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Arrel C.

Topic : Struggles for Power in Jonathan s Swift Voyage to Liliput

1. How does the author clearly show struggles for power in the novel ?
"Mildendo, the metropolis of Lilliput, described, together with the emperor's palace. A conversation between the author and a
principal secretary, concerning the affairs of that empire. The author's offers to serve the emperor in his wars.

By identifying two factions, the Tramecksans are also called the "high heels" because
they wear high-heeled shoes; the Slamecksans are the "low heels. The two parties
hate each other so much that they can't eat, drink, or talk to each other.
2. What are the literary devices used to portray these struggles?
Metaphor , Simile and Irony.
3. What is the significance of the story to the the value formation of Filipino
We know that many Filipino are loved to read in this novel the important thing is
unity why? It is because the faction became one to protect the Liliput. And the
Filipino have a unity with one nation.

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