megan, I don't know. What's the matter with you?
It's really not important."
"Well, that's where you are wrong! It's very important!
And so is this!"
Megan picked up the contracts with Jake's signatures and
threw them onto the table. Luke's face went white.
"Wh ... where ... where did you get those?"
"Never mind where - you tell me where Luke is! Because
you are not Luke - you are Jake! You..."
But Megan didn't finish her sentence. She stepped back,
away from him, because his hand came up, ready to hit her
across the mouth. Megan cried out.
"No! Don't you dare!"
For Megan this was the last and final proof that the man
in her house was not her real husband. And now that she
knew his secret, he was dangerous. Megan ran from the
room and out of the house. She got into her car and drove
into the road. She needed to be away from him, and to think.
"But what now? What can I do about it?"

It started to rain. Megan slowed the car down and looked

into her driving mirror. His car was right behind her,
following her, chasing her.
"Get away from me, can't you? Ah, I know. I'll take that
tiny road that goes to the cliff top. He doesn't know it very


It was a little road she had walked along with Luke when
they were first married. She waited until she was at the
corner before she turned the steering wheel.
But a minute later, she saw him in the mirror. Now he was
driving angrily - and getting nearer and nearer. He was
chasing her as a fox chases a rabbit - the animal and his
prize. And Megan was his prize, and he wasn't going to lose
her. Not now. Not after all this.
She was driving faster and taking the corners well. The
tyres on her car screeched as she turned. He followed her
round another bend, then the road became straighter. It ran
along the top of a cliff. He changed gear and looked hard at
the back of her car. Now was his chance. He could see the
back of her head. He could see her eyes as she looked into
her mirror. He looked again. Those were not Megan's eyes!
Those were Luke's! Now he couldn't see the car - a figure
stood in his way. A tall, light figure, shining against the dark
sky. The figure of Luke Harrison!
He screamed at the figure: "Get out of the way, you idiot!"
But the figure stayed there, staring at him, without fear.
And it stood between him and Megan, blocking the road. He
turned the steering wheel and put on the brakes.
"Get out of the way!"
He was losing control of the car. The wheels were
skidding, the car was sliding across the wet road away from
the figure, and away from Megan. He screamed, and stared
at the figure. Luke's eyes stared back at him. One wheel of
the car was sliding over the edge of the road, and then
another. As the car plunged over the cliff, he shouted his last
Then everything went black ...


Word List

Chapter 1
a good cause (phr)

a look in sb's eye (phr)

awkward (adj)
bang (v)
beef curry (n)

build my future (phr)

button (n)
buzz (v)
change my mind (phr)

conference room (n)

crystal (adj)
discussion (n)
do a good job (phr)

do the best for sb

find riches (phr)
fist (n)
for goodness sake
golden (adj)
good money (phr)
gorgeous (adj)
go with (went - gone)
(phr v)

grow up (grew grown) (phr v)

harmful (adj)
heaps of money (phr)

"He who dares, wins"

how's it going? (exp)
intercom (n)
keen (adj)

keep a secret (phr)

leave somebody's side
light (lit - lit) (v)
loser (n)
loving (adj)
luxury (adj)
miss (sb) (v)
office block (n)
partner (n)
persuade (v)
pick up (phr v)
press (v)
pretty (adv)
pride (n)
property (n)
put the phone down


respect (n)
rule (n)
rush (n)
sound (v)
sth goes wrong (phr)
strength (n)
success (n)
take chances (phr)
the early days (phr)
to dare (sb to do sth)
tone (n)
velvet (adj)
what's the matter?

Chapter 2
accident (n)
approach (v)
be in a good mood

bend (n)
be thrown out of (v)
bullet (n)
by mistake (phr)

Word List

Word List

can't afford (v)

change gear (phr)
come into (came come) (v)
construct (v)
crash (n)
disappear (v)
enormous (adj)

explode (v)
flame (n)

fly (flew - flown) (v)

for ages (phr)
glorious (adj)
gun (n)
hill (n)
hunting (n)

look down at (v)

mean (to do sth)
(meant- meant) (v)

pleasant (adj)
refuse (v)
screech (v)
simple (adj)
slow down (phr v)
stare at (v)
starve (v)
steering wheel (n)
tasty (adj)
through the air (phr)
throw (threw - thrown)

touch (v)
trigger (n)

tyre (n)
view (n)
watch sth (v)
woods (n, pl)

model aeroplane (n)

move out of the way

Chapter 3

move over (phr v)
my face is red with
anger (exp)
narrow (adj)
nearly (adv)
notice (v)
obviously (adv)
out of (phr - prep)
past (prep)
pick sb up (phr v)

across (prep)
all the way (phr)
ambulance (n)
amnesia (n)
awake (v)
badly (adv)
bandage (n)
be covered in (v)
be in a coma (phr)
be filled with (v)
be in pain (phr)
burning (adj)


Casualty Department

catch fire (phr)

catch my breath (phr)
chest (n)
exchange (n)

fight back my tears

get some rest (phr)
go off the road (phr)
identify (v)
in time (phr)
keep calm (phr)
kindly (adv)
lay (laid - laid) (v)
lie (lay - lain) (v)
lift (v)
look after (phr v)
lip (n)
make a noise (phr)
number plate (n)
owner (n)
patient (n)
Police Constable (n)
pray (v)
recover (v)
recovery (n)
relax (v)
right away (phr)
shake (shook - shaken)
shortly afterwards

sign (n)
side room (n)
suppose (v)
take care of sb (phr)
trolley (n)
ward (n)
weak (adj)
wedding ring (n)

Chapter 4
ashtray (n)
at the wheel (phr)
belong (v)
by the fire (phr)
cemetery (n)
complain (n)
damage (n)
do you mind? (phr)
expect (v)
fall in love with (phr)
for a little while (exp)
funeral (n)
go down on my knees
good-looking (adj)
grave (n)
graveyard (n)
had better (phr)
in silence (phr)
make sure (phr)
operation (n)
patient (adj)

pour (a drink) (v)

reaction (n)
recreate (v)
run out (ran - run)

shock (n)
skin (n)
step back (phr)
stop off (phr v)
take sth off (took taken) (phr v)
throw my arms
around sb (phr)
tiny (adj)
wonder (v)

Chapter 5
business deal (phr)
caller (n)
champagne (n)

cheer (v)
cheers! (exp)
clap (v)
clearly (adv)
crash (v)
clear (sth) up (phr v)
emotion (n)
far away (adv)
file (n)
forward (adv)
frightened (adj)
from side-to-side (phr)


handsome (adj)
head (n)
in control (phr)
in horror (phr)
knock sth off (v)
make a decision (phr)
manage (v)
name (sth/sb) after
(sb/sth) (v)
office staff (n)
owe (v)
personal secretary
private (adj)
recognise (v)
repeat (v)
rush out (v)
strange (adj)
torn (adj)
wet (adj)

Chapter 6
afterwards (adv)
barbecue (n)
be back (phr v)
become white with
fear (phr)
call (n)
chat (n)
come up (phr v)
echo (n)
familiar (adj)

Word List

Word List
fisherman (n)
funny (adj)
gossip (v)
guest (n)
hand (v)
joke (v)
suspicion (n)
tease (v)
turn to (v)

upset (adj)

Chapter 7
all over (phr - prep)
amazing (adj)

beyond (prep)
chat (v)
death (n)

deeply (adv)
dial (v)
energy (n)
exciting (adj)
faint (v)
frozen (adj)
have fun (phr)
hypnotised (adj)
ill (adj)
join sb (v)
lay the table (phr)
lie (n)
look up (v)
pie (n)
pot (n)

psychic (n)
put out (put - put)
(phr v)

see into the future

settee (n)
silly (adj)
special (adv)
still (adj)
take away (phr v)
there's no need to
do sth (phr)
tightly (adv)
turn off (phr v)

sharply (adv)
shout (v)
slam (v)
still (adv)
straight (adv)
strike back (struck struck) (phr v)
that's enough! (exp)
threaten (v)
trick (n)
typewriter (n)
watch the world go
by (exp)

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

annoyed (adj)
ashamed (adj)
click (n)
embarrassed (adj)
expression (n)
go out (phr v)
go up to (v)
in surprise (phr)
it doesn't matter (exp)
nasty (adj)
position (n)
pull (v)
puzzled (adj)
quarrel (n)
settled (adj)
shake hands with sb

agreement (n)
any longer (phr)
bottom (n)
brand (n)
brass (adj)
business arrangement
contract (n)
date (n)
demand (v)
eccentric (adj)
explanation (n)
gentle (adj)
have a lot on my mind
horribly (adv)


in a hurry (phr)
pendulum (n)
pile (n)
reach (v)

chase (n)
chase (v)
cliff top (n)
comfort (v)

see you soon (phr)

signature (n)
stamp (n)
this will not do! (exp)
tick (v)
walk over (phr)
wall clock (n)
wind (wound wound) (v)
why on earth? (exp)

confidence (n)
cry out (phr v)
drinks cupboard (n)
driving mirror (n)
edge (n)
figure (n)
find out (found found) (phr v)
get out of the way!
light (adj)
lose control of (exp)
nerves (n, pl)
never mind (exp)
plunge (v)
prize (n)

Chapter 1 0
block (v)
brandy (n)
calm (v)


proof (n)
put on the brakes
scream (v)
skid (v)
slide (slid - slid) (v)
stand in sb's way (phr)
statue (n)

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