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PC Computer Security Planning Form

Student Name: Aaron Wright

In your own words define what is Computer Security?

Computer security is the protection network, data, and computer applications by means of security softwares, and
healthy use of ones computer system.
Computer Hardware
What are the factors that affect security to PC hardware?
Factors such as maintenance and user access permissions affect the security of PC hardware.
How does the location of your PC (Desktop) affect security and maintenance issues?
The location of your PC affects security and maintenance because when you typically connect to a network, appropriate
and necessary firewalls and securities aer usually set. Therefore, if you connect to a location where the network is not
too secure, then it can have poor security and cause your PC to obtain viruses, malware, or other bugs.
Discuss how laptop hardware security may differ from Desktop hardware security.
Desktop security is less complicated than laptop security. You can replace damaged parts of a PC quite easily but with a
laptop is can be more difficult and expensive and it may cause you to replace other parts as well.
Should peripheral devices be included in your security plan? Please explain your answer.
Yes, because although some peripheral devices have limited smart networking capabilities, others like USB drives can
have security threats on them.
Planned location of your computer:
Locked rooms, limited users
Share connections among multiple people
Peripherals attached to your PC (both permanent and temporary up to 4)
Secure (S) or Insecure (I)
1. USB
2. Printer
3. Speakers
4. Webcameras
Computer Software
Depending on your OS there are a number of roles other than administrator. Please list the user roles that your OS
employs and define each in regards to what they can and/or cannot do?
Administrative users have full access to the OS. Standard uses are allowed to install software but are not allowed to
change system settings. Sharing gives others access only through remote access. Parental control has the ability to
restrict certain access rights and privileges.
Is there any problem associated with signing in as the administrator every time you use the computer?

If you do not log out, you can give people access to your computer.
What are computer services and what roles do they play in helping and hurting your computer?
Computer services aid in helping with security against hackers. If it is a third party software, it could still potentially allow
these hackers to gain access to your PC.
Explain how the OS will be configured to manage user and data security on your PC. (i.e. firewalls, Only referring to the
OS services and not third party software or add-ons).
Usually, default data security and user settings will come with the OS.
Will your computer be network (Wi-Fi, Local Area Network, Internet, etc.)?
Yes X


What are the advantages of networking computers?

The advantages of networking computers include file sharing and remote file access. Additionally there is increased
storage capacity.
What are the threats to networked computers?
There are a number of security concerns with networked computers due to the face that hackers can get access to
sensitive information. Additionally, if one computer is infected by malware or a virus, then all computers on the network
have the potential to be infected.
What is the number one threat to network security and how can that threat be managed?
Data leakage is the number one threat to network security. It can be managed by having the proper antivirus software
installed. It can also be managed by being careful of ads that one clicks on and have patches installed.
Define the following threat classes:

Ad-ware/Browser Hijacking

Evil software that hackers use to corrupt computer

operation, and gain access to sensitive info.
Software that gathers sensitive information to use
against the person
Software used to prevent, detect, and remove
Standalone software that does not need to attach
itself to another program. They can disguise
themselves as system files.
Software which uses advertisements to get
info/revenue for its maker.

Using the table below, list any third party security software that will be added to your system and what threat class it is
designed to protect against?

Threat Class
Viruses, malware, Trojans, worms


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