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HIS-111 Introduction to Medieval and Early Modern Western Civilization

HS-111 / Section: F6 / CRT: 1487

Dr. Gilmar Visoni Chair, History Department
Department of History, Queensborough Community College
Your instructor: Antonio Muoz


Alternate Email:

NOTE: This syllabus is subject to change by the instructor at any time.

Course Code: History 111 Introduction to Medieval & Early Modern Western Civilization - CRT Code F6-1487. This is
a 3 hours per week, 3 credit class.
Prerequisite: BE-122 (or 226) and BE-112 (or 205), or satisfactory score on the CUNY/ACT Assessment Test.
Course Description: The Introduction to Medieval & Early Modern Western Civilization course is a one semester
history course designed for students needing to complete a core requirement in History. The course introduces students to
a broad discussion of the development of Western civilization from the beginning of the Middle Ages to the French
Revolution; the major political, intellectual, religious, economic, and social movements which transformed Western
civilization from a medieval to a modern society. Materials are to be drawn from the text and original sources.
Date & Time: Saturday, 12:10-3:12 pm, M134
Office Hours: By appointment only. Medical Arts Building, Room M408.
Contact information: OR
1. Course materials:

Student handouts will be supplied to the class either before or on the day they will be used for the days lecture.
Various audiovisual materials shall be included in many of the class presentations. These will include (but not be
limited to) Overhead projections, PowerPoint presentations, Document Camera [for overhead projection], and
perhaps a movie or two (if time allows). See below for a description of additional handouts, course documents
like the syllabus, and other flyers and data that will be stored in the class internet Blackboard.
The textbook for this class is [in the university bookstore]:
o Western Civilization: A Brief History. Volume I to 1715 (Paperback - Wadsworth Cengage Learning,).
By Jackson J. Spielvogel, ISBN: 978-1-111-34212-8

2. University Blackboard:

The instructor will employ the university Blackboard system to provide students with the syllabus and other
documents and paperwork required for the course. Students will be required to check the Blackboard periodically
for news about the next class, or if the instructor has some additional hand-outs which will be posted on the

3. Grading:
Final Exam
Med Exam
Class Participation 20%



If you fail to appear for the mid-term exam, you will be given a 0
and will fail the class. The only way to avoid that is to show up for
the exam OR, if you have a legitimate note from the doctor that you
could not come to class due to illness. Similarly, if your house were
to catch fire, I would need an official report from the fire department
to excuse you. Those who miss the mid-term but present a legitimate
note will be allowed to remain in class but the Final Exam will count
double (70% of your final grade).

This class can be easy or it can be hard, depending on how you approach it. We only meet about 15 times (not
including the date of the final exam), and each session is two classes, so I value attendance greatly. If you are
absent you may miss out on a quiz, so attendance is important. Also, you cannot just show up for class and tune
out because if you do, your grade will suffer when you take the mid-term and final exam.

NO MAKE EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN. If you miss the mid-term exam, I will allow you to count the final exam
as double (60%), but not vice versa (but only if you supply a valid note excusing you for missing the mid-term
exam). However, try and understand that if you fudge up the final exam after missing the mid-term exam, that
means that you may have ruined 60% of your grade, so please, for your own sake, do not miss the mid-term exam
or final exam.

4. Rules on Attendance, Lateness, Absences and Leaving Class Early:

Attendance Attendance is expected.

Lateness Punctuality is also expected. Three (3) Latenesss will count as one absence.
Absences If possible, notify the instructor by email prior to class, if you are going to be absent.
Multiple absences will affect your grade because you will MISS THE LECTURES! PLEASE NOTE
CLASS IS TWO (2) LECTURES, so if you miss three classes, that equals 6 lectures.
Class Participation: If you are absent, you cannot participate so your grade will be affected by
this. Twenty percent (20%) of your grade depends on your attending class, so dont forget it!
Note: The Chair of the History department will not help you, as he is the one that has set this rule.
This is why attendance is extremely important.
Doctors notes and other personal appointments: Please make your personal appointments on your
own time. All absences that have a legitimate excuse (doctors note) will be accepted, but try and
understand that if you are absent an excessive amount of time, you may still be subject to failing the

5. Didactic Format:

The instructor will expect that the students to have read the chapters to be discussed prior to the class.
Students should be prepared to answer questions and present ideas about the chapters if called upon.

6. Medieval Exam
6a. Med Exam: 20% of your grade will depend on this exam, so make it a GOOD ONE! The
MEDIEVAL EXAM is an exam that will concentrate on Europe between 500 A.D. and 1200 A.D. It will
cover Medieval History.
7. Family Emergencies: It never fails, but every semester at mid-term or finals week, or sometimes a week
before or after spring break, many students suffer family emergencies. Each semester numerous aunts and
uncles, parents and grandparents die suddenly. While I will NEVER question a students veracity when a story
like this is brought to me, this will in no way dissuade me from noting the students absence. You will still be
responsible for the material which you may miss and the exam(s) you may miss. In front of you, I will show
sadness for your loss and be very empathetic, but remember that your absence will still be noted and will be
counted against you.


8. Course Outline (fall 2012 semester August 27th to December 21st 2012):

Week 1 Date: September 1st 2012

Saturday, 1st Lecture
Topic: Syllabus description, Introduction to the topic; Chapter 3 The Civilization of the Greeks
Saturday, 2nd Lecture
Topic: Chapter 4 The Hellenistic World

Week 2 Date: September 8th 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Topic: Chapter 5, The Roman Republic (1); Chapter 5, The Roman Republic (2).
Saturday, 2nd lecture
Topic: ROME: Rise & Fall of an Empire: THE FIRST BARBARIAN WAR

Week 3 Date: September 15th 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Topic: Chapter 6, The Roman Empire (1); Chapter 6, The Roman Empire (2).
Saturday, 2nd lecture
Topic: ROME: Rise & Fall of an Empire: THE LAST EMPEROR

Week 4 Date: September 22nd 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Topic: Chapter 7, Late Antiquity & the Emergence of the Medieval World (1)
Saturday, 2nd lecture
Topic: Chapter 7, The Byzantine Empire (2) + MOVIE: THE DARK AGES

Week 5 Date: September 29th 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Topic: Chapter 7, Late Antiquity & the Emergence of the Medieval World: The Rise of Islam (3)
Saturday, 2nd lecture
Topic: Chapter 8, European Civilization in the Early Middle Ages, 750 1000 A.D. (1).

Week 6 Date: October 6th 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Topic: Chapter 8, European Civilization in the Early Middle Ages: Vassalage & Feudalism (2).
Saturday, 2nd lecture
Topic: Chapter 8, Early Middle Ages, 750-1000 A.D. (3). + MOVIE: THE FIRST CRUSADE

Week 7 Date: October 13th 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Topic: Chapter 9, Recovery & Growth of European Society in the High Middle Ages (1).
Saturday, 2nd Movie
Topic: Chapter 9, The High Middle Ages (2).

Week 8 Date: October 20th 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Topic: Chapter 10, The Middle Ages & the Rise of Church Power, 1000-1500 A.D.
Saturday, 2nd lecture
Topic: Review for Mid-Term.

Week 9 Date: October 27th 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Topic: MID-TERM EXAMINATION [multiple choice & essay; 1hr & 15 min. chapters 3-10].

Week 10 Date: November 3rd 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Topic: Chapter 11, Crisis & Disintegration in the Latter Middle Ages.
Saturday, 2nd lecture
Topic: Chapter 12, The Renaissance (1). + NOBLE: THE CRISIS OF RENAISSANCE EUROPE

Week 11 Date: November 10th 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Saturday, 2nd lecture

Week 12 Date: November 17th 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Saturday, 2nd lecture

Week 13 Date: November 24th 2012
NO CLASSES Week of Thanksgiving

Week 14 Date: December 1st 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Topic: Chapter 13, Reformation & Religious Warfare in the 16th Century
Saturday, 2nd lecture
Topic: Chapter 14, Europe & the World: The Age of Exploration

Week 15 Date: December 8th 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
Topic: Chapter 15, State Building and the Search for Order in the 17th Century.
Saturday, 2nd lecture
Topic: Chapter 16 Scientific Revolution + REVIEW for the FINAL EXAM

Week 16 December 15th 2012

Saturday, 1st lecture
FINAL EXAM (multiple choice & essay like the mid-term exam, 1hr. & 15 minutes.)


Important dates and notes:

1. Spring semester begins Monday, August 27th 2012 and ends December 15th 2012.
Medieval Exam Review will be on November 10th 2012
Medieval Exam will be on November 17th 2012 [Same classroom & time].
Mid-Term Exam Review will be on October 20th 2012
Mid-Term Exam will be on October 27th 2012 [Same classroom & time].
Thanksgiving: November 24th 2012 [NO CLASSES]
Final Exam Review will be on December 8th 2012
Final Exam will be on December 15th 2012 [Same classroom & time].


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