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November 14, 2014

Mrs. McKinney and Morah Hindy


Highlights from the Week

Spelling words

Our OWN Mayflowers-Working as a Group

Test Friday 11/21

Sight Words




Students had to work as a group

to create their own Mayflowers.
They had to decide who would do
the cutting, the writing, and the
gluing. Many groups had multiple
people who wanted to do each job
so they split each job up so that
everyone could participate (and
they worked that out on their
own!). Learning to work as a group
is an important skill that the
students are on their way to

Phonics Skill:
short u


Stars of the Week

(next week):
Levi Yaftadonay
Ezzy Zavdi

November 14, 2014

Mrs. McKinney and Morah Hindy

Whats Happening Next Week?


Pilgrims (Social Studies):


This week will be all about fact

families. A fact family is a set of
3 numbers that you can create 2
addition and 2 subtraction
sentences with. All 4 problems
in a fact family have the same
number bond. At the end of the
week the students will be taking
the Chapter 4 assessment.

Students learned all about the

Mayflower this week. We
discussed why the Pilgrims left
England and how hard the
journey was. As a group they
created their own versions of
the Mayflower and discussed
what they would bring if they
were a traveler aboard.

We are wrapping up our

first grammar unit about the
sentence. Students will be
working with complete
sentences where they need
to decided which end mark
(. ? !) is correct.

Students will be discussing
the short u vowel sound.
Look for the decodable
story that will be sent
home on Monday for
practice with this skill as
well as a list of short u
words to practice.

Readers Workshop
We are getting really close
to ending our launching unit
of readers workshop.
Students are now able to
read for 15 uninterrupted

McKinneys Messages
Scholastic Book Order: Last day to order
is November 20th. Use code HYBM7 to get
to our class!
Integrity: We were discussing in 1B what
integrity was (that you do the right thing
even if no one is watching) and Gabriel put
it nicely If you practice doing the right
thing as a kid you will get in the habit as an
adult and only do good things. If you do
bad things as a kid you will get in a habit of
doing bad things as an adult and then go to

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