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Logging started 2014-11-01

[15:22:22] <Soshijr> what does rare small buckets sell for?

Logging started 2014-11-01
[22:58:13] <Otep> Want to buy high ql medium maul with mind stealer
Logging started 2014-11-11
[17:11:31] <Cybrax> start imp them to 70 ql and i will think again
Logging started 2014-11-12
[15:35:52] <Redlightningwolf> Mauryus
Logging started 2014-11-13
[19:16:13] <Cupcake> ummm chon?
[19:16:17] <Cupcake> did your deed disband?
[19:16:26] <Cupcake> or u moving token?
[19:16:36] <Gum> It disbanded
[19:16:55] <Cupcake> forgot upkeep or raiders?
[19:17:07] <Gum> NONE OF OUR BUSINESS :D
[19:17:28] <Cupcake> *chews gum*
[19:17:37] <Gum> ..
[19:17:42] <Gum> *Eats cupcake*
[19:17:52] <Cupcake> *peels gum off shoe*
[19:18:04] <Gum> *Spits out the cupcake*
[19:18:18] <Cupcake> *cuts little girls hair off that got gum stuck in it*
[19:18:32] <Gum> *Shoves little girls face into a cupcake*
[19:18:36] <Cupcake> lol
[19:18:45] <Cupcake> *little girl smiles*
[19:18:46] <Gum> :P
[19:18:52] <Cupcake> oh look you smiled
[19:18:54] <Gum> *Little girl eats the cupcake*
[19:19:08] <Cupcake> now we know who the lil girl is tee hee hee
[19:19:17] <Gum> Problem with little girls? I mean they'
[19:19:24] <Gum> they're all in our house
[19:19:25] <Gum> your
[19:19:35] <Cupcake> im homeless
[19:19:37] <Gum> :P
[19:19:38] <Cupcake> im just a bum on the street
[19:19:47] <Gum> Well, good. You deserve to be! You pedo!
[19:19:56] <Cupcake> i play wurm to make silver... to sell for real life money..
. to pay for a biscuit each day to stay alive
[19:20:08] <Gum> cupcake
[19:20:28] <Cupcake> everyone wants cupcakes then they say they are bad for you
[19:20:33] <Cupcake> i feel so used
[19:20:42] <Gum> Gum is healthier lol
[19:20:48] <Gum> Ha! Fat
[19:21:03] <Cupcake> most cupcakes are loaded with sugar...
[19:21:07] <Cupcake> fat isnt normally the issue ;)
[19:21:17] <Gum> MAKES YOU FAT
[19:21:28] <Cupcake> gum actually isnt that good for you in general either
[19:21:37] <Cupcake> cupcakes are babies!
[19:21:42] <Cupcake> baby cakes :)
[19:21:51] <Cupcake> thats my nickname... most ppl call me baby cakes
[19:21:57] <Gum> Yes it is. Gum is healthier than cupcakes
[19:22:01] <Gum> Gum you don't swallow
[19:22:05] <Gum> Therefore it is healthy!
[19:22:12] <Gum> Like you choke on .. Nvm
[19:22:19] <Gum> :D
[19:22:22] <Cupcake> well i can put poison in my mouth... and not swallow
[19:22:25] <Cupcake> doesnt mean its good for me
[19:22:34] <Gum> Yes it is.

[19:22:46] <Gum> You've never done it, so how would you know?
[19:22:51] <Gum> :P
[19:23:16] <Cupcake> i did... i almost died
[19:23:21] <Cupcake> but fo follower healed me
[19:23:28] <Gum> Where'd you get poision you fat bum?
[19:23:32] <Gum> lol
[19:23:39] <Cupcake> rat poison?
[19:23:41] <Gum> You be fryin uprats?
[19:23:47] <Cupcake> its all around the buildings here in nyc
[19:23:57] <Cupcake> thought it was cocaine :( but it wasnt
[19:24:05] <Gum> Druggy
[19:24:10] <Gum> Fat
[19:24:11] <Gum> Bum
[19:24:16] <Gum> :P
[19:24:22] <Cupcake> i am fat but i never said i was
[19:24:24] <Cupcake> how did u know?
[19:24:33] <Cupcake> im 480lbs ;(
[19:24:37] <Gum> Well your name is Cupcake. WTF
[19:24:42] <Gum> 480?!
[19:24:45] <Cupcake> after the other guy broke my knee caps...
[19:24:49] <Cupcake> to steal my shoes
[19:24:52] <Cupcake> i gained weight :(
[19:24:55] <Gum> Anything is a little girl to you
[19:25:57] <Gum> Including... A cupcake
[19:26:04] <Gum> Because you like it so much lol
Logging started 2014-11-19
[17:51:47] <Gum> HAHAHAHAHHA'
[17:52:02] <Gum> Next time pay your bills
[17:52:17] <Bawat> Red is name changing
[17:52:35] <Gum> Good, is it going to be Redneck's Dawn?
[17:52:44] <Thorlyshitski> how bout u go crawl back under the rock u were hiding
under gum.
[17:52:56] <Gum> How about, no. Rocks destroy everything
[17:53:04] <Gum> and Gum sticks, cannot move.
[17:54:06] <Gum> I DESTROY THE WORLD, besides Pisingas :-(
[17:54:22] <Thorlyshitski> OOOH that makes sence now..
[17:54:26] <Gum> sense*
[17:54:34] <Gum> Lol...Who spells "sense" wrong.
[17:56:58] <Gum> LOL he doesn't like being corrected on his 10 year old spelling
. His ignore doesn't effect me
[17:57:19] <Gum> Not my fault Daryl dislikes me :-(
[17:59:53] <Redneckgranny> [23:13:25] It is 12:24:19 on day of the Wurm in week
1 of the starfall of Omens in the year of 1044. [23:13:25] The settlement of Gol
d Fat Cats has just been founded by Redneckgranny.
[18:00:05] <Redneckgranny> So there you go Gum keep runnning your mouth now
[18:00:40] <Gum> I mean golden, fat, and a, well a granny. Fits you perfectly
[18:00:54] <Maxthx> I like that song :(
[18:00:57] <Redneckgranny> you can get ate by a Hell hound
[18:01:00] <Gum> Me too
[18:01:01] <Ragebunny> Better 10 year old spelling than 10 year old mentality :P
[18:01:07] <Gum> You can get gobbled up by Daryl
[18:01:21] <Gum> Rage, in case you cannot tell, he has both. So...
[18:01:41] <Redneckgranny> next time I see you might want to run
[18:01:48] <Gum> Heh. Kay.
[18:01:51] <Grenadian> He's good at running
[18:01:57] <Ragebunny> I only see one person in this chat who acts like a 10-yea
r-old and his name is three letters long

ard like a

<Gum> oH SO max is 3 years old?
<Gum> Lol
<Grenadian> His name is Maxthx by the way Gum...
<Grenadian> Which is technically 6 leters.
<Gum> Only reason I run, is because Daryl brings 4 of his alts on a c
<Gum> pussy
<Gum> cart
<Gum> I mean, you guys are all so cute how you little fags cuddle so
<Gum> to Daryl
<Grenadian> Like you hiding behind Pisingas?
<Gum> Actually no
<Gum> Pisingas has me on ignore
<Gum> So I cannot tell him anything
<Gum> and afaik, when Theodis logged on DAryl ran too lol
<Ragebunny> Think I'll follow his lead, bye
<Gum> That works, I hate listening to you guys anyways
<Gum> You just ruin my day when you speak
<Thorlyshitski> yet you keep talking..
<Gum> Because you are?
<Cybrax> pieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
<Gum> Thorlyshitski is an alt
<Gum> He has me on ignore and is looking at freedom
<Gum> I mean Kchat
<Gum> He is Redneck's alt
<Gum> come pick up your woad
<Cybrax> nah,not today im going to make my first hat lol
<Sphygmo> you okay, gum?
<Gum> Hehe. Alright.
<Gum> No I'm sad... These guys put me down :(((((
<Gum> I gwo cwie now

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