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The Trust Fund Kid

By Elton Camp
Born into a rich family way down south
Preston had a silver spoon in his mouth
He had a nanny and a private tutor
In his little tux, couldnt look cuter
Preston grew up on a lavish estate
Safely protected by fence and gate
As a trust fund kid, he never had to work
So he eventually became a snooty jerk
In addition, he became a drunken fool
Drove his Rolls Royce into the pool
To his parents, he became a headache
To coddle this boy has been a mistake!
Although he indignantly began to bray
They look his car and trust fund away
But Preston learned a new reality
About how hard working could be
An old model Ford he had to drive
But had a better chance to stay alive

The easy life came to an end for Preston

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