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Oviduct:-very tortuous tube and much long, transport from ovary
side of fertilization and transfer's sperm from side of deposition to
the side of fertilization.
It divided into three parts:1- Infundibulum:-it represented in the ovarian extremity(pole),it
has funnel-like in shape, in the middle presence small orifice
called(ostium-abdominal tube ) which have
irregular process called(fimbria).
2-Ampulla:-it dilation part of uterine tube and regarded, it
considered place of fertilization.
3-Isthmus:-it's narrow part and end by(ostium-uterine tube
) and sometimes called (utero-tubal junction
Uterus:-consider temporary incubator of fetus, it's hallow
muscular organ which continuous with uterine tube cranially
and open into vagina caudally. Situated into abdominal
cavity and extend to pelvic cavity.
Types of uterus:
1-Bicornuate uterus() :-characterized as long uterine
horn and small body, found in (cow, ewe and doe).
2-Bipartite uterus() :-it's short uterine horn and
large body, probably found in (mare).
3-Duplex uterus():-absent of body, found in
4-Simple uterus():-absent of uterine horn, presence in

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