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1 tin of condensed milk as sample of
4 egg yolks
A pinch of dedication
4 egg whites on the verge of snow
5 drops of respect
2 tablespoons of cocoa
2 tablespoons of lemon juice as a sample
that, in love, nothing is perfect, sometimes
there are sour times
8 crushed sweet biscuits
1 packet of jelly unflavored in 1/2 small cup
of warm water
A cup of confidence
Chocolate cream
Whisk the egg yolks until creamy. Add condensed milk, a pinch of dedication, the egg whites,
jelly, and mix them. Add the 5 drops of respect. Separate the previous preparation in two
parts, but dont forget that in a love relationship, two souls have to become one. Incorporate
in one part, the cocoa and in the other part, the lemon juice and stir. Add a cup of
confidence. Separately, in individual cups, placed a layer of cookies, and a chocolate cream.
Take to the fridge for a few minutes. Add cookies again, cover with lemon cream, bring to a
fridge and serve when it has consistency.
Finally decorate with grated lemon rind, but dont add much, love and sweetness could lose
their delicious flavor.
Share it with your family, you will enjoy nice moments .Dont forget, love is very important in
your life.

By: Camila Martnez 7B- Shiny Thinkers

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