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Showing Professionalism

Professional educators comply with school and district regulations and procedures, such as those
related to punctuality, dress code, completion of reports and adherence to the state standards.
Showing evidence in this area would include maintaining an open mind when given feedback
that will further my teaching career, finding new approaches to old solutions, and by being
willing to put the student at the center of all my planning. Showing professionalism speaks to
always remaining cognizant that schools are not institutions run for the convenience of the adults
who work for them; rather, the purpose of the schools is to educate students.
According to the North Carolina Association of Educators, As a first-year teacher, you have no
name recognition, no reputation, and no credibility. Think of it as a clean slate. This is
important. I realize when I walk into my classroom, the image I want my students to see is the
one they will carry with them as they travel their educational journey. As their mentor, the
image I portray can determine the educational path my students take in life. This is why showing
professionalism in the school community will not only define my image, but also impact the
image of the profession as a whole.

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