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The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and thanks to the Lord. Accompanied by
trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the Lord and sang: "He is
good; His love endures forever!"
II Chronicles 5:13
Dear Friends of Save Our Youth,
King Solomon had just completed the construction of the
temple of the Lord, and with great pageantry, Solomon
summoned all Jerusalem to witness the placement of the Ark
of the Covenant into the temple. Imagine this great event. The
trumpeters, musicians and singers joined the celebration
saying: "Our God is good...Our God endures forever!"
The Ark of the Covenant represented the power, glory and
majesty of Almighty God. It was a symbol of the very
presence of God among them!
I am thankful today because I see evidence of our Savior's
presence in Save Our Youth through the 349 mentors that
serve 349 of our program youth; many youth who are lonely and without a mother or father or a positive
influence in your lives. They are like Jennifer and her family who were referred to us seven years ago by a
homeless shelter. Save Our Youth offered Jennifer a lifeline called a mentor.
Jennifer often pleaded with God that He care for her life, and that He give relief from her poverty and
loneliness. "The way I grew up wasn't quite ideal," Jennifer said. "I was raised around drugs, gangs and
violence. I've seen it all. I had to grow up at a super young age and play the role of a mother, because at the
time no one was playing that role for my siblings or me. I knew that the way we were forced to live life wasn't food, no place to live, and no goals. I was encouraged to find answers on the street. I just wanted to
make a difference in the lives of my brothers and sisters so they didn't have to look back and remember all the
bad things. Seeing so many awful things in my life, surely didn't inspire much hope for me."
I was moved by Jennifer's words. She repeated the same phrase of another program youth; "I wanted to make
someone proud!" She is like all youth. Children desire to share their lives in the same way that a mother does
with a daughter and a father with a son. By receiving the supernatural blessing of a mentor, she received what
she dreamed about. Her mentor's love for her is consistent and her mentor cares for her. "Not only did I gain
an influential adult in my life, I gained a friend, and a sister. I have someone to look up to in my life, someone
who will tell me the harsh truth, will have my best interest in mind, and always encourage me to
succeed." (Jennifer today attends a 4-year Colorado university with a 3.9 GPA.)
"You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the
fatherless and the oppressed, so that mere earthly mortals will never again strike terror (Psalms 10:17-18)."
"You are good and Your love endures forever." Amen.
At THANKSGIVING time, I thank you with deep appreciation for supporting Save Our Youth and our program
youth like Jennifer who seek the help of a mentor.

Luis Villarreal

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