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* Conductive paint capable of replacing the wiring to the house of the future:

Institucin Educativa Tcnico Industrial Simona Duque.

Marinilla, Antioquia

-Juan Esteban Restrepo Giraldo -Nick ngelo Gmez Rivera
-Paula Katherine Quintero
-Joan Sebastin Soto Mesa


Research Question
How from graphene could fabricate

conductive paint able to replace the electrical

wiring to the house of the future?

Through mixtures have determined from
graphite and acetone bicarbonate we produce
the conductive paint was sought to obtain
large-scale benefits in the use of this paint is its
conductive capacity which replaces what
copper wiring and security reform

Google acadmico :Propiedades y aplicaciones del
grafeno clamara rodrguez Gonzales. Oxana
vasilievna kharissova.

Overall Objective
Fabric Conductive paint graphene based
energy. Optimize energy electrical wiring.

Based on a process of brainstorming
started looking at our institution the way
to make conductive paint and electricity
started basically with the development
of mixtures of material is as graphite,
vinyl, printer ink, vinegar, salt, acetone,
bicarbonate, and others with whom we
analyzed the potential conductivity and
efficiency that each mixture had to
manage to find the ink that meets the
characteristics we were looking for.

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