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October 25th, 2014

from the desk of Charlene Dobson

Hello to our Readers;

The following is an affidavit I did in March of 2009, trying to become a part of the appeal and have
my situation told and receive justice. The court was not interested in hearing me, but I hope
everyone out there will be interested in what happens to too many babies and children like myself.
My grandma and I have added to our website various quotes of wisdom and videos, some
documentaries and some music. This is to give you a better understanding of what sexual abuse
and severe physical and ritual abuse does to a child like me.
I am a First Nations' woman. In my Indigenous studies in high school I recognized more our legacy
concerning our history with residential schools .
I began to relate to our collective 'pain and suffering' and noticing the sad and crippling effects on
my people. The documentary Where the Spirit Lives makes all of this 'hit home'.
Every child has the right to feel safe and be loved. They need to belong to a family. The video/
documentary entitled Child of Rage found under the section 'HIS BRUISED REEDS'
clearly shows everyone what happens to children when they are victims of such abuse.
My brother Jonathan and I and my siblings and even my baby sisters who died with no coroner's
inquests need justice. We will continue to press forward for justice until we receive it because all of
our lives must count and our voices must be heard for positive changes to occur. This will be
important for many of you also. There is hope for you as there was for me.
Love heals us and God is love. I have added this video Broken Girl by Matthew West. I know
there are many bruised and broken boys also. My Healer is the One who is in this song-Jesus.
Broken Girl by Matthew West with Lyrics - YouTube.url

If you feel bruised or even broken and are thinking of suicide to end your pain- STOPBECAUSE OTHERS NEED YOU - I NEED YOU!

The Healing Has Begun, Matthew West lyrics! - YouTube.url

Warning: Due to the horrible things that I am telling you about, what
happened to me, you may find it hard to read my documents. If you've been
a victim like myself it may be hard to read since it is still hard for me.
Therefore please govern yourself accordingly.

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