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Tomb Rules
FAQ and additional clarifications included
Andy Pelton



Box Contents

Rolling Dice
Set up
The Game Turn
End of Turn
Crypt Raiding and Combat
Combat Notes
Combat Timing

Page 3

Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
Page 11
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
Page 14


Box Contents
Tomb Board (double-sided)
Inn Board
Character Bag
Character Poster
6 Adventuring Party Markers
84 Characters
40 Character Stands

25 Spell Deck Cards

25 Prayer Deck Cards
25 Item Deck Cards
25 Tactics Deck Cards
200 Crypt Deck Cards
21 Tomb Dice (7 Green, 7 Blue, 7 Red)
48 Wound/Tomb Tokens

Gain the most XP by fighting monsters, disarming traps, and collecting treasure.

The Basics
The Tomb
one side of the double-sided board.


Note: A card effect that targets a Crypt

CANNOT target an empty Crypt as it is no
regular squares that connect everything together longer a Crypt but a Hallway space
on the board, party movement happens here.
Crypts & Doorways
The Advance Board has Rooms with no
The Doorway space to a Crypt containing the
Doorways nor Crypt cards. These have special
number of Crypt cards the Crypt holds, these are text that affect the Adventuring Parties that stop
not classed as Hallway spaces for card effects.
within. These Rooms are not considered Hallway
spaces at all.
Some Crypts have text in them that apply while
the Active Player's Adventuring Party is with-in Hazards
the Crypt.
The Advanced board has Hazard spaces that have
their own rules (usually TN rolls) these rules are
An empty Crypt, i.e. one with no cards, is classed printed around the outside of the board.
as a Hallway space for card effects and


Rolling Dice
Whenever a die roll is required, an Attribute is named Attack, Skill, Magic, or Holiness.
Character and Monster cards have tables showing how many of each colour Tomb Dice are rolled
for each Attribute. If no number appears for an Attribute, then no dice of that colour are rolled. A
Success is shown by a face up on a die. Before rolling add any modifiers from Items or Treasures
then roll the appropriate number of dice.
Dice Rolls can be used in the following ways.
The number is used directly; such Two rolls are made in opposition,
as counting the number of times a whichever roll has more
character hits a monster while
successes wins.
Ties go to the defending roll by
Target Number (TN)
Some effects state a Target
Number (TN) - This is the
Sometimes cards will call for a
number of successes required on roll using more than one character
the Tomb Dice for a successful or the entire party. In such a case
roll. E.G. TN 2 requires two
add together all the dice for the
successes to be shown on the given attributes from each
character involved, including all

Chaff is chosen to make
a skill check with a TN
of 2. His Skill line reads
So two Green Dice and
two Blue dice are rolled
2 are shown on the
dice and the skill check
is passed

Any time an effect raises the Tomb Dice type for a Character or Monster, Green Tomb Dice are
replaced by an equal number of Blue Tomb Dice, and Blue Tomb Dice are replaced by an equal
number of Red Tomb Dice. All Red Tomb Dice become automatic successes.
Any time an effect lowers the Tomb Dice type for a Character or Monster, Red Tomb Dice are
replaced by an equal number of Blue Tomb Dice, and Blue Tomb Dice are replaced by an equal
number of Green Tomb Dice. All Green Tomb Dice become automatic failures.


Cards may be attached to Characters and Monsters
No two Cards with the same Trait Keyword may be Attached to the same Character,
Monsters do not have the same restriction.
Prayers may be only Attached to Characters with one die of Holiness
Spells may be only Attached to Characters with one die of Magic
Spells and Prayers are kept in the hand until they are used then they are attached to the
Character that used it unless it has the text Discard after use on it.
There is no limit to the number of Attached cards on a Character as long as they meet the
above requirements. Attached cards may not be discarded unless explicitly told to do so by a card
effect or due to violating the above attachment rules.
Should a Player wins Treasure or Draws an Item card with the same trait as already attached to a
character. The Attached Item may be discarded and the new Item/Treasure attached in its place.
If moving an Attached card that depends on another Attachment to be usable, then moving the card
that grants that ability will cause the dependant card to be discarded. e.g. a card gives a a fighter 1
magic die and he has a spell attached, moving the magic granting card will cause the spell to be
Cards attached to Monsters do not have the trait restrictions they can have as many same traits as
they like. If a Monster is moved to a Players Adventuring Party then the attachments must follow
the above rules and cards must be discarded until the violation has been resolved.
Spells and Tactics cards that have not been cast are classed as Face down or in your hand.
Card Types Inn Cards
Tactics (Bar)


Tactics cards can sway the battle or

situation to your favour, a favourite trick
of the Rogue. These cards may be
attached to anyone, when it is used.

The weapons of choice of a Wizard why

wield a sword when a fireball is just as
good and weighs a good deal less as well.
A Character must have one die of Magic
to use a spell, when used it is Attached to
the character who used it.

Items (Blacksmith)


The bread and butter of any good

adventuring party, they may be used by
anyone. The cards are essentials such as
armour or weapons. Characters may not
have Items with duplicate traits. e.g. 2
Items with the weapon trait. Items when
drawn are Immediately attached to a
Character in your Party

The Cleric favours a good Prayer to

bolster strength and courage before
entering battle. A Character must have
one die of Holiness to use a spell, when
used it is Attached to the character who
used it.


Select the tomb board to play
Place the Inn Board
Create the Character Pool by placing the characters in the bag.
Each player rolls the 7 Blue dice, the player who rolls the highest number of Successes becomes the
1st player.
Create The Tomb
Shuffle the grey Crypt Deck, and set it at the side of the board, optionally splitting the deck into
smaller draw decks to place around the board.
Each player draws 3 Crypt cards and starting with the 1st player place 1 Crypt card face down into
an open Crypt, then draw a replacement card. Each Crypt has a number printed on the doorway to
the Crypt, the Crypt is considered Open until the number of cards in the Crypt equals the number on
the doorway.
Repeat until all the Crypts are Closed.
All unused Crypt cards are discarded into a separate discard pile.
The Tomb is now ready for exploration
The Inn
Starting with the 2nd Player 5 Characters are drawn from the bag, one Character is kept as the start
of the Adventuring Party and the others are placed in the Inn, Unless the text on the Characters
states otherwise, e.g. (Sevanis)
Moving clockwise the other players do the same.
If the Character has 'Wizard' printed in the class section then draw one Spell card
If the Character has 'Cleric' printed in the class section then draw one Prayer card
If the Character has both 'Wizard' and 'Cleric' classes then draw one of Spell and one Prayer card.
Optional rules:
The fat years
draw 5 Characters and keep two, placing the rest at the Inn
The lean years
Draw 3 characters and keep one, placing the rest at the Inn

Setup is now complete and the 2nd phase of Tomb now begins


The Game Sequence

Each player now takes a Turn (the Player Turn)
starting with the 1st Player and working
clockwise around the table, they are referred to
as the Active Player.

Recruit (Inn)

Active Player may take as many free actions as

they like and then one and only one standard
action. After the standard action is fully resolved
the Active players turn ends.


Free Actions
Use as many as needed per turn, must happen at the start
of the turn before the standard action is taken.

The Active Player may recruit a new Character into

their Adventuring Party should they have less than 5
Characters already in their Adventuring Party.

The Active Player may move up to 10 spaces (this may

be adjusted up or down by modifiers from Items and
text on Character cards). Should they player start in the
Inn then they enter from one of the entrances of the
Tomb, otherwise they continue from their current
location, multiple Adventuring Parties may occupy the
same space.

Heal (Tomb)

Use a Free action from a Character/card in your

Adventuring party or card in your hand

If you have at least one cleric in your party, make a

combined Holiness roll for all the Clerics in the party.
For each success, remove one wound from your party,
wounds may be removed in what ever order the Active
Player wishes

Rest (Inn)

Pickpocket (Tomb)

Should the player start their turn in the Inn the player
may remove all wound tokens from their Adventuring

If you are in the Tomb, have a rogue, and are within

move distance from another party and on a different
space with at least one item or treasure, you may
attempt to pick a pocket. The other player chooses one
character in his party to try to catch your rogue.


Bank (Inn)
Move attached Treasure cards from the players to the
bank, once a card has been banked it can not be used

The active player may redistribute the items and cards
around the party and attach new cards from their Hand
to the party, the rules regarding attachments must still be
adhered to. See Attachments on Page 5

Standard Actions
Only one action per turn either
Use a TURN Effect from a card/Character in your
Adventuring Party or from a card in your hand.
Or one of the following

Draw (Inn)
The active player may draw two cards from any deck or
combination of decks to add to their hand, as long as
their hand is less than 10 cards. Each Fighter in the
group counts allows one extra card to be held.

Make a Contested skill roll between your Rogue and the

defending Character. If you succeed, you may attach
one item or treasure from the other party to your Rogue.
If you fail, the defending Character may make an attack
roll inflicting one wound per success on your Rogue.
This counts as an attack.
If your rogue dies, the other player claims all cards
attached to the rogue. Treasures and curses must
immediately be attached to party members, and Inn
cards go to the players hand.

Flee to the Inn (Tomb)

Move your party to the Inn regardless your current
location and movement.
If you cannot move to the Inn due to a game effect,
move to the Tomb entrance. If you cannot move to
either, then you may not use this action.

Raid a Crypt (Tomb)

If you are on a Crypt Door, you may raid the adjacent


End of Turn
Clean up and upkeep is done
Refill Slain Parties
If your party has no characters in it at the end of any players turn:
1. Move your party token to the Inn.
2. Draw one character from the character Bag and add it to your party. When a party dies or
is otherwise emptied, that players banked XP and hand are unaffected.
Dismiss Extra Members
If you have more than five characters (or monsters acting as characters) in your party you
must discard characters until you have five in your party. You must move all attached cards to
your other characters before discarding a character. You must follow all normal attachment
restrictions (see The Basics/Attachments)
Discard all cards not in a Crypt, a players hand, a party, or a draw deck. If any deck has
no cards in it, shuffle its discard pile into the deck.
Check for Game End
If there are no Crypt cards in the Tomb the game ends.
Each player adds up all XP in their XP bank as well as any attached treasure. The player
with the most XP attached to the party wins.


Crypt Raiding and Combat

When the Active Player on a Doorway at the start of their turn a Crypt raid can be started
The Active Player becomes the Raiding Party (RP).
Dependant on the letter on the Doorway of the Crypt the player to either the Left or Right
of the Active Player becomes the Crypt Master (CM) and controls the Traps, Monsters and Treasure
in the Crypt until the end of the Raid.
Begin the Raid
The CM looks at all the Crypt cards in the Crypt being raided, keeping them hidden from the other
players. The raider moves the party token into the Crypt.
The CM then resolves the cards in the following order (see next page for detailed rules)


Combat Sequence
If the RP or the CM has no Characters/Monsters
then skip to Resolution


Battle Actions
Only One Battle Action Per Round
Special Action
Use a Battle ability on a Spell, Prayer, Item,
Treasure, Character, Monster or Tactics Card

Combat Round
A Combat Round consists of each player starting
with the CM using a Battle Action then
alternating with RP until all Monsters/Characters Choose a party member, or denizen of the
have been used.
Crypt (if you are the CM), to attack the
hapless foes!
The CM activates an unused Monster and
performs one Battle Action
The RP chooses which monster will be
attacked and also when defending chooses
The RP activates an unused Character/Traitor and which character will protect the party.
performs one Battle Action
The Monster/Character rolls its attack dice.
Repeat until either the CM or the RP have no
Inflict one wound per success on the target.
Party Members left then start Resolution
The target may take more damage than is
required to kill it.
Start a new Combat Round
Flee (RP Only)
Move your party straight to the Inn
If there are no remaining party members in the
Active Players RP then see Party Death
If you cannot move to the Inn, move to the
If the CM has no more Monsters then resolve
staircase. If you cannot move to either, then
treasures if In a raid
you may not use this action.



If there are no unresolved Traps, skip this

section and on to Monsters!

If there are no Monsters, skip this section and

proceed to the Treasures!.

Otherwise, the CM chooses the first Trap to

resolve, and announces, There is a trap.
Note: The RP may not back out until
the Trap is resolved!

Otherwise, the CM announces that there are

monsters, the RP may now elect to leave the
Crypt and is placed back on the doorway space
and immediately end the Turn. If the RP stays, the
CM reveals all of the monsters simultaneously.
Some monsters have dire effects upon being
revealed. At this time, those effects take place.

The CM reads the first and second lines of

the Trap, telling the raider how many
characters must attempt to disarm the Trap
and what attribute or attributes will be
required to disarm.
The CM DOES NOT announce the
target number!
The RP chooses which Character will roll
the dice attempting to disarm the Trap. If
the RP meets or exceeds the TN for each
listed attribute, he succeeds in disarming the
Trap, and it is added to the partys XP bank!
Otherwise, the RP fails, and his
Adventuring Party suffers the failure
effects listed on the Trap card. The Trap is
then discarded.

If any Monsters have Magic value, each such

monster draws and attaches one spell.
If any Monsters have Holiness value, each such
monster draws and attaches one Prayer.
This in addition to any text on the Monsters card.
Resolve Special Abilities on the Monsters card.
Resolve any Reacts on the RP's Characters to the
appearing monsters.
Then, combat begins!

After each Trap, before any further cards

are revealed, the RP may return his
Adventuring Party to the door of the Crypt
and immediately end the Turn. Return all
remaining Crypt cards to the Crypt face
down. Otherwise, repeat the process for
each Trap until none remain, then move on
to Monsters!

If the party dies or flees, return all remaining

Crypt cards face down to the
Crypt, removing all damage and attached items
from the monsters. However, if all the Monsters
are dead or otherwise removed at the end of
combat, and there are still any of the RP
Characters alive in the Crypt, then it's time to

Treasure !
If any characters in the raiding party survive the traps, and monsters in the Crypt without running
away, it is time for their reward: fabulous treasures!
The CM hands all the treasures to the raiding player. At this time, the raider has a choice to make
with each individual treasure card. It may be immediately banked, safe until the end of the game
but of no further use, or it may be attached to a surviving member of the raiding party where it can
be used until it is banked later back at the Inn or lost due to its bearers untimely demise


Combat Notes
The CM should be as frugal with information as possible, when taking the cards from a Crypt they
should never announce how many traps are present, but just state That traps exist or There is a
trap or something similar. Never announce the Traps name or other information except for the 1st
two lines on the card and the Attribute used. Traps are blind encounters. After each trap is resolved,
disarmed or not, the RP may always return to the entrance before the next trap (if applicable) or
Monsters are announced.
After the CM announces that There are Monsters but before they are revealed the RP may return
to the entrance of the Crypt and end the encounter.
Monsters can not use attached cards with TURN: effects on them, only BATTLE: or REACT: as
You cannot cast spells and tactics from your hand onto monsters you control as the CM, unless a
spell or card power allows you to do so
If a monster attacks in a combat round, and is thereafter recruited to the party via a spell, it cannot
again attack that round
Whenever a character joins the monster party it is considered a monster (and not a character) until it
leaves the monster party.
Whenever a monster joins a player party it is considered a character (and not a monster) until it
leaves the player party.
In both cases, all references to monsters reference characters instead and vice versa. The only
exception to this is any reference to when monsters are revealed as this is referring to a step in the
raid sequence and not monsters in general. This also applies to all cards attached to monsters
When a monster with attached cards joins a raiding party, it keeps all attached cards with it unless a
card or effect states otherwise.

Combat Timing
During a Raid the timing of cards is as follows.
The CM always breaks ties, i.e. if the RP and the CM both have a card effect for when monsters
appear then the CM executes their card 1st, then the player.
Other players may not affect battles happening inside a Crypt with a react spell or ability, unless a
card or power allows you to do so. This is relaxed slightly for the CM who may have characters or
abilities that give the Crypt the ability to interact with his own party. So other players may not React
to what is happening inside a Crypt.


Dead Characters
If a character ever has at least as many wounds as he has hit points, he dies and is placed into a
discard pile. Note: The dead character is not returned to the Character Pool (Bag)
Whenever a character dies, another character is added to the Inn from the Character Pool.
All characters in the discard pile are considered dead,
Characters that are killed and resurrected still lose all their attached items
Party Death
When a full Adventuring Party is killed the, Player who lost his last party member draws a new
Character from the Character Pool, not the Inn.
Dead Monsters
If a monster ever has at least as many wounds as it has hit points, it dies and is immediately added
the raiders XP bank.
Discard all cards attached to the monster when it dies, including treasure.
All monsters in the discard pile are considered dead regardless of how they got there.

The order of precedence of same level Reacts is as follows:
If in a raid the CM gets to resolve effects 1st
The Active Player then executes reacts
then it follows around the table clockwise around the table from the active player if other players
are allowed to react.
Resolve Always happen (namely text on character/Monster cards that do not have the React
keyword on them.) 1st , followed by React triggers
A Character may react more than once per turn as long as they don't react with the same spell or
ability more than once.
If a react ability allows you to draw an inn card, and the drawn inn card ALSO has a react ability
that can be played at the same time, the drawn inn card can be played immediately. This is no
different than reacting multiple times with cards from your hand on the same turn.
The order of timing.
Monster traits
Character traits
Monster reacts
Character reacts

More common react triggers in the order that they happen, the entries in Italics are events only the
CM or the RP can react to
When your turn begins
When you enter the tomb
Before you enter crypt
When you enter a crypt
After you enter a crypt
Before traps are revealed
When traps are revealed
After traps are revealed
Before monsters are revealed
When monsters are revealed
After monsters are revealed
Before a combat round
At the start of a combat round
Before a monster's combat turn
Before a character's combat turn
When you exit a crypt
When you exit the tomb
When your turn ends
addition reacts that can happen at various times, if these happen inside a Crypt then only the RP and
the CM may react to them.
Before a character sustains damage
When a character sustains damage
After a character sustains damage
When a character is killed
Before a character rolls dice
After a character has rolled dice
After a party has recruited


Cards always over-rule this set of rules.
Free Actions can only be taken at the start of the turn, as soon as a Standard Action has been taken
then no more Free Actions are allowed that Turn.
Effects that Start Turn: , React: , Battle: can only be used once per turn, if an effect lacks these
keywords then it can be used more than once per turn.
When a character is returned to the Inn without the rest of the party, all attached cards are discarded
When a card requires Characters to be discarded from the Inn they are not replaced. At times the Inn
can become bare, this is how it was intended.
Character Stats and bonuses are public knowledge, flee free to wander around the table and check
other parties.
Moving from the Inn to the Tomb constitutes a TURN action, you can not say move from the the
inn to the tomb staircase and then pickpocket as this would be a 2nd standard action that turn.
You can not attack an Adventuring Party if they share the same space as you, this does not include
pickpocketing, this can still be done even if the space is shared
When an inn deck is empty, the deck is re-shuffled
Maximum party size is 5. Monsters count against this party size limit. The limit can only be
exceeded if a card or ability allows you to do so.
Cursed Treasure must be equipped and can not be Banked
Card updates
Burn the Inn: must be discarded after use.
Harassment: reacts to the beginning of your turn.
Card Notes

When he dies, a character is added to the Inn as usual, regardless of Chaffs effect.

Displacement: Both Crypts where cards are being swapped must have at least one card.

The caster may spread the wounds around as he sees fit.

Oath Bound: The Crypt the party is being directed to must have at least one card at the time of
casting. If the Crypt is cleared out, the party must still go to the Crypt door before raiding any other
Crypt, though it will obviously not raid the Crypt.

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