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Making Minions
Kara Loofborough
November 2014
RDG507: WebQuest handout

Topic: Genetics
Audience: High school biology students
Worksheet ID#: 171631
Direct URL:
Summary: This WebQuest will review Mendels laws of inheritance, the use of Punnett squares,
and provide practice with relevant vocabulary. Students will engage in scientific practice and
develop literacy in the content area through applied activities. Students will be assessed
through an exit activity demonstrating comprehension of what they just learned.
Activities: Students will write in their notebook throughout the WebQuest. First they will
record Mendels laws and how to use a Punnett square. Then they will review and record
relevant vocabulary. Students will then apply their understanding of the vocabulary by creating
a minion, complete with genotypes and phenotypes recorded, and then mating with a partners
minion to create an offspring, complete with genotypes, phenotypes, and probability. To check
comprehension and elaborate understanding, students will determine what genotype is
required to create a given offsprings phenotype and calculate that probability. Finally, students
will be given an exit ticket that prompts both multiple choice and open-ended questions.
Cited websites:;jsessionid=35164A54FA527388E3

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