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Clairvoyance EZ Lessons

Begin by preparing a journal, placing a date at the top. You can also use your computer.
Messages often come in symbols that reflect your abilities to interpret what is experienced with
you third dimension mind. Helpful guides may include:


Crystalinks Divination Symbols

Other Word Symbols

Dream Dictionary

Lesson 1 - Opening the Third Eye - Seeing COLORS

Colors are very important as they are frequencies. Colors have tones and overtones.
Find a quiet place free of distractions. . .
Get comfortable
Close your eyes.
Relax your mind and body.
Focus on your breathing.

Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose.

Retain the breath as long as is comfortable.
Exhale through the mouth slowly and completely
Repeat for two more breaths ... or as is comfortable.
Focus your mind to 'view' a screen just behind your forehead.
Try this several times, for focus.
Your third eye will begin to open.
You are going to look for a color today - any color.
You may initially see 'black' - but be patient.
Keep watching the screen.
A color will manifest. It is often purple or indigo - the color of the third eye chakra.
Once you have experienced the color - stop for now.
Check out the meaning of the color. Try to connect something in your life with that color

Lesson 2 - Shapes

Today we will begin to look for shapes or images.

Some people feel more relaxed with music playing, other prefer silence to focus.
These images are always present as your consciousness is always busy in more than one reality
of thought. Most people don't pay attention to the images because their are not programmed to
look at images in higher frequency. Just because you wake up from your dream, does not mean
your soul has stopped experiencing at that level of reality. Consciousness is multidimensional
and ongoing. It is about learning, slowly in third dimension, but faster and faster as it spirals
upward in frequency.
Prepare as you did in Lesson 1.

Focus on the screen in your mind behind your forehead again.

You will soon see a shape or image appear.
Make a mental note of the shape as it may be an archetype that your cellular memory has set in
for you at this time, one without physical meaning.
Some shapes may remain stationery, while others become animated and holographic. Observe as
if watching a flim strip, for in truth reality is nothing more than projected illusion - a hologram in which souls experience virtually.
If you see nothing, practice with meditation, or the like. It will help you tune into to the images.
It's like any other skill, the more your practice, the easier it becomes.
Blockages may come from mental illness, substance abuse, fear, lack of understanding what you
see. or wanting an answer that is not shown.
Examine the images, then later record what you have seen. They may mean one thing to you
today, and something else in the future.

Lesson 3 - Entities
Prepare as before.
As that a guide, deceased loved one, or other spirit, show themselves to you.
This may take a bit of practice.
Once connected ... as to be taken on a journey ... your past, future, destiny shown.
Again, this is after you feel comfortable with messages received.
This of course goes to meditation (receiving and listening) techniques. They are part of the
healing realms and could offer good insight into who you are.
Once a message is given, as with all forms of divination, you cannot ask again. You can only ask
for clarity.

Archetypes are visual symbols or energetic imprints that exist in our psyches. Some are readily
understood while others bring subliminal messages that are there to help you trigger your
memory of why you are here and the truth behind the illusion of reality. Archetypes can often
convey messages that verbal and written information cannot.
Archetypes are found everywhere, as their symbols are a language of the mind, taken to different
frequencies of thought and connected to each other by the collective unconsciousness. There are
individual and universal archetypes. You become aware of them in meditation, dreamtime,
remote viewing or other out-of-body experiences, when you doodle on a pad, crop circles or
landscape art, other art forms, jewelry, hieroglyphs, a logo, on a billboard, anywhere at all.
Archetypes can also be auditory, a tone, a series of notes, a harmonic. Reality is a series of
metaphors set into motion by the synchronicity of archetypes we experience.
The term Archetype began with Carl Jung. In Jung's terms, 'Archetype' is defined as the first
original model of which all other similar persons, objects, or concepts are merely derivative,
copied, patterned, or emulated. These patterns derive from a universal collective unconscious
which in metaphysics is called the Grids, Akashic Records, Sea of Consciousness, that which
creates our reality In this context, archetypes are innate prototypes for ideas, which may
subsequently become involved in the interpretation of observed phenomena.
Master or Universal archetypes are created by the patterns of Sacred Geometry. The remainder
are derivatives of these patterns.

Archetypes and Symbols

12 Around 1

Alchemy Wheel of Time, Karma, Synchronicity, Creation

Spirals, clockwise or counter-clockwise, Sacred Geometry

Golden Mean, Phi Ratio, Movement of Consciousness

Black Feathered Sun

Eclipse of light and consciousness, at the end of time.

Hoag's Galaxy

Milky Way Galaxy

Arms, Harmonics

Sagittarius archer, heart center The Eye, Bull's Eye, Taurus, Cow, Bull
Animal Prophecies and White Buffalo Calf Woman

The Eye
Creation, Sacred Geometry


Amphibious Gods

Zero Point Merge

Star of David, Flower of Life, Kabbalah

Merkabah Rotation and Spin of Consciousness

Counter-rotating Fields, Duality, Polarity
Seeking Balance and Reunion of Self

The Fan Blade Archetype

The Fan Blade is often an archetype reflecting rotating, or

spinning movement through consciousness, time and dimension.


Time, Hourglass, 'X', X BoX
Biogenetic EXperiment in Time and Emotion

Emerald Tablets of Thoth, As is Above, So is Below

Eye Symbology, Heavy Eyelids, Lens of Time, Projected Illusion


Tones, Harmonics
Pendulum Archetype is found everywhere in
the sacred architecture/ geometry of our reality
St. Peter's Square at the Vatican

World War II Memorial in Wash. D.C.

Sacred Geometry and Architecture

In Mythology: The Capitol of Atlantis

Crop Circles

Megalithic Monuments

Space, Music, Art, Sperm & Egg
Tick Tock! [note the exclamation point]
Pendulums, Dowsing

Barbell, Dumbbell, 12 Flower Petal of Life, Creating Balance in Time

11:11 DNA, Digital Codes of Awakening

'Squatter Man' Archetype

Egyptian Symbols and Their Meanings


Languages and Scripts

Trains, like all other vehicles, boats, cars, planes, represent life paths. To move slow is to get
nowhere. A speeding train, you move quickly. The train tracks symbolize half of the 'X' where as
is above meets so is below, forming the hourglass or 'X' of time, the old X, Y, Z of alchemy, stir
in a pinch of gold [blood, DNA] ----> Zero Point Merge. Leave your baggage in 3D, you won't
need it where we're going.

Judgement, Balance, Closure

Egyptian Archetypes by Damien

Native American

This specific design in its horizontal position represents the 'Universal Law of Free Will'. No one
shall control another's physical, mental, emotional, sexual or spiritual essence. The repercussions

of this violation result in decades and centuries of misplaced balance that affects the harmony of
the universe and generates reincarnated souls that need to correct karma, which is needed for the
continued existence of humankind. All philosophical and spiritual people may have many
translations of this symbol according to their mental growth, but the result of each message will
remain the same.

This design in its vertical position represents the 'Spiritual Freedom of Humanity', the right to
choose one's path in life, the right to choose between the Red Road and the Black Road, the right
to choose a walk that is a steady road to higher spiritual growth or the right to choose the
opposite, which would result in moral degradation for the human spirit. The representation of the
adjacent road shows that there is always a choice and a chance to change.

This design represents the 'Universal Change of Unci Maka' (the Earth ), or the four seasons of
the Earth, as represented by the 'waniyetu' (winter), the 'wetu' (spring), the 'mdoyetu' (summer),
and the 'ptanyetu'.

This design represents, the 'Four Stages of Physical / Emotional / Mental / Spiritual Growth of
the Man and Woman', the 'bebena' (baby), the 'wikoska' (young man) and the 'wikoske' (young
woman), and the 'wicahcana' (old man) and the 'winhucana' (old women). In the feminine terms
it will be equal to the physical.

This design represents the 'Spirit of All Creation' , 'Moves With the Earth', the two-legged, the
four-legged, the ones that crawl, the ones that swim, and the plants and all that grow from 'Unci
Maka' (the Earth) and the spiritual walk of man.

This design represents 'Strength, Happiness and Health'. There is more to this one, and we will
know more later.

This is the symbol of the 'Universal Law of Innocence and Truth'. The upper line represents the
celestial (heaven), and the bottom line represents the terrestrial (Earth). The connection between
Heaven and Earth represents the creation of innocence and this is reflected by the center line.
The innocence has no right or wrong, no good or bad. This results in truth.

This is the symbol of 'Spiritual Protection'. The right line represents wicasa (man) and the left
represents winyan (woman). The connection between the two represents the wakanyeza (the
innocent children). The responsibility of the parents is to protect the children. This is the symbol
of Tiwahe (family) among the Lakota and the Dakota Oyate (Nation).

This symbol represents the 'Separation of Humankind' from the animals, plants, birds and all
creation. Man thought of himself as superior, better than the animals and the other creatures. This
created an extinction for many species, which equals an imbalance.

This is the symbol for the 'Spiritual Law of Equality'. No one is either above or below another.
Every life form is equal to all others. We all depend on all life forms for our existence.

This design represents the 'Connection Between the Creator and the Human Being'. The prayers
that are sent directly to the Creator are indicated by the wahinkpi pointing upwards. The Creator
then sends or answers the prayers however he feels back to Maka (the Earth).

This design represents the Freedom of Choice every human being faces. The direction he
chooses is either towards power or towards being a human being. The Wicahpi Oyate (The Star
Nation) carry the same choices. Some of them have made the decision for power and some of
them have chosen to be human beings.

This design represents the 'Universal Law of Light, Sound and Vibration'.

This design represents the Spiritual Gift to Humankind. It represents the power to see feeling,
the power to change things through thought, and the power of intuition.

This design represents the 'Universal Law of Judgment'.

This design represents the Spiritual Law of Karma, 'What goes around comes around'.

This design represents the 'Law of Nature'. The only animal that utilizes this law is the blacktailed deer. This design is a symbol that hasn't been utilized in the last 150 years.

This is the spiritual 'Law of Protection', which is being direct and to the point.

This is the spiritual 'Law of Protection', which is being direct and to the point.

This design is used by the 'Spirit of Doctoring'. It can be used as a design for the altar to help the
people with good health and to help those people to cross over. The design represents the gift to
bring people back up to the level of being in balance and structuring their spiritual levels back to
the understanding and balancing their physical, mental and emotional and spiritual awareness
back into the Circle of Life and living in oneness with creation.

This one represents the 'Universal Law of Perception', the art of being far sighted into the realms
of Universal thought and respect for mankind and all forms of life on Keya Maka (the Earth). To
perceive any act that will create long term devastation that will create an imbalance within the

This design represents the 'Spiritual Law of Perception'. It is used to help those who need help on
a spiritual and emotional level. This law helps those who ask for help and tells us not to use this
spiritual law to manipulate others into our way of spiritual thought. It also requires every
individual to see how his/her words and actions can create spiritual construction or spiritual

Archetypes By Nicole Torres

It seems as if the blueprints have a particular frequency attached to each one. I see them three
dimensionally as if I could actually walk through them and obtain information about them
through actually going through them. A composition of several of these blueprints would
actually make up an intelligible group of sounds ....all of them are like morphemes, a unique
sound that when grouped together make up words or symbols that convey intense meanings. In
one of my meditations I walked through several of these prints and realized that within each of
them there existed many smaller blueprints that made up the larger ones, hence the information
was of course infinite.











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Reading symbols (archetypes) is subjective at best. When interpreting symbols, use your psychic
abilities to get more information. You can also use a Dream Book or a book that details symbols
and archetypes to get further clarification of the images you see. As consciousness is evolving,
so too are the meanings of most symbols. Try to view them as holograms.

List of Symbols
ACORN - at the top means success and gain: At the bottom means good health.
AIRCRAFT - journey; if broken means danger of accident; can also mean a rise in position
ANCHOR - cross, Jesus, at top rest, stability, constancy; at bottom means clouded, inconstancy
APPLE - computer, knowledge, achievement
AXE - difficulties; if at top overcoming of difficulties
BABY - something new, pregnancy
BALL - completion, variable fortunes
BELL - harmonics, creation, spiritual, unexpected news
BIRDS - ascension, good news, bird headed beings
BOAT - lifepath, (note size and speed of boat), and visit from a friend, protection
BOOK - you will find your answer by something written, if open it's good news; if closed you
need to investigate something
BUTTERFLY - transition, transformation, Butterfly Effect
CANDLE - sacred light, creational flame, help from others
CAT - deceit, a false friend, Cat Headed Beings
CELEBRITIES - To see the face of a celebrity, may link to that person's destiny or the initials of
their names
CHAIN - DNA, engagement, a wedding, chain link, karma

CHAIR - a guest
CIRCLE - success, completion
CLOCK - alchemy of time and consciousness, better health
COIN - change in financial status
CROSS - protection, sacrifice
CUP - reward, bloodlines
DAGGER - warning, danger from self or others, power
DOG - friend, Sirius, celestial connotation, Egyptian god, Anubis
DOOR - opening (to something new) or closing (old issues and relations), spiritual (portal)
DUCK - money coming, a man named Bill, 'ducks in a row'
EGG - good omen, creation, new beginnings, sacred geometry
ELEPHANT - wisdom, strength, luck, Ganesh, trunk up indicates overcoming obstacles
ENVELOPE - message coming, positive or negative
EYE - creation - open (awakening) - closed (something not seen)
FAN - hand held (pleats) - rotary (4, time divination, numerology)
FEATHER - ascension
FENCE - limitations, minor setbacks, not permanent
FINGER - which finger, pointing in what direction,pointing to god
FIRE - sacred flame, at top achievement; at bottom danger of haste
FISH - Jesus, Creation - Vesica Pisces, Amphibious Gods, good fortune, Christ Consciousness,
return of the soul to higher frequency or god
FLAG - denotes nationality
FLY - domestic annoyance
FORK - speak with false tongue, false flattery

FORKED LINE - decision

FRUIT - fruitful, prosperity (depends on the fruit which goes to seeds and planting something
GATE - opportunity, future success, ancient civilization, portal, doorway
GLOW - enlightenment
GOAT - be careful of enemies
GUN - anger, sex
HAMMER - hard work needed, getting a point across
HAND - of god, creation, if open means friendship; if closed means an argument
HARP - creational harmonics, love, harmony
HAT - head, consciousness, improvement
HAWK - Horus, jealousy
HEART - chakra, pleasure, love, trust, compassion
HORSE - if galloping means good news; if just the head means a lover or nebula, new
HORSESHOE - good luck, attraction, Earth's magnetics, Omega or Leo, closure
HOURGLASS - time running out, need to decide something, synchronicity, illusion, creation
HOUSE - security, change, success
ICEBERG - danger, planetary meltdown, ice age, consciousness frozen in Time
INSECT - depends which one
JEWELS - DNA, Pearls, Diamonds, Star Tetrahedron, sacred geometry, gifts
KANGAROO - harmony at home
KITE - wishes coming true, flying free
KNIFE - broken friendship, hidden enemy
LADDER - promotion, a rise or fall in life, DNA

LAMP - turned on means enlightenment, at the top means a feast; at the side means secrets
revealed; at the bottom means postponement
LEAF - new life
LINES - if straight means progress; if wavy means uncertain path
LION - Leo, Omega, Closure, influential friends, strength, Zoroaster
LOCK - obstacles if closed - new information unfolding if open, lock and key are phallic
symbols of creation
LOOP - loops of time and creation, avoid impulsive actions, slinky effect
MASK - something hidden
MOUNTAIN - obstacles or a specific area
MOUSE - theft, computer
MUSHROOM - at top means journey or moving to the country; near bottom means rapid
growth; if reversed means frustration, psychedelics
NAIL - injustice, unfairness
NECKLACE - DNA, complete, admirers; if broken means danger of losing a lover
NEEDLE - recognition, admiration, sewing, eye, weaving
OAK - health, long life, tree of life
OCTOPUS - danger, 8, infinity
OSTRICH - travel, not seeking a truth
OWL - gossip, scandal, aliens owl symbology
PALM TREE - success, honor, place were they grow
PARASOL - open (you will glean insightful information), closed (something hidden), raining
(water symbology of creation)
PARROT - repeating something, a twin, a journey, people talking and saying nothing
PIG - greed

PURSE - at top means profit; at bottom means lose

QUESTION MARK - need for caution
RABBIT - need for bravery, time and illusion, Alice in Wonderland
RAKE - watch details, planting seeks, reap what you sow
RAVEN - bad news, death that leads to new beginnings
RING - phone call, coming full circle, near the top means marriage or the offer of marriage; at
bottom means long engagement; if broken means engagement broken off
ROSE - Rose bloodline, creation, flower of life, love, may be accompanied by a fragrance in the
SAW - interference, tear apart, something viewed
SCALE - legal issues; if balanced means just result; if unbalanced means unjust result
SCISSORS - quarrels, possibly separation
SHEEP - good fortune
SHELL - good news, nautilus, golden ratio, sea of creation
SHOE - sole/soul, condition of shoe is important, transformation
SNAKE - DNA, wisdom, or if the snake is attacking, an enemy
SPIDER - weaving together, Spider Woman Prophecies
STAR - health and happiness, hope, heavens, Isis and other goddesses, female energies,
SUN - happiness, success, power
SWORD - arguments
TABLE - social gatherings, UFO platform, outside the box
TENT - travel, cover, hidden truth
THIMBLE - changes at home
TORTOISE - criticism, usually beneficial, slow moving, Turtle Island (Earth)

TREE - improvements, of life, creation, book of life, your life path

TRIANGLE - something unexpected, 3 in a relationship, pyramids, 3, third dimension
URN - wealth and happiness
VASE - a friend needs help
VOLCANO - harmful emotions
WAGON - a wedding, wagon wheels (wheels within wheels)
WASP - romantic problems
WATERFALL - prosperity
WHEAT - abundance
WHEEL - if complete means good fortune; if broken means disappointment
WINGS - messages, winged beings
WOLF - jealousy
YOKE - domination
ZEBRA - adventure, especially overseas, black and white









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Spiritual awakening


Part of self ignored or rejected


Important message from spirit, listen carefully


Instinctive part of self. Characteristics of animal


Feminine part of self; playful, independent


Nurturing, sustenance


Gentle, innocent. Failure to awaken strenght, inner protection


Masculine part of self. Loyalty. If visciuos, need to redirect positively


Powerful part of self. Gentle, helpful. Can be destructive if angry


Need for meditation


Freedom, power, sexual energy


Strength, power. Anger in self, fear of aggression


Betrayal of self. Gossip, judging others


Health, knowledge, wisdom


New birth within self, new beginning


Unnecessary or excess clutter


Wholeness, integration of conscious and unconscious


Need for self-acceptance, irresponsibility


Where conscious and unconscious meet


Spiritual freedom


Life force, energy


Emotional self


Expression of self on earth, external form of internal nature


Small annoyances


Something is robbing self of energy


You in daily physical life. Who is driving is in control. Going uphill, going right way;
down hill, wrong way.




Aspects of yourself; vulnerability, innocence, openness


Heart center, love within


Revisiting childlike pleasures


a Need for communication, cooperation with others, other parts of self


If upward, going right way; if down, going wrong way


a Protection or hiding self from others, covering up


Harmony in energy field


Part of self no longer necessary


Cheating, limiting self


Good job! Praise


Dancing around a problem; joy, happiness


Making way for new beginnings


Lower, ignorant side of self


Inner healer, spiritual guidance


Playing a role in life


Nourishment needed. May be emotional, physical, mental, etc.


If unknown, unknown part of self; face up to situation


Loss of control in situation, low energy


Obstacle to growth that needs to be overcome


Life force, spiritual power


Overwhelming emotions


good growth, beauty, fulfillment


Free from physical limitations; spiritual journey


Unable to see clearly


Opportunity, new possibility


Initiation, job well done


Higher self, love, light, truth, wisdom, creative power. All encompassing love


Spiritual growth vehicle


Fear of facing parts of self, situations


Opportunity for spiritual growth


The self. Different rooms or areas represent parts of self.


Frozen emotions, feelings, blocked from giving, receiving


Refuge, desire to run away


Self-imposed barriers


Exploration of self


Ability within self to open door to truth; wisdom


Destroying parts of self


Power, wealth of knowledge, awareness of self worth


Affection, warmth, communication


Cutting away parts of self


News, information, teaching


Wisdom, higher power. Ability to see and understand


Closed off


Extension, utilization of natural power


Path you chose to follow


Bringing together ideas, people, aspects of self


Different roles you play, faces worn. Hiding self, dishonesty


Confusion, feeling lost. Always of own making.


Place of rest, relaxation and safety


Self meeting self; could mean being critical, need to examine self instead of others


Changes coming into your life


Fears of your own making


Security, inner peace, romance, love, creativity, inspiration, intuition


Healing, creative flow of life


Nightmares are teaching dreams. Higher self trying to get your attention. Symbols
aren't frightening, just a way for you to remember


Each number has a spiritual meaning, special message. Add double-digit numbers
together to achieve single digit


Teacher, spiritual qualities within self


Enormous emotional energy


If reach orgasm in dream, may indicate need to release sexual energy


If sent to someone, giving away part of self; if received, getting in touch with
unknown part of self


Celebration of growth achieved


Not in control of your direction, going along for the ride


Direction in life. Going up is right direction, down is wrong


Power, aggression, impregnating with ideas


Many different aspects of self. Rarely represents actual person.


Critic within. Can be helpful or destructive. Nature of relationship with own boss


Quality you see is projected from own self


Female or male part of self. Qualities you project on spouse. Nature of relationship
with own spouse


Aspect of self not familiar with yet


Integration of feminine, masculine. Desire for warmth, nurturing, connection


Message or dream is coming


Guidance, leadership, powerful feminine qualities emerging


Cleansing in preperation for emotional growth


Losing energy. Allowing someone to sap energy, strength


Feminine or masculine qualities and aspects of that individual you identify with.
Rarely represents actual person, only aspects of self.


Many options for sustenance, nurturing. Need for fellowship


Right side of anything is giving, creativity, intuition. If turning right, going in right


Flow of your own life


Direction in life. If paved, smooth going; condition of road is how you are creating
your life now. Going up hill, right direction; down, wrong; up and down, reacting to
things, not making progress. If come to a fork in road, about to face major decision


Running away, not ready to face or deal with situation. To gain insight, turn and
face pursuer. Facing a fear dissolves it. Running towards something, eager to begin
new growth.


Life is school. Lessons never change until you learn them


Cut out what is not beneficial


New beginning, potential


Past or present life roles. All people in a dream are aspects of the self


Merging of energies. When having sex with particular person, blending of that
person's energies, qualities with self.


Emptiness, spiritual deadness. Not in touch with feelings, emotions


Life force. Central higher self energy


Clean up your act


Direction in life. Condition, direction you are going. If up, right direction; down,


Great inner resources, opportunities


Killing off aspects of self, creativity. Giving up, not facing problem


Learning emotional lessons


If making call, asking for help, understanding. Receiving, message from higher self


Symbol of individual growth, development. Notice condition, health. How deep are
the roots? Is the tree healthy? Are there leaves?


Passageway through levels of consciousness


Receptivity, openness, growth, creative force


Sucking energy from others or having energy drained








Many facets of self; great potential for personal growth


Self in life journey


Blockage, obstacle




Emotional energy


Misuse of energy


Eternal circle, self meeting self


Seeing beyond current situation


Part of self needing change


Closing or opening something

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