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10 November 2014 Bylaws Carter-Riverside Neighborhood Association “Article I=Name ‘The name ofthis organization shall he Carter-Riverside Neighborhood Association (CRNA). Article = Purpose “This association sal be to foster and promote the quality of living in Riverside; to assist and represent the miembos ofthis association in ll pertinent matters regarding local, state and federal government to implement programs forthe beatification and improvement of the ‘physical and natural propetes inthe area to increase and maintain property values in Riverside; to inerease the commercial Ventures in Riverside; and to generate the funds necessary to adequately Finance these programs. Article II - Membership ‘Organization year is July to June. Duss are pid during the month of uly. Dues ae non- refundable and are not prorated. Members must be 18 years oroler. ‘Membership 1. Voting Membership ~ shall be per person for any one residing within the boundaries. Each ‘member in good standing has one vote. 2, Business Membership ~shll be any person, frm, or corporation operating apace of business witin the boundaries. There is only one Business Membership per business ress, Business members sall have speaking privileges, but have no voting privileges and ‘annot hold office or chair «commits. 3, Associate Membership ~ shall be any person, im, or corporation who owns property. but ether resides, or operates place of business within the Boundaries but have interest in the ‘Associaton and its Purpose. Associate members shall have speaking privileges, but have no ‘voting privileges and cannot hold office or chair a commit. Boundaries: Are centerine, ‘Western boundary is Noth Riverside Drive. Noreen boundary is Hollis Stet aster boundary is North Beach Steet. Southem boundary is Highway 121 Article FV Meetings 1. General Meetings willbe held a minimum of four times a year. '+ Scheduled meetings wil be decided atthe first mosting ofthe organization year. ‘+ Frequency times, nd location of meetings willbe published on CRNA Website, City of Fort Worth Website, Facebook and any other social media.

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