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Name: Mylene L.


Course & Section: BSA-2D

My Autobiography

My name is Mylene Licera Capricho. I was born on a Friday, 25th of

October in the year 1996. According to my birth certificate, I weighed 2,900
grams when I was born. Metro Manila was my birthplace but when I
reached the age of 4 years old I think, we transferred to Toril, Davao City,
which is my mothers hometown. It was just because my parents had their
separate jobs there, and they met there, started a mutual relationship and
then I was conceived there, and eventually I was born there. Yes, I was
conceived before they got married. I am the eldest among the 3 children of
Mr. Ronaldo Capricho and Mrs. Sofia Capricho. I believe in everything that
was written on my birth certificate except for my sex and my parents date
of marriage, which are mistakenly done by the midwife who prepared it.
However, I am thankful that I was born cute and healthy despite the errors
committed on my birth certificate which I found out just recently.

My mother told me that I was already running when I was just months
old. I do not know if this is true, but I think so because I have big legs and
thighs. As far as I could remember during my first few days here in Davao
City, I met my cousins and they find me as an amusing little child because I
am very fat, and I speak Tagalog. They like me because I was really cute,
and I know they meant that I was really fat, that I am cuddly and huggable.
I could remember that they like to pinch my chubby cheeks whenever they
see me. I was really chubby since I was a child and even until now because
I love to eat and I am not a wasteful person. I try to eat everything that is on
my plate as long as it could be eaten.

About my education, I had my Nursery in Manila but I have not

finished it because we transferred here in Davao in the middle of the school
year. I included this information because I could remember something
weird that had happened during my Nursery days. Our classroom was just
a small room, colourful and filled with tables and small chairs. I can even
remember that I love going to class not primarily because I love learning,
but because I love getting star stamps on my paper. On a childs point of
view, getting a star means that you are good, and getting two or more is
you are doing great, and getting even more stars means that you are
excellent. I like the idea of getting many star stamps on my papers and
then I will let my parents see them and they will tell me that I am very good.
Aside from very good star stamps, I have a funny memory of my Nursery
days. One day, I was not feeling well but still I attended our class. During
our recess time, I ate my cupcake weakly. I told my classmate that I was
really not feeling well, so my classmate called the attention of my teacher
and my teacher asked me what was wrong. Resting my head on top of my
left arm on the table, I gestured her with my free arm to move closer,
because I do not have the energy to speak loudly. When she finally came
near me, she still could not hear me, so she placed her ear close to my
mouth so she could what I was saying. At that time, as I was slowly telling
her what I was feeling, I felt the urge to vomit and so it happened. I vomited
on my teachers ear. That was really a bad thing to do to a teacher but
since I was still a little girl and since I was sick, I think that I am excused
from that awkward situation.

I continued my kindergarten, elementary, and secondary education or

high school at Saint Peters College of Toril. It is a private Catholic school
administered by the Presentation of Mary Sisters. I am thankful to my alma
mater because it has taught me many things, not only academically but
also spiritually and emotionally. It molded me to become a person with
values and faith in God. Through this institution, I came to know God
personally. My faith strengthened even more when I started serving at Sto.

Rosario Parish as a psalmist, musician, and choir member. I started

serving at the church when I was in Grade four as a Banduria player in our
churchs Rondalla, a musical group composed of stringed instruments.
Since I started playing the Banduria, I became very interested in music,
and even more when one day, a summer time before I become a grade 5
student, I was one of the musicians to play in a fundraising event for the
construction of our church which is the "Dinner for a Cause." I saw this boy
who seems to be within my age bracket. He was holding a Saxophone and
my eyes followed him everywhere. A few moments later, it was his time to
play in the stage and I was amazed by how he played his Saxophone. I
liked that guy. Since then, I started loving the Saxophone. My parents
bought me one when I was in Grade 6. I am playing my Saxophone until
now in the church during the English mass. Also, I have joined marching
bands, participated in some local events, and played my instrument during
birthdays and weddings.

When it comes to my personality, I could say that I am a moody

person, but I think that it is just normal that I am like this because I have
read an article in the internet that says musicians are moody. I have also
testified that other musicians whom I know are moody too. Even though I
am a moody person, most of the time I am a happy person. I like to laugh
and crack jokes most of the time. I also want to make other people happy.
When it comes to my attitude to other people, I treat them according to how
they treat me, but as much as possible, I try my very best to respect other
people. I am an introvert. I do not like going to crowded places, I prefer
staying at home where I can enjoy peace and serenity. I am not an
affectionate person because I am not used to it maybe. I respect my
parents and my family members but I do not kiss or hug them because I
find it awkward and cheesy and I do not know why I am like this. I am still
learning that, but that does not mean that I am not a distant daughter to my
parents. It is just that I am not used to that kind of stuff, but still I write
letters or give them something on special occasions.

About my dreams and aspirations, I just dream of simple and

complete happiness within my heart. For now, I just want to finish my
studies on time. Honestly, Accountancy was not my dream course. If only I
could take up different courses at the same time then I would, but I have to
face the reality that I am not a superwoman. As of now, I am hoping that I
could survive this course. In the future, I want to experience working in
different places, to meet different people, to have a lot of connections, and
to learn or grow more or become matured enough. Also, in the future, I
want to have my own family and I will try to become affectionate enough for
them. I am not a perfect person, but I am trying my best to become a better

Someone told me that life is always unfair. Somehow, I agree to

him/her, but this should not be understood negatively. I believe everything
is in harmony, though some people at of this moment are dying and some
are rejoicing over something great, but that is how life is supposed to be. I
could not imagine a life which is just a plain one. Exciting moments happen
unexpectedly. We can never tell exactly what happens tomorrow, and that
is what makes life unfair, but I believe that variety is the spice of life. All we
have to do is to be prepared for whatever happens, deepen our
understanding about life, and to have faith in God because He knows what
is best for us.

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