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Joseph M.

MTL - Personal Musicianship Project Stage 5
Teaching Hip Hop Guide

Fundamentals of Hip Hop


Hip Hop is an all-encompassing way of life, not just a musical genre

KRS One's 9 Elements of Hip Hop are very important

1. Break dancing

2. Rapping

3. Graffiti art

4. DJing

5. Beatboxing

6. Street fashion

7. Street Language

8. Street Knowledge

9. Street Entrepreneurialism

Pioneers of Hip Hop music


These are the men and women that brought Hip Hop into the public eye

DJ Kool Herc & DJ Afrika Bambaataa - coined term

Rappers and MCs were the main contributors to the large Hip Hop movement
and incorporation in society


Grandmaster Flash

Developed the well-known DJ techniques:

Backspin Technique (Quick-Mix Theory)

Punch Phasing (Clock Theory)


The Sugar Hill Gang


First rap song "Rapper's Delight"


Public Enemy

Rapped about political issues and matters among the black


Salt n Pepa

Beastie Boys

First females

First white rap duo

Inform students that most of what they hear on the radio today is a result of the
listed people

Inform students that though graffiti art is a main element of hip hop, it is not
condoned, especially students in cities

Most of the other elements of hip hop go unrecognized

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