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In the 1920s crime started to arise in urban large cities because alcohol was prohibited.
This is when gangsters started to appear, criminals that operated in the 1920s and 30s. They saw
that alcohol being against the law was an easy way to make money since everyone in this time
period drank alcohol. For example gangsters did bootlegging, The 18th Amendment had banned
the sale, transportation and manufacture of alcohol in America. But it was clear to some, that
millions neither wanted this law nor would respect it. There was obviously a huge market for
what in the 1920's was an illegal commodity (Gangster of the 1920s). Gangsters did this so that
the money they made was quick and easy and moving the alcohol was easy. The American
dream here is shown where wealth is important to people during this time. There was a certain
group of criminals that were organized in their crimes called mobsters. Most mobsters lived in
certain areas in American, for example They generally lived in large cities, and most were
immigrants, or children of immigrants (People & Events: Gangsters During the Depression).
Another example would be Outlaws typically came from rural areas in the Midwest, Southwest,
or the West (People & Events: Gangsters During the Depression). The people that lived in
these areas were mostly poor or immigrants leaving their country because of war. They achieve
their American dream by them going from poor to wealthy by just joining a mob. A famous
gangster during this time period is Al Capone an infamous gangster from Chicago. Al Capone Is
best known for his crimes in the 1920s, for example Al Capone was perhaps the most notorious
gangster in history (Gangster of the 1920s).Another example is, Capone was seen by many as
a heartless brute that stole and murdered, but to a few he was seen as a modern Robin hood due
to several donations made to charities with the stolen money (Gangster of the 1920s). Al
Capone was one of the most well-known gangsters in history and being a leader of the mafia in
Chicago during the prohibition. Al Capone reaches the American dream because he becomes
very wealthy and making a reputation for himself.

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