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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact


NAEYC Standard:
Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs are grounded in a child development
knowledge base. They use their understanding of young childrens characteristics and needs,
and of multiple interacting influences on childrens development (NAEYC, 2010).

Brief Description of Evidence:

During the fall semester 2013, during my ECED 120, Child Growth and Development, I selfreflected on my own life in comparison to Eriksons psychosocial theory and the eight stages of
development; Trust vs Mistrust, Independence vs Doubt and Shame, Initiative vs Guilt, Industry
vs Inferiority, Identity vs Role Confusion, Intimacy vs Isolation, Generativity vs Stagnation, and
Integrity vs Despair.

Analysis of What I Learned:

By analyzing Ericksons eight stages of development from my own perspective, and my own life
experiences, I learned how socioeconomic factors, race, education, and family scenario effect a
childs growth and development through each stage.

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the NAEYC Standard:

By thoroughly researching Eriksons psychosocial theory and examining my own life in each
stage of development, I am confident in my ability to recognize and discern the multiple
interacting influences that effect a childs development. Further, because of my research of
myself, I understand how the need of each child is different, depending on how they have
begun and ended each stage.

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