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Landon Middleton

November 21, 2014

UWRT 1101
Discourse Community Reflection
I learned a lot about how discourses communities work. I think they are
really cool because you get a feel of belonging to a group of people that share a same
common interest. I love soccer to death and feel that we have one of the biggest
communities in the world. Over 3 billion people love to partake in any way they can
with soccer. I became more educated on the worlds look as opposed to my look on
soccer. I know have a sense of being apart of great community of people.
If I were to do anything different, it would be choosing a different topic. I
know everything there is to know about soccer. Maybe challenging myself in a
different area where I still feel am apart of a community may have been more
beneficial. I also would have liked to have word everything on our essay much
better for the audience to read. I found it quite difficult to explain the rules and
regulations of soccer on paper.

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