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Breaking Down the Arts Strategy Dance

General Space
1) Ask children how they can travel from one spot in the room to another OR use a puppet and ask
the same question.
2) Teacher models different solutions to movement problem of how to travel from one spot to
another in classroom OR puppet demonstrates, OR child demonstrates
3) Children travel in circle or around classroom in a line practicing different locomotor movements.
Teacher guides them first and then asks them to make choices. Freeze in between choices.
4) If using a book, ask children to make decisions about how different animals/characters might
travel in the story.
5) Select four animals/characters and sequence a dance phrase using the locomotor movements
the children have selected.
For each of these strategies the teacher will
Co lead

Copyright Protected. May not be duplicated without permission of the Wolf Trap Foundation.
Reviewed 7/2014
Page 3-26

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