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Learning Brief


Topic: Matrix Application and Networks

Students should be able to:
Analyse and solve problems using matrices to represent data
Represent and analyse relationships between nodes of a network in a
range of formats; apply network theory to practical situations
Key focus:
Directed graphs and networks

Reachability and dominance

Critical path analysis

Theoretical Components
Purple e-book: Maths Quest 12: Further Mathematics
Chapter 15 Directed Graphs and Networks
Read and take notes:
Section 15A Reachability and dominance
A network is a graph or network where every edge has
a direction.
What is a one-stage pathway? Two-stage pathway?
Read and copy examples 1 and 2
Finding M + M2 or M+M2 +M3 etc determine the
dominant vertex.
Section 15B & 15C Critical path analysis
If you have ever baked a cake or planned a project you
have probably used some aspects of critical path
analysis: What are the necessary activities? What do
you need to do first? What can you complete while you
are waiting for other activities to be finished? What is
the earliest completion time?
Read and copy examples 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
View examples 3 and 8:
Make notes and make sure that you understand the
process shown

Have you submitted a
post for Week 9 and
completed the Week
12,13and 14 Quiz?

MA2 Modelling,
Matrices and Networks

Practical Components
Purple e-book: Maths Quest 12: Further Mathematics Chapter
15 Directed graphs and networks
Exercise 15A
Questions 1 and 2 a, d; Questions 4, 7, 9 and 10
Exercise 15B
Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11b,c
Exercise 15C
Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8

1. WK15: Do the 10 Quick Questions (in Chapter 15
162231/Docs/10 Quick
Questions/61_60301_MQ12FM3e 10QQ Ch15.pdf
Show me your solutions and be prepared to be asked a
question or two about directed networks and your
solutions to these 10 questions.
2. Wk16: Do Question 12 Exercise 15B. This is a
double investigation and you will be required to
complete one hour of face to face for Week 16 plus
summary sheet. Please see Toby if you have concerns.

No new quiz. Prepare an A4 summary sheet (2 sides allowed) for the test. Hand it in with
your test. This will count as Week 16 Investigation. See the cLc for Week 12, 13 and 14
Quizzes on Networks. Attempt these quizzes again as part of your revision.
No Forum this week or next.

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