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Dreams can take you on a side road, be open to the journey and the

process of fulfilling them.

Sometimes I am still in amazement as to where my life has taken me. If anyone would
have told me 20 years ago that I would be living in Nashville, writing country music, I
wouldn’t have believed it. I had spent so much time preparing to work in musical theatre
that I was certain I would spend the rest of my life on stage. But after Bill and I got
married, we moved to Nashville. I had dabbled in songwriting as a teenager, but it wasn’t
until I was in my early twenties that I got really serious about writing.
Think back about who you wanted to be when you grew up. I love how dreams can
morph and change, moving in a parallel direction to the life we are living. Do dreams
lead us or do we lead our dreams? This is what I mean about being open to the journey.
On occasion we may seem to force our dreams into submission. So many times our
dreams seem so absolute, that we don’t allow them to have a life of THEIR own and take
us on a ride. You may be reading this thinking, I haven’t fulfilled my dreams…but now
you may be at a place in your life when you are able to pick up on those dreams, they
way they look now, and slowly awaken yourself to their current reality. I think it’s
important to be grateful for the journey and for what we gather along the way. There are
so many people I’ve met and experiences I’ve had that have taught me so much about
myself. I think about how this has helped my writing grow and get stronger, and you can
use your journey in this way, too. You may be experiencing something in life that you
can write about which would touch many people, even if you think it only applies to you.
I remember an internet marketer saying once, if you are passionate about something,
there are thousands of other people who are as well.

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