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In the movie Pay it Forward, Trevor attempts to make the world a better place by committing

acts of kindness for three people. Trevor hopes that each of those three people will do the same
for three others, creating an exponential positive effect. This movie reminded me of a book I read
called The Street Lawyer. The main character in the book was also motivated to change peoples
lives for the better.
I feel like this movie also relates to my life because I try to live my life by a similar principle. I
try to be as kind to people as I can; I do this because I hope that my actions will possibly create
an extending effect that impacts countless people in a positive way.
If more people in the world lived by this principle or the principles of Pay it Forward, then this
world would be a much better place. Too many people are too self-centered and self-involved to
live this way. In turn, their behavior and the way they treat people has extending effects that
impacts countless people in a negative way.

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